Belarus - главные новости

06.06 / 13:14
Provident Lukashenko, UN chief discuss pressing issues over phone, including Ukrainian grain export
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had a telephone conversation on 3 June, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. The parties discussed the most pressing issues on the agenda, focusing on the export of grain from Ukraine. The head of state clearly outlined his position on this topic: Belarus is ready to ship Ukrainian grain to the Baltic ports through its territory.
28.05 / 18:01
Citizens 29,000 Ukrainians enter Belarus since 24 February
29,000 Ukrainian nationals have arrived in Belarus since 24 February, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. «From 6.00 on 24 February to 6.00 on 27 May, 29,008 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus. 15,797 came to Belarus from Ukraine, 11,492 — from Poland, 1,477 — from Lithuania, 242 – from Latvia,» the State Border Committee said.
28.05 / 17:59
Waters Share of natural gas in Belarus' energy mix to decrease to 60% with launch of NPP
With the launch of the nuclear power plant, the share of natural gas in Belarus' energy mix will decrease to 60%, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said during a panel discussion at the Eurasian Economic Forum via a video link, BelTA has learned. The minister spoke about the main areas of improving the country's energy security, the measures taken to diversify the fuel and energy mix. Construction of the nuclear power plant is a key project for Belarus. Belarus became the first foreign site where the Rosatom state corporation built a nuclear power plant with third-generation pressurized water reactors of increased safety.
28.05 / 17:59
MET Lukashenko: Ukraine conflict prompted Belarus to revisit army modernization plan
The recent events in Ukraine have prompted Belarus to revisit the modernization strategy for its Armed Forces, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the Defense Ministry of Belarus to discuss military security issues on 26 May, BelTA has learned. “Look, when we met, it was before Russia's military operation in Ukraine, we had a different idea of how to improve and modernize our Armed Forces. Three months of the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, of the military operation have passed, and we have realized that we need to drop our initial modernization strategy as it turned out to be too expensive and overall unacceptable for our country. We have built a better understanding of what kind of army we should have,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
28.05 / 17:59
target Lukashenko: We see true goals of the events NATO is staging
The events NATO is staging around Belarus' borders represent reconnaissance and exploration of the possible future theater of war. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the conference held at premises of the Defense Ministry on 26 May to discuss military security, BelTA has learned.
28.05 / 17:59
Cooper Pakistan shows interest in direct supplies of Belarusian woodworking products
Pakistani business is interested in direct supplies of Belarusian woodworking products, BelTA learned from the National Center for Marketing and Price Study of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Belarusian timber enjoys high demand in Pakistan: total timber imports exceed $100 million annually. “Belarusian woodworking products are well-known in Pakistan and are highly praised for their quality (in 2021 their exports exceeded $2 million).
28.05 / 17:52
Continental Lukashenko comments on pressure on Belarus
Belarus has always been the place where the interests of major players have clashed, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the Defense Ministry of Belarus to discuss military security issues on 26 May, BelTA has learned. «A few years ago I said that our big problem is the geographical location. The Lord has put us in the center of the European continent. No matter what happens here, Belarus has always been the place where the interests of major players have clashed.
28.05 / 17:52
Extreme Lukashenko sends condolences to USA over Texas tragedy
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has offered condolences to the people of the United States of America over the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “It was with deep pain that Belarus learned the news about the numerous victims, the absolute majority of whom were children, of the ruthless massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
27.05 / 13:33
Lukashenko: Belarus is to face unprecedented economic, political, military pressure
Belarus will face unprecedented economic, political and even military pressure, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the Defense Ministry of Belarus to discuss military security issues on 26 May, BelTA has learned. The head of state emphasized the need to discuss topical issues on adjusting the areas of further development of the Armed Forces under the present-day conditions. “The current events in the neighboring countries testify to the high dynamics of changes in the threats to the military security of Belarus, with the views on the use of military force and methods of armed struggle being transformed,” the Belarusian leader said. The president pointed out that the United States and its satellites continued the course on aggravation of relations with the whole world. In his words, there is a heated confrontation with Russia, increasing military presence near Belarus, as an ally of Russia, including large-scale exercises near its borders.
16.05 / 13:55
ups Belarus' export reaches $10.8bn in January-March 2022
In January-March 2022, Belarus' export of merchandise and services rose by 4.8% year-on-year up to $10.824 billion, BelTA learned from the website of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB). In January-March 2022 Belarus' foreign trade totaled $20.658 billion, up by 4% year-on-year. Import amounted to $9.834 billion (up by 3.3%).
