Belarus - главные новости

26.02 / 15:59
7.6bn kWh of electricity generated by Belarusian nuclear power plant's first unit so far
The first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated 7.6 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity since it was connected to the national power grid, BelTA learned from Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich on 25 February. The official said: “The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is a key project for the industry.
26.02 / 15:59
ups Enterprise FIVE Belarus' food export to China up almost 20 times since 2016
Belarus' food export to China has grown almost 20 times since 2016, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview with BelTA. «The Chinese market is traditionally one of the major ones for Belarusian food producers.
26.02 / 15:54
Lukashenko: Ukraine's leaders are the reason for everything going on over there
The country's leadership should be blamed for events in Ukraine. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he talked to personnel of the Minsk Center of Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology on 25 February, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “As for events unfolding in our dear Ukraine… Well, the nation elected such leaders.
26.02 / 15:48
Peskov: Russia willing to send delegation to Minsk for negotiations with Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin is willing to send a delegation of the Russian Federation to Minsk for negotiations with Ukraine, spokesman for the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov told the media, TASS has learned, BELTA reported. «In response to Zelens
26.02 / 15:48
Snopkov: Belarus' financial system prepared for any developments
The Belarusian financial system is ready for any developments, Belarusian First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov told the media following a following a government meeting to discuss economic matters and population needs, BelTA has learned. “The problems faced by the country's financial system are not new,”' Nikolai Snopkov said. “They are obvious, and they are still here.
26.02 / 15:45
Provident MFA: Belarus ready to do everything to help bring peace to Ukraine
Belarus stands ready to do everything possible to help bring peace to Ukraine, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told reporters commenting on the possibility of arranging peace talks in Minsk, BelTA has learned. “We reaffirm our commitment to make every effort to bring back peace to Ukraine, to stop the bloodshed between the fraternal Slavic peoples.
26.02 / 15:45
Provident Snopkov: Belarus has enough foreign currency reserves
The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus has sufficient foreign currency reserves to support cash and non-cash settlements, First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov told reporters following a government meeting to discuss economic matters and population needs, BelTA has learned. According to the first vice-premier, the government had another meeting with bank representatives the day before.
25.02 / 23:49
технологии политика Беларусь Группа хакеров Anonymous заявила о взломе базы данных Минобороны РФ
#Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of the Russian Ministry of Defence website | mil[.]ru |. You can download all private data of the Russian MOD here:
21.02 / 14:19
target ups Cooper NATO build-up seen as threat to Belarus' national security
The growing NATO military presence has created a threat to the national security of Belarus, Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said at a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «A serious threat to the national security of Belarus comes from the NATO build-up near our western border under the pretext of dealing with the ‘escalating' migrant crisis and growing tensions around Ukraine which they are persistently trying to paint as a target of an aggression which allegedly may also come from our country,” the head of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Taking into account the new realities, the head of state set a task to determine the country's current and long-term foreign policy priorities at the 6th Belarusian People's Congress.
21.02 / 14:16
Putin describes 2021 as ‘very productive year' for Belarus and Russia
For Belarus and Russia, 2021 was a very productive year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «We see each other regularly; there is something to talk about. Since this is the first meeting this year, I would like to say that last year was very productive,» Vladimir Putin stressed. He noted that the meetings of the two leaders are held regul
21.02 / 14:16
Telegram ups Belarusian police on top of situation in streets, in Internet
Participants of destructive Telegram channels, who believe it is impossible to find out their identity in the Internet, are mistaken. Belarusian Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov made the statement on the air of the TV channel STV, BelTA has learned. The official said: “At present the current situation all over the country is fully controlled by personnel of law enforcement agencies. One can confidently say that provocateurs can only make some fake threats online and so on.
21.02 / 14:16
ups MET Cooper Lukashenko: Belarus, Russia should stand up to economic pressure together
Belarus and Russia should hold out against economic pressure together, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. “It is very important for us now, at the beginning of the year, to get prepared to withstand any economic pressure on us and on you. It is more difficult for us to deal with these sanctions.
21.02 / 14:05
ups General staffs of Belarusian, Russian armies to work out steps to prevent war
The general staffs of the Belarusian and Russian armies will work out steps to prevent a war in their region. Belarusian Defense Minister, Lieutenant-General Viktor Khrenin made the statement as results of the Belarusian-Russian army exercise Allied Resolve 2022 were summed up on 20 February, BelTA has learned. The defense minister said: “The exercise is over. A test of response forces of the Uni
21.02 / 14:00
MET Cooper Allied Resolve 2022 hailed as success
The leaders of Belarus and Russia highly assessed the Allied Resolve 2022 exercise, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the media following a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «We jointly praised the Allied Resolve 2022 exercises, the active phase of which will last in Belarus until 20 February. I must state that the exercise is purely defensive in nature and does not threaten anyone,» Vladimir Putin said. The joint exercise Allied Resolve 2022 is the second phase of the inspection to test the Union State forces held from 10 to 20 February.
21.02 / 14:00
Belarus MFA invites about 30 observers from EU countries
Belarus' Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited about 30 international observers from the EU countries to monitor the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Belarus, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said on the air of the Belarus 1TV channel, BelTA has learned. «The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited about 30 individuals representing the countries of the European Union. Those are the people who have expressed a desire to participate in the observation of the referendum. We are open
21.02 / 14:00
Belarus, Russia to strengthen their defense capabilities
Belarus and Russia will be strengthening their defense capabilities, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the media following a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 18 February, BelTA has learned. «The topic of strengthening the common defense space of Russia and Belarus was discussed in great detail during today's meeting.
21.02 / 13:56
ups Belarus FM welcomes idea to set up election observation authority for post-Soviet countries
Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei gave his take on the idea to set up an election observation authority in the post-Soviet space as he gave an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. The minister was asked whether it is worth developing common standards and setting up an election observation authority in the post-Soviet space.
21.02 / 13:56
OSCE criticized for applying different approaches to electoral campaigns west and east of Vienna
OSCE/ODIHR applies different approaches to electoral campaigns in countries west and east of Vienna, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said on the air of the Belarus 1TV channel, BelTA has learned. The minister noted that Belarus has always drawn the attention of the OSCE, the ODIHR to the difference in approaches to electoral campaigns in countries that are located to the west and east of Vienna: «They send 4to 5 observers to Western countries. Meanwhile delegations t
21.02 / 13:56
Enterprise PM: If necessary, Belarus will stop timber supplies to Lithuania
Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko spoke about the possible termination of timber exports to Lithuania in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. “If we look at the goods Belarus exports to Lithuania, these are wood products.
21.02 / 13:56
Defense Ministry: Russian troops will return to bases when 'objective need' arises
The Russian Armed Forces will return to their bases only when an «objective need» to do so arises, Chief of the General Staff of Belarus' Armed Forces Major-General Viktor Gulevich said at a briefing for military attaches to mark the upcoming Day of Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces, BelTA learned from the Defense Ministry of Belarus. «Given the ongoing military buildup near the external border of the Union State and the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, the presidents of Belarus and Russia decided to continue inspecting the response forces of the Union State. The Russian Arme
20.02 / 12:21
общество политика man Передовые части РФ недалеко от Украины наносят на бронетехнику особую отметку «Z»Символ наносят белой краской.19.02.2022. Білгородська обл. videos are being uploaded of Russian military vehicles with "Z" markings.
15.02 / 12:06
общество армия военные Рижский договор: какие территории России Ленин отдал Польше - Русская семерка
Председатель СНК СССР Вячеслав Молотов в своём выступлении на Верховном Совете СССР 31 октября 1939 года назвал Польшу, только что поделенную между СССР и Германией, «уродливым детищем Версальского договора». Молотов был прав максимум наполовину, а значит, по меньшей мере, наполовину неправ.Дело в том, что восточные границы Польши были «детищем» не Версальского, а Рижского мирного договора от 18 марта 1921 года, заключенного с Польшей Лениным. Стало быть, именно коммунисты-ленинцы стали «крестными отцами» буржуазно-помещичьей Польши, почти два десятилетия оккупировавшей Западную Украину и Западную Белоруссию.Независимость Польши была провозглашена в день капитуляции Германии на Западном фронте 11 ноября 1918 года.
14.02 / 20:43
Three blocks, computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, pharmacy. What will be the new hospital at the Trinity roundabout
It is being designed at the Grodnograzhdanproekt Institute. The presence of relief with a decrease to the Neman River determined the three-part division of the hospital complex: each building is located perpendicular to the direction of the slope, which will make it possible to make additional basement and basement floors in the right building. Details to the "GP" were told by the chief architect of the project Alexander Somov.
09.02 / 20:26
Continental Belarus' MFA: West is using conflict in Ukraine for global confrontation
The conflict in Ukraine looks like a local conflict only on the map, in fact the West is using it for global confrontation, reads the address of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Aleinik to participants of the conference “Collective Security in a New Era: Experience and Prospects of the CSTO” that is taking place at the Moscow headquarters of the Valdai Discussion Club with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9 February, BelTA has learned. The address of the deputy foreign minister was read out by Belarus' Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Vyacheslav Remenchik. “The conflict in Ukraine looks local only on the map.
09.02 / 20:26
MFA: Belarus welcomes constructive proposals to reduce tensions in the world
Belarus welcomes any constructive proposal aimed at reducing tensions in the world, Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik said in his address to the participants of the conference «Collective Security in a New Era: Experience and Prospects of the CSTO» organized by the Valdai International Discussion Club with the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow on 9 February, BelTA has learned. The address was read out by Belarus' Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Vyacheslav Remenchik.
09.02 / 20:26
ups Aleinik: NATO will eventually see the need to build contacts with the CSTO
Sooner or later NATO will come to understand that it needs to build contacts with the CSTO, reads the address of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Aleinik to participants of the conference “Collective Security in a New Era: Experience and Prospects of the CSTO” that is taking place at the Moscow headquarters of the Valdai Discussion Club with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9 February, BelTA has learned. The address of the deputy foreign minister was read out by Belarus' Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Vyacheslav Remenchik.
09.02 / 20:26
target Boeing Belarus' Anton Smolski awarded Olympic silver
The Zhangjiakou Medals Plaza hosted the awards ceremony for the medalists in the men's individual biathlon race, where Belarus' Anton Smolski won silver, BelTA has learned. The Belarusian biathlete covered the 20km distance in a perfect style finishing second.
09.02 / 20:26
Continental ups MFA: Preparations for Allied Resolve exercise as transparent as possible
Preparations for the Allied Resolve exercise have been as transparent as possible, Belarus' Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik said in his address to the participants of the conference «Collective Security in a New Era: Experience and Prospects of the CSTO» organized by the Valdai International Discussion Club with the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow on 9 February, BelTA has learned. The address was read out by Belarus' Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Vyacheslav Remenchik.
09.02 / 20:26
ups Private companies generate 53.3% of budget revenues in 2021
Privately owned businesses generated 53.3% of budget revenues in 2021, up one percentage point than in 2020, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Tax and Duties Ministry. All in all, Br33.488 billion was transferred into the country's consolidated budget in 2021, or 1.5% above the annual budget revenue plan (Br496.9 million extra was received).
09.02 / 20:26
Lukashenko supports proposal to allow criminal proceedings in absentia
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has upheld the proposal to allow criminal proceedings in absentia against the accused living abroad. The respective bill has already been developed and will soon be sent to the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Investigative Committee Dmitry Gora told reporters following the Security Council meeting chaired by the head of state on 8 February, BelTA has learned.
09.02 / 20:02
Manufacturing Team Belarus outfit praised by world's mass media
The world's famous media outlets have praised the Team Belarus uniform at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the National Olympic Committee of Belarus told BelTA. The U.S.
01.02 / 20:44
Беларусь Метеорологи зафиксировали две рекордные молнии
#megaflash hotspotsLongest distance single flash of 768 km (477.2 miles) across southern #USA on 29.4.2020Greatest duration of 17.102 seconds over #Uruguay and northern #Argentina on 18.6.2020@NOAA
31.01 / 13:47
target Lukashenko urges to ensure economic stability in Belarus
The main task of the National Bank and the government is to implement the economic development plans, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he heard out a report by Chairman of the Board of the National Bank Pavel Kallaur and Aide to the President for the Development of the Financial and Credit System Valery Belsky, BelTA has learned. «There will be no undue pressure on you, on the aide who deals with these issues, or on the government. I just want to reiterate that the GDP growth and other targets must be fulfilled.
29.01 / 01:11
ups Extreme Lukashenko suggests that self-exiled opposition return and repent
Many members of the self-exiled opposition are unhappy with their today's life, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he was delivering the annual Address to Belarusian People and the National Assembly on 28 January, BelTA has learned. “Many are disappointed with the life they are living now, even people at the very top of the opposition. They have no money; financing is conditioned upon taking radical action: to kill someone in Belarus and show a photo proof, excuse me for putting it straight.
29.01 / 01:11
Aviat Lukashenko: Belarus will strengthen its army
Belarus is going to strengthen its army. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in his address to the nation and the parliament on 28 January, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said it is necessary to take the system designed to ensure national security to new heights, particularly defense.
29.01 / 01:11
Waters Lukashenko in favor of building second nuclear power plant in Belarus
Another nuclear power plant may be built in Belarus. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he answered questions of the people invited to attend his address to the nation and the parliament on 28 January, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “When we were considering options for building our first nuclear power plant, the only one, I decided to have it built in Ostrovets.
29.01 / 01:11
Lukashenko: Peace is an absolute value for Belarusians and we have to preserve it
Peace is an absolute value for Belarusians. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in his address to the nation and the parliament on 28 January, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out: “Peace is an absolute value for Belarusians, the most important one that defines the world outlook.
28.01 / 22:46
Lukashenko slams sanctions ‘as modern-day inquisition”
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the sanctions pressure against Belarus and other states as he delivered his Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly in Minsk on 28 January, BelTA has learned. «Another front of the attack on Belarus is sanctions. This is not just our challenge.
28.01 / 22:44
target ups Lukashenko: ‘West will continue to destabilize post-Soviet countries in order to weaken Russia'
The West will continue to destabilize the situation in the post-Soviet countries with an aim to weaken Russia, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he delivered the Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly in Minsk on 28 January, BelTA has learned. «The situation in Kazakhstan has shown that not only the Slavic but also the Central Asian brotherhood has become a target.
28.01 / 22:16
Cooper Parke China named one of key trading and investment partners for Belarus
China has become one of the biggest trading and investment partners for Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he was delivering the annual Address to Belarusian People and the National Assembly on 28 January, BelTA has learned. “Earlier, the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were instructed to review Belarus' priorities and upgrade relations with those regions of the world that have great potential and mutual interest. Friendship with China is the most important element of our cooperation with Asian countries.
28.01 / 22:15
Lukashenko reveals how long he is going to be president
In his annual Address to Belarusian People and the National Assembly on 28 January Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said how long he is going to continue as the president, BelTA has learned. “Everything will depend on the situation.
28.01 / 22:13
Waves Lukashenko: Year of People's Unity showed cohesion, tenacity of Belarusians
The Year of People's Unity has showed the whole world the cohesion and resilience of the Belarusians, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he was delivering the annual Address to Belarusian People and the National Assembly on 28 January, BelTA has learned. “The previous year was the Year of People's Unity.
24.01 / 14:52
Великая Отечественная война Лукашенко: расследование дела о геноциде белорусов будет вестись постоянно
Работа по расследованию уголовного дела по делу о геноциде белорусов в годы Великой Отечественной войны будет постоянной. Об этом по результатам доклада генпрокурора Белоруссии заявил президент республики Александр Лукашенко.
24.01 / 14:18
man ups Lukashenko: No occupation of Belarus as long as I am president
Occupation of Belarus will never happen under the current government, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said while approving the decision on the state border protection for 2022 on 24 January, BelTA has learned. “I have never stooped to the level of arguing with my opponents and rivals, but today, having received a media review, I was surprised to learn that ‘Belarus had been occupied'. As the commander-in-chief, I have overlooked it somehow. Maybe you have failed to tell me that ‘the occupation of Belarus' has already taken place?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked ironically Chairman of the State Border Committee Anatoly Lappo.
24.01 / 14:18
Cooper Aviat Lukashenko calls situation on Belarus' southern border increasingly complicated
The situation on Belarus' southern border is getting more and more complicated, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said while approving the decision on the state border protection for 2022 on 24 January, BelTA has learned. “Naturally, the security of our state begins with the border, because our sovereignty is safe within our border. The border troops make a considerable contribution to ensuring sovereignty and our effective work in a peaceful period,” the head of state said. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that in 2021, due to the influx of refugees and the deployment of troops from neighboring countries along the Belarusian border, the border guards had to be more vigilant and participate in reconnaissance activities together with the Armed Forces and the State Security Committee. “There is a lot of talk now about our sout
24.01 / 14:18
Block Aviat Provident Belarus-Russia exercise Allied Resolve 2022 described as purely defensive
The joint exercise of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia Allied Resolve 2022 is exclusively defensive in nature, Head of the Main Department of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of Belarus Andrei Nekrashevich said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “I would like to emphasize that this exercise is absolutely defensive in nature. At the end of the exercise all the troops will leave for their permanent deployment points,” Andrei Nekrashevich said. The joint exercise will take place not only on Belarusian training grounds; maneuvers will also be held in the Belarusian border area near the places of deployment of a great number of troops in the territory of the neighboring countries. “Some of m
24.01 / 14:18
Cooper Lukashenko hits back at threats of U.S. Department of State
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko hit back at the threats and patronizing tone of the U.S. Department of State representatives against Belarus as he approved the decision on the state border protection for 2022 on 24 January, BelTA has learned. «Just a day ago I was told about the threats from the U.S. Department of State.
24.01 / 14:08
Belarus pledges strong response to any aggressive moves
Belarus will respond decisively to anyone who decides to speak from a position of force, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin told the media in Luninets District where President Aleksandr Lukashenko visited the military facilities and held a meeting on military security, BelTA has learned. «We are not threatening anyone. But we will not tolerate being threatened. The president made it clear today,» the minister said. It is impo