Belarus - главные новости

25.04 / 13:47
Lukashenko: We need to preserve our land
Belarusians' happiness is in their country — we need to preserve our land, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he visited the Transfiguration Church in the village of Kopys, Orsha District, on Easter, 24 April, BelTA has learned. “I want to tell Belarusians: our happiness is in our country — we need to preserve our land. Today in this temple, addressing my fellow countrymen, the Belarusians, I would like to ask them, demand, as the President if you like: take care of Belarus. If you lose your land — you will have neither health nor happiness.
19.04 / 13:58
MET Minister: No disruption of medicine deliveries to Belarus
There is no disruption of medicine deliveries to Belarus and it is unlikely to emerge any time soon, Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich said following his meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA has learned. The minister briefed the Belarusian president on the logistics of deliveries of medicines, healthcare products and medical equipment. “There are no disruptions despite all the logistics difficulties we are seeing now. All suppliers have confirmed their plans to fulfill their obligations,” Dmitry Pinevich said.
19.04 / 13:58
Provident Lukashenko: Counter-terrorism measures remain high on Belarus' agenda
Combating terrorist and extremist threats remains relevant for Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the meeting to discuss law and order matters on 19 April, BelTA has learned. “The issue of countering terrorist and extremist threats remains relevant today. Like never before.
19.04 / 13:58
target Corning Spring planting in Belarus 74% complete
Belarusian agricultural workers have planted early spring cereals and leguminous crops (excluding corn, buckwheat and millet) on 74.1% of the planned area, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of 19 April, early spring crops were planted on the area of 477,700 hectares. Planting was done on 93.7% of the designated area in Grodno Oblast, 91.5% of the area in Minsk Oblast, 32% of the area in Mogilev Oblast, 35.6% of the area in Vitebsk Oblast and 100% of the area in Gomel Oblast.
19.04 / 13:58
Lowe's Lukashenko concerned about illegal drugs trade
Close attention should be paid to the fight against illegal trade in narcotics. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement at the government conference held on 19 April to discuss the enforcement of law and order, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “The situation around illegal trade in drugs gives reasons for concern. Once again we see an increase in imported narcotics and psychotropic substances, low effectiveness of detection of major distributors and primarily drug trafficking masterminds.” In his words, the number of people, who died due to overdosing, increased considerably in 2021.
19.04 / 13:44
MET Lukashenko: If America does not sell medicines, we should buy them in India, Cuba
It is necessary to diversify suppliers of medicines in order to prevent shortages on the domestic market, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with the healthcare minister, the prosecutor general and the KGB chief, BelTA has learned. “Saying that someone does not sell us something is a poor excuse… You know, medical equipment and medicines are not under strict sanctions. If the Americans don't sell drugs to you, buy them in India, Cuba.
19.04 / 13:44
man ups Lukashenko reveals details of criminal case against multiple Belarusian medics
Multiple Belarusian orthopedic surgeons have been charged with a number of crimes and have been arrested. The criminal case was discussed during the government conference hosted by Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 18 April, BelTA has learned. Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich, Prosecutor General Andrei Shved, and Chairman of the State Security Committee (KGB) Ivan Tertel came to deliver their reports to the head of state. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I know the progress of this operation very well. I kept an eye on it. It didn't start t
19.04 / 13:44
Manufacturing ups Enterprise Adaptation of Belarusian economy to sanctions hinges on realization of comprehensive plan
How fast the economy will adapt to the pressure of sanctions will depend on the successful realization of the comprehensive plan. Belarusian Deputy Economy Minister Dmitry Yaroshevich made the statement as he commented on Q1 2022 results, BelTA has learned. According to the National Statistics Committee, Belarus' GDP growth rate totaled 99.6% in January-March. Dmitry Yaroshevich said: “Last yea
19.04 / 13:38
Belarus' GDP 0.4% down in January-March 2022
Belarus' GDP dropped by 0.4% in January-March 2022 year-on-year, BelTA learned from the National Statistical Committee of Belarus. According to initial estimates, the GDP amounted to Br42.6 billion in current prices, 99.6% as against January-March 2021 in comparable prices.
19.04 / 13:38
Lukashenko promises to reveal clandestine operations of Western diplomats in Belarus
Western diplomats pursue activities in Belarus that are tantamount to fascism. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he participated in the nationwide voluntary labor day on 16 April, BelTA has learned.
11.04 / 14:46
Makei: Some post-Soviet states are acting cautiously fearing repercussions
Fearing repercussions, some post-Soviet countries are acting very cautiously at a time of confrontation between Russia and the West, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told the media after the Security Council meeting on 7 April, BelTA has learned. “A great number of countries will adopt a wait-and-see approach to what is happening now waiting who will prevail in this fight. They will keep doing it until
11.04 / 14:06
Telegram Provident Lukashenko, Putin to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome on 12 April
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin are set to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast, Russia on 12 April, BelTA has learned. “The meeting will take place in quite an unexpected place. The presidents of Russia and Belarus will fly to Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast on 12 April, Cosmonautics Day.
11.04 / 14:06
ups FIVE Lukashenko reveals special operation held to return Belarusian semi-truck drivers from Ukraine
A special operation has been carried out to return Belarusian semi-truck drivers from Ukraine. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement at a session of the Security Council on 7 April, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Things went too far and these scoundrels started capturing our people, primarily drivers of the vehicles, which happened to be there at the time.
11.04 / 14:06
Provident Citizens More than 1,600 Ukrainians enter Belarus over past weekend
More than 1,600 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus over the past weekend, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. “From 6.00 on 8 April to 6.00 on 11 April some 1,643 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus.
11.04 / 13:48
MET Lukashenko: Belarus will stand together with Russia in all situations
Belarus will be with Russia in all life changes and difficult events, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Pakistan to Belarus Sajjad Haider Khan on 8 April, BelTA has learned. “You are well aware of what is going on in the region regarding the conflict, including Russia and Ukraine.
06.04 / 15:35
MET Cooper Andreichenko: Belarus-Switzerland contacts have always been pragmatic, constructive
Relations between Belarus and Switzerland have always been pragmatic and constructive, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Belarus Christine Honegger Zolotukhin, BelTA has learned. “In my opinion, relations between our countries have always been pragmatic and constructive regardless of the political situation. It has been particularly noticeable in recent years when our inter-parliamentary, trade, economic, and cultural cooperation made a lot of progress.
06.04 / 15:35
ups Provident Citizens 1,043 Ukrainians enter Belarus in past 24 hours
A total of 1,043 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus in the past 24 hours, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. “From 6.00 on 5 April to 6.00 on 6 April some 783 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus through the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Another 237 people came to Belarus transiting through Poland.
06.04 / 15:35
MET Provident Citizens Kochanova: Belarus' economic priority is to meet people's needs
Belarus' number one economic priority is to meet people's needs, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova said as she paid a visit to the Zarya agricultural company in Mogilev District on 6 April, BelTA has learned. “The economic priority of our country is to meet the needs of our people. Personnel is key. Everything depends on specialists. Today a lot dep
06.04 / 15:35
ups MET Cooper Belarus, Cuba to intensify cooperation in tourism
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Cuba Valery Baranovsky met with Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba Juan Carlos Garcia Granda on 5 April, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The parties discussed ways to intensify bilateral cooperation in the tourism industry and plans to step up efforts to promote Belarus and Cuba as travel destinations,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
02.04 / 21:34
Facebook вооружение общество военные Война в Украине: оперативная информация по состоянию на вечер 2 апреля
Тридцать восьмые сутки украинский народ героически противостоит российскому вооруженному вторжению. Россия продолжает ведение полномасштабной войны против Украины.  О ситуации на фронтах по состоянию на вечер 2 апеля сообщил Генштаб ВСУ в Facebook, передает . По информации Генштаба, на Северском направлении продолжается перемещение подразделений оккупационных войск от государственной границы Украины в глубь территории Беларуси.
02.04 / 20:39
вооружение общество военные У захватчиков распространяются панические настроения — Генштаб ВСУ опубликовал сводку
Иллюстративное фотоГенштаб ВСУСреди российских захватчиков распространяются панические настроения из-за радиационного облучения военных из подразделений, базировавшихся в Чернобыльской зоне. При этом, на Слобожанском направлении вторжения российских войск города Бурынь и Путивль оказались в блокаде.Об этом говорится в оперативной сводке Генштаба ВСУ по состоянию на 18:00.«Среди военнослужащих вооруженных сил российской федерации распространяются панические настроения из-за радиационного облучения личного состава подразделений, базировавшихся в Чернобыльской зоне.
02.04 / 20:24
Война новости Украины генштаб Враг атакует Донеччину и Харьковщину - Генштаб
В Слобожанщине оккупантами заблокирован выезд из города Бурынь, в населенном пункте фиксируется большое скопление военной техники. Вражеские войска продолжают атаковать Донецкое направление, Харьковщину. ВСУ дают им отпор.
28.03 / 15:59
MET Cooper Belarus-Vatican cooperation discussed in Minsk
Belarusian First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik met with Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Ante Jozic on 24 March, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BelTA. “The parties discussed the situation in the region, as well as humanitarian cooperation. They emphasized the importance of active Belarus-Vatican cooperation,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
28.03 / 15:49
Lukashenko opines on Ukrainian official-cover operatives in Belarus
At the meeting in Minsk on 24 March Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave his take on the Ukrainians who engaged in espionage in Belarus using a diplomatic cover, BelTA has learned. “There are plenty of them, international spies. A whole bunch, even in our Ukraine over there. We identified 12 of them.
28.03 / 13:36
Cooper Lukashenko congratulates Erdogan on 30th anniversary of Belarus-Turkey diplomatic ties
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Belarus and Turkey, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “Thanks to the strong political will, our cooperation has made substantial progress in all areas, primarily in trade, economy and investment,” the message reads. The head of state noted that in toda
28.03 / 13:33
Lukashenko: Belarus should not lose global information war
Belarus cannot and should not lose the global information war, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. The head of state noted that a full-scale information war is raging in the world: the war for the minds of people and the future of children. «We cannot lose this war.
28.03 / 13:33
Lukashenko urges to propagate the best things Belarus has
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave his take on propaganda activities of mass media at a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. The head of state noted that propaganda is part and parcel of mass media and this should neither be denied nor feared. “I don't know why this word was misinterpreted and defiled. Propaganda has always been and will be there.
28.03 / 13:33
технологии Block ups Lukashenko gives his take on idea to block YouTube, foreign social networks
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave his take on the idea to block YouTube and foreign social networks in the country as he hosted a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. «Of course, theoretically we could block major outlets such as YouTube, some social networks as Russia did it or we could put up a ‘golden shield' as in China. Anytime.
28.03 / 13:33
Citizens Some Ukrainian diplomats asked to leave Belarus
Belarus has asked some Ukrainian diplomats to leave the country, press secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told the media in Minsk on 23 March, BelTA has learned. In this regard, a decision was taken to close the Consulate General of Ukraine in Brest. The Ukrainian Embassy will continue to work in Belarus in the 1+4 format: the ambassador and four employees. «In full compliance with Article 11 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Republic of Belarus has decided to reduce the number of Ukrainian diplomats on its territory,» Anatoly Glaz said.
28.03 / 13:23
Lukashenko names the only way to drag Belarus into war
There is only one way to drag Belarus into the war and it is an aggression against the country, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, numerous reports have been published abroad on Belarus' possible involvement into the hostilities in Ukraine. They are doing it for a reason.
28.03 / 13:17
Lukashenko: Some media outlets need optimization
Some state-run mass media outlets need optimization, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. “I strongly believe that we need to optimize personnel at television channels. You should keep those people whom you absolutely trust,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.
28.03 / 13:17
visa Provident Citizens 2,734 Ukrainians enter Belarus since 25 March
Since Friday, 25 March, 2,734 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus. 646 of them came to Belarus through the EU, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. From 6.00 on 25 March to 6.00 on 28 March, 2,088 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus across the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.
28.03 / 13:17
ups Citizens Lukashenko: Belarus has no plans to fight in Ukraine
Belarus is not going to fight in Ukraine. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the government conference held on 25 March to discuss the operation of mass media, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We should not give up – the lesson of 2020 when it seemed to us that everything is good. But no.
28.03 / 13:11
Economist opines on future of Belarus' foreign exchange market
Director of the Institute of Economics at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vasily Gursky told the STV channel about the situation on the foreign exchange market in Belarus, BelTA informs. “Unfortunately, it has not been possible lately to rely on established economic laws, even on common sense. Of course, we can say that there are all economic prerequisites for the strengthening of the ruble: a drop in demand for dollars and euros due to the sanctions, transition to settlements in Russian rubles. At the same time, the influx of dollars, at least to Russia, has increased significantly, because oil and gas became more expensive and much more petrodollars are received for the same amount of hydrocarbons.
28.03 / 13:11
ups Lukashenko outlines tasks for state-run media
The state-run media outlets should not only engage and educate their audience, but also think about their own development, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the state of things in mass media on 25 March, BelTA has learned. The president noted that the meeting will focus on the tasks that must be addressed by the media community. “A global information warfare is going on and we became part of it against our will,” the head of state said.
25.03 / 20:54
происшествия Беларусь Maxar показала снимки уничтоженного российского корабля в Бердянске
#Satellite imagery from today, March 25, of Ukrainian port city #Berdyansk, revealing a Russian Alligator-class landing ship that’s burned & partially submerged. Fire/smoke is nearby & close to fuel storage tanks.
24.03 / 09:04
продукты военные «О поддержке с воздуха забыли»: оккупанты рассказали о своем разгроме под Киевом
Кристиан Триберт, передает .Согласно одному из аудиоперехватов спустя 30 минут после обращения за помощью в одном из российских подразделений не скрывали гнева: «Про поддержку бл*ть, с воздуха забыли бл*ть, забыли!».In this series of exchanges, we hear how comms failures delay urgent requests for Russian air support amid mounting casualties. Thirty minutes after the unit requested help: “You forgot about air support, [expletive] air support! You forgot!”В других записях оккупантов военные жалуются на острую необходимость в дозаправке, воде и продуктах, тогда как техника стает на дороге.The radio chatter is full of Russian troops who lack critical supplies, too.
07.03 / 15:03
Война Президент АППУ Григол Катамадзе призвал мировое сообщество закрыть небо над Украиной
Григол КатамадзеЧрезвычайный и Полномочный ПосолПрезидент ВГО АППУВице-президент ЕАПП______________________Colleagues! One can only imagine the strengths and capabilities of your organizations and I will remind you that the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine is a current member of the World and European Associations of Taxpayers, paying timely and in full each year membership fees.All the time I think how to convince you, what other arguments to give you, our partners, our friends, so that you finally understand the seriousness and horror of the situation in our country and start taking certain actions / measures.The enemy has already received a harsh rebuff from our heroic defenders in all directions and has not fulfilled any of the tasks set before them by putin. Missiles and planes are not endless, sanctions and the refusal of Belarusians to fight so far destabilize the situation in Russia itself, the "movement" is in full swing, and our victory is only a matter of time.We will engrave in our minds and hearts every rocket, every bullet, every drop of blood.
07.03 / 14:55
Citizens Lukashenko: New Constitution will enter into force on 15 March
The new Constitution of Belarus will take effect on 15 March, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a solemn ceremony to sign the Decision of the national constitutional referendum at the Palace of Independence on 4 March, BelTA has learned. According to the head of state, a new page has been added to the history of sovereign Belarus.
07.03 / 14:49
Lukashenko: Belarusians do not want scandals, conflicts or war
Belarusians do not want scandals, conflicts or war, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during the award ceremony in the Palace of Independence in Minsk on 3 March, BelTA has learned. In view of the evolving situation around Belarus, we have to talk about protection from all kinds of threats, even during these pre-holiday days, the head of state noted.
07.03 / 14:22
ups Cooper FIVE Belarus-Russia trade up 34% in 2021
The mutual trade between Russia and Belarus increased by 34% in 2021, Press Secretary of the Industry Ministry Oleg Slepchenko told BelTA following the meeting between Belarusian Industry Minister Piotr Parkhomchik and Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov in Moscow. The parties discussed current trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. “In 2021, the mutual trade grew by 34% to reach $38.4 billion. The export of Russian industrial products incre
07.03 / 14:22
ups Citizens Final results of Belarus' referendum: 82.86% of voters supported new Constitution
The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus has approved the results of the constitutional referendum, BelTA has learned. The Central Election Commission received all seven protocols of voting results from the oblast election commissions and the Minsk city election commission. In accordance with Article 121 of the Electoral Code, the results of the national referendum were summed up at a meeting of the Central Election Commission.
07.03 / 14:22
Lukashenko: Belarusians opt for evolutionary change of political system
Belarusians have opted for evolutionary transformations of the political system, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a solemn ceremony at the Palace of Independence where he signed the Decision of the national constitutional referendum on 4 March, BelTA has learned. “The people of Belarus have made their choice, a choice in favor of evolutionary transformations of the political system, democratically, in accordance with Belarusian laws.
07.03 / 13:22
ups Belarus' gold, forex reserves down 3% to $8.3bn in February
According to the preliminary data, Belarus' gold and foreign currency reserves totaled $8,264.6 billion as of 1 March 2022, BelTA learned from the Information and PR Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. In February 2022, the country's gold and foreign currency reserves went down by $259.2 million (or 3%) following the January growth of $98.8 million (1.2%).
07.03 / 13:15
Provident Citizens Lukashenko: Belarus will remain a socially-oriented state
Education, healthcