Китай Belarus Cooper Китай Belarus
/ udf.by

Kochanova: A lot has been done in Belarus, China to improve status of women

A lot has been done in Belarus and China to improve the status of women, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova said at a web-based seminar of women MPs of Belarus and China on 29 April, BelTA has learned. “I sincerely thank all the speakers for their detailed reports.

We understand how relevant the women's agenda is. There is no doubt that the issues considered at the seminar are important and make a significant contribution to our constructive interaction,” Natalya Kochanova noted. “In general, we can say that at the global, regional and national levels, a lot has been done to improve the status of women.

We see the attitude of the leaders of our countries to this issue. And, of course, we understand that we need to work hard to further the gender policy in accordance with the new realities of our time.” The speaker stressed that the task of MPs is to create favorable legal conditions and incentives for this. «We have some legislative experience and are willing to share it.

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