16.05 / 13:55
Belarusian MPs condemn desecration of war memorials in Europe
The International Affairs Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus has passed a statement on the unacceptability of the desecration of memory of the warriors, who freed Europe from fascism, the press service of the lower chamber of the Belarusian parliament told BelTA. The International Affairs Commission resolutely condemns the campaign recently la
16.05 / 13:55
Foreign investments in Belarus economy at $3.4bn in Q1 2022
Foreign investors poured $3.4 billion in investments into the real sector of the Belarusian economy in Q1 2022, BelTA learned from the National Statistics Committee. The main investors in Belarusian corporations were commercial entities from Russia (37.7% of all the incoming investments), Cyprus (22.9%), Netherlands (8%), and Ukraine (6.6%). Foreign direct investments amounted to $3 billion, 88.8% of all the foreign investments.
16.05 / 13:55
ups Lukashenko: Our entire policy should be based on fairness
Belarus' entire policy should be based on fairness. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he made a number of personnel appointments on 13 May, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “People are the most important thing. I kindly ask you to work with people.
16.05 / 13:49
Belarusian ambassador to Poland relieved of post
Vladimir Chushev has been relieved of the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Poland.
16.05 / 13:49
ups Cooper PM: Belarus renews focus on cooperation with friendly countries of the East
Belarus has renewed its focus on cooperation with the friendly countries in the East, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said in an interview with Al Arabiya TV channel, BelTA has learned. «I would not call it a pivot to the East. It is more about renewing our focus on cooperation with the countries that work with us based on mutual respect, benefits, partnership, without imposing any paradigms of thinking, models of behavior or lecturing us about our domestic policy, where we are respected as a partner,» Roman Golovchenko said. Belarus has always tried to maintain equal and fairly symmetrical relations with all countries, the prime minister stressed.
16.05 / 13:43
Manufacturing ups Enterprise Belarus plans to export more to Russia, China
Commodity flows will be re-channeled from Western countries and Ukraine into friendly nations, mostly Russia and China, First Deputy Economy Minister of Belarus Yuri Chebotar said at the meeting of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee to discuss the region's industrial sector, BelTA has learned. “Foreign trade has reached a state of balance and we believe this balance will be preserved. Over the past three months, the export grew by 4.8% year-on-year, the trade surplus approached $1 billion. As far as manufacturing is concerned, this sector was affected by the sanctions the most, but at the same time it quickly bounced back despite the unfavorable environment.
16.05 / 13:43
Belarus' General Staff: There can be any provocations from Ukraine
There can be any kind of provocations from Ukraine, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus Igor Korol told the STV TV channel, BelTA informs. “There is objective evidence suggesting that American counter-battery stations are deployed near our border in the Ovruch area. To date, Ukraine has amassed about 10,000 troops against the Republic of Belarus in the Rovno direction. There are 6,000 of them i
16.05 / 13:43
target Buckwheat planting in Belarus 37.5% complete
Belarusian agricultural workers have planted buckwheat on 37.5% of the planned area, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of 16 May, spring crops were planted on the area of 1,912,700 hectares, which is 86.1% of the plan. Planting was done on 98.6% of the designated area in Brest Oblast, 88.4% of the area in Vitebsk Oblast, 74% of the area in Gomel Oblast, and 94.6% in Grodno Oblast, 89.6% in Minsk Oblast, and 70.2% in Mogilev Oblast.
16.05 / 13:43
Citizens Over 300 Ukrainians enter Belarus past weekend
More than 300 Ukrainian nationals arrived in Belarus past weekend, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. “From 6.00 on 14 May to 6.00 on 16 May, 324 citizens of Ukraine came to Belarus: 3 from Ukraine, 259 — from Poland, 57 – from Lithuania, 5 – from Latvia,” the State Border Committee said.
16.05 / 13:43
Cooper Lukashenko arrives in Moscow for CSTO summit
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has arrived in Moscow for a working visit. The plane of the head of state landed in Vnukovo International Airport, BelTA has learned. On 16 May Moscow will host the Summit of the Leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states.
16.05 / 13:28
Cooper Makei: Belarus stands for the fastest possible settlement of the Ukraine conflict
Belarus is in favor of the fastest possible settlement of the Ukraine conflict through diplomacy, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said at the CIS Foreign Ministers Council meeting in Dushanbe on 13 May, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Vladimir Makei emphasized in his speech that Belarus stands for the fastest possible settlement of the conflict through diplomacy taking into consideration the balance of interests. It also advocates the creation of a balanced and sustainable European security mechanism. The minister noted that attempts to limit the participatio
12.05 / 23:30
Manufacturing MET Enterprise Import substitution on agenda of next Belarus-Russia summit
I am going to discuss import substitution at the upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov in Minsk on 12 May, BelTA has learned. «Our relations have always been about oil, gas, trade, supplies, market and so on. I have repeatedly noted that what has been happening lately is a blessing in disguise. After all, these issues are being addressed in our country.
12.05 / 23:09
Lukashenko: IT industry of Belarus, Russia should not serve the needs of foreign tech giants
The IT sector of Belarus and Russia should develop their own products rather than work in the interests of major foreign companies, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting with Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov, BelTA has learned. “I think that Russia and Belarus can do a lot here. We need to encourage our IT specialists to produce end products, rather than to be at beck and call of big companies.
12.05 / 23:09
ups Cooper Enterprise Lukashenko suggests setting up cooperative enterprises with Russia
Now is the right moment to promote cooperative ties with Khabarovsk Territory and other regions of Russia, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Khabarovsk Territory Governor Mikhail Degtyaryov, BelTA has learned. The head of state noted that distance is no longer an obstacle for promoting trade and economic cooperation. “We have good means of communication. Therefore, we should trade, as trade is the basis of any economy.
12.05 / 23:09
Manufacturing MET Parke Lukashenko: The Hi-Tech Park will keep working
The IT industry in Belarus will continue developing, including the Hi-Tech Park. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus Boris Gryzlov, BelTA has learned. Prospects of manufacturing cooperation, import substitution, including in the sphere of information technologies, were discussed during the meeting.
12.05 / 21:23
Беларусь Второй полуфинал Евровидения-2022: онлайн-трансляция конкурса
Порядок выступления участников:Финляндия: The Rasmus — Jezebel;Израиль: Michael Ben David — I.M;Сербия: Konstrakta — In Corpore Sano;Азербайджан: Nadir Rustamli — Fade To Black;Грузия: Circus Mircus — Lock Me In;Мальта: Эмма Мускат И Ам (What I Am);Сан-Марино: Achille Lauro — Stripper;Австралия: Sheldon Riley — Not The Same;Кипр: Andromache — Ela;Ирландия: Brooke — That’s Rich;Северная Македония: Andrea — Circles;Эстония: Stefan — Hope;Румыния: WRS — Llámame;Польша: Ochman — River;Черногория: Vladana — Breathe;Бельгия: Jérémie Makiese — Miss You;Швеция: Cornelia Jakobs — Hold Me Closer;Чехия: We Are Domi — Lights Off.
12.05 / 20:50
ООН расследование военные В ООН проголосовали за начало расследования военных преступлений в Украине
The Human Rights Council has voted to increase scrutiny on the "deteriorating human rights situation in #Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression," particularly given events in #Mariupol and several other towns and cities.✅ YES: 33❌ NO: 2➖ ABSTENTIONS: 12
09.05 / 13:58
Balance of interests of three countries seen as essential to solution of Ukraine conflict
The conflict in Ukraine should be resolved on the basis of a balance of interests of three countries: Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told the media in Minsk on 6 May, BelTA has learned. «Our principled position is that the negotiations should be conducted with the participation of the parties that are affected by the situation in our region. These are Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
09.05 / 13:58
Ambassador: Most of 28 Union State programs should be finalized by 1 July 2022
Work on the 28 Union State programs, approved by the presidents of Belarus and Russia last year, is in full swing. Most of them should be finalized by 1 July 2022, Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Vladimir Semashko told the media after a ceremony to lay a wreath from the Embassy of Belarus at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow on 6 May, BelTA has learned. The ambassador recalled that the heads of state also approved the program for further implementation of the Union State Treaty through 2024. “We have three years to develop the material basis of the Union State.
09.05 / 13:58
Booking man Ex-Belarus leader Shushkevich, the man who sacked Gorbachev, dies at 87
Former Belarus leader Stanislav Shushkevich, the man who broke the news to Mikhail Gorbachev that the Soviet Union was being consigned to history, has died at the age of 87, Belarusian media quoted his wife as saying on Wednesday. Shushkevich was one of the three main actors, with Russian president Boris Yeltsin and Ukraine's Leonid Kravchuk, at a meeting in a Belarusian hunting lodge in December 1991 at which they sounded the death knell of the former superpower led by Gorbachev. «The USSR as a geopolitical reality, and as a subject of international law, has ceased to exist,» they said in a joint statement announcing the formation of a new Commonwealth of Independent States.
09.05 / 13:45
Lukashenko: Great Victory has become integral part of Belarusian national idea
Great Victory has become an integral part of the national idea, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Great Victory at the Victory Monument in Minsk on 9 May, BelTA has learned. «I wish you Happy Great Victory Day. This victory helped to preserve the Belarusian people and predetermined the path of development of all generations of Belarusians. It has become an integral part of the national idea,» Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
09.05 / 13:45
Lukashenko warns West against speaking with Belarus from position of force
Belarusians are peaceful people, but the West should not even try to speak with us from a position of force, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Great Victory at the Victory Monument in Minsk on 9 May, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that no one abroad cares that the Belarusian army is not taking part in the military operation. They ignore the efforts of Belarus to ensure for the speedy cessation of hostilities in Ukraine.
08.05 / 09:42
общество интересное «Байрактары» стерли с лица земли укрепления оккупантов на Змеином: кадры из космоса
Associated Press опубликовало спутниковые снимки острова Змеиный в Черном море после того, как украинские защитники нанесли удар по позициям российских оккупантов.Как сообщает AP, на снимке, сделанном 7 мая компанией Planet Labs, виден черный дым после удара украинских беспилотников по позициям россиян, а также зафиксирован десантный корабль класса Серна возле острова.A satellite image taken Saturday by @planet showed what appeared to be a Serna-class landing craft against Snake Island’s northern beach. That corresponds to another Ukrainian military video released showing a drone strike hitting it, engulfing the vessel in flames.
02.05 / 14:01
COMPOSITE Wimbledon on collision course with tennis world after player ban
Wimbledon has set itself on a potential collision course with the rest of tennis after banning Russian and Belarusian players from this summer’s championships due to the scale and severity of the invasion of Ukraine. The decision was taken after nearly two months of deliberations and legal advice, with the All England Club also concerned about the image it would present if the world No 2, Daniil Medvedev, lifted its famous silver gilt cup on Centre Court. In an unusually strong statement Wimbledon expressed “sadness” that individual players
02.05 / 13:44
ups Belarus to reduce export duties on oil, oil products on 1 May
On 1 May 2022 Belarus will reduce export duties on oil and oil products, which are exported outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in line with the Council of Ministers' resolution No.263 of 28 April 2022, BelTA learned from the national legal internet portal. In line with the resolution the size of the export duty on crude oil, furnace oil, oil bitumen, petrolatum, paraffin, and waste oils will be $49.6 per tonne ($61.2 previously).
02.05 / 13:44
ups Belarus' food exports at $1.8bn in January-March 2022
Belarus exported $1.8 billion worth of food products in January-March 2022, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said during Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko's working visit to Chechersk District on 29 April, BelTA has learned. According to the minister, these figures are up 23% compared with the same stretch a year ago.
02.05 / 13:44
Cooper Kochanova: A lot has been done in Belarus, China to improve status of women
A lot has been done in Belarus and China to improve the status of women, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova said at a web-based seminar of women MPs of Belarus and China on 29 April, BelTA has learned. “I sincerely thank all the speakers for their detailed reports. We understand how relevant the women's agenda is. There is no doubt that the issues considered at the seminar are important and make a significant contribution to our constructive interaction,” Natalya Kochanova noted.
02.05 / 13:44
Volfovich: Active citizenship can help resist destructive pressure
On 29 April, the Institute of National Security hosted the 12th interdepartmental science conference of public outreach apparatuses of state bodies of the national security system of the Republic of Belarus, BelTA has learned. State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.
02.05 / 13:44
target Corning Colza planting in Belarus over 50% complete
Belarusian agricultural workers have planted colza on more than 50% of the planned area, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of 29 April, early spring crops (excluding corn, buckwheat and millet) were planted on the area of 568,300 hectares – 88.2% of the designated area. Planting was done on 83.3% of the designated area in Vitebsk Oblast, 98.5% of the area in Minsk Oblast, 40.6% of the area in Mogilev Oblast.
02.05 / 13:32
Belarus calls for open dialogue to discuss Lithuanian nuclear projects
Belarus invites Lithuania to engage in a professional and open dialogue about all the questions the Belarusian side has with regard to Lithuanian nuclear projects, BelTA learned from Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz. Anatoly Glaz said: “Lithuania is having serious difficulties with decommissioning the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the accompanying management of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. It is no secret for anyone. Imagine that three new installations have been recently commissioned at the site of the Ignalina nuclear power plant – an interim spent fuel storage facility, a complex for extracting solid radioactive waste MI-1 and a complex for extracting solid radioactive waste MI-2, MI-3.” The official continued: “All the work proceeds in secret. Requirements of fundamental international documents in this sphere are ignored. It is no joke. Contrary to basic norms of such a respected international organization the International Atomic Energy Agency is Lithuania has been keeping the IAEA’s key missions away from the Ignalina nuclear power plant for over 15 years already, for instance, a SEED mission for evaluating the safety of the site, design of the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, and the complex for radioactive waste management and storage. It also prevents an OSART mission from evaluating the safety of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in the course of its decommissioning.”
02.05 / 13:32
ups Lukashenko praises progress in restoration of Chernobyl-hit regions
The state will be doing everything necessary for the Belarusian lands suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he spoke with the residents of Chechersk District on 29 April, BelTA has learned. The head of state said that the affected areas were recovering well, while the morbidity rate of residents of these areas was even lower than in other regions. The birth rate in these areas is also good. “It would be great if we had a similar situation in all the regions of our country.
02.05 / 13:32
MET Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Belarus is willing to cooperate with Russia in any area
Belarus is willing to cooperate with Russia any time and in any area, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Voronezh Oblast, Russia Aleksandr Gusev on 28 April, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarusian companies can provide Russia with any equipment it needs, especially since Western companies suspended their business in the country.
25.04 / 14:05
target ups Covid-19 Enterprise Prime minister identifies Belarus government priorities
Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko outlined priorities of the government while talking to reporters during a business trip to Myadel District, Minsk Oblast on 22 April, BelTA has learned. Roman Golovchenko said: “Growing prices represent the most acute world problem. Our task is the timely payment of salaries and the growth of salaries.
25.04 / 15:50
ups Cooper FEZ Grodnoinvest expands cooperation with Polish companies
FEZ Grodnoinvest has signed a cooperation agreement with a Polish company, BelTA learned from the press service of the free economic zone. “The head of the administration of FEZ Grodnoinvest Dmitry Rozhkov paid a visit to the Republic of Poland. The main purpose of the visit was to present opportunities for Polish business and study issues related to the implementation of investment projects in Grodno Oblast. The program of the visit included meetings with Consul General of the Republic of Belarus in Bialystok Viktor Savchuk and management of a number of Polish companies. The Belarusian delegation presen
25.04 / 15:50
Belarus speaks about sanctions, conflict in Ukraine, hunger threat at UN Security Council meeting
Belarus will continue to contribute to international food security and will do everything necessary for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, Counselor of the Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations Igor Pilipenko said at the Conflict and Hunger — United Nations Security Council Arria-Formula meeting, BelTA has learned. The Belarusian diplomat noted that sometimes hunger can be caused by objective factors: climate change, natural disasters and epidemics. However, sometimes hunger is the result of deliberate policy and political decisions.
25.04 / 14:05
Digital Cooper Parke Belarus-China joint economic steps seen as efficient response to challenges
Consul General of Belarus in Shanghai Andrei Andreyev took part in the international forum «Belarus-China: Bridge for Innovation» on 22 April, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his online speech, the diplomat said that joint approaches of Belarus and China aimed at sustainable economic development and achievement of prosperity of both countries through innovative development, creation of intelligent industries and digitalization of various areas of life are an effective response to the current economic and other challenges. To this end, in accordance with the tasks set by the leadership of Belarus and China, special attention is paid to the development of joint innovation infrastructure, including in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, cooperation in the energy and healthcare sectors.
25.04 / 13:51
ups Cooper Provident PM unveils Belarus' cooperation prospects with Uzbekistan
Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko outlined the prospects of cooperation during a meeting with Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov on 25 April, BelTA has learned. Tashkent is hosting the international exhibition Innoprom. Central Asia. Belarus is showcasing its exposition in mechanical engineering.
25.04 / 13:51
Corning Spring planting in Belarus 82.7% complete
Belarusian agricultural workers have planted early spring cereals and leguminous crops on 82.7% of the planned area, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of 25 April, early spring crops (excluding corn, buckwheat and millet) were planted on the area of 533,100 hectares. Planting was done on 67.4% of the designated area in Vitebsk Oblast, 93.2% of the area in Minsk Oblast, 33.3% of the area in Mogilev Oblast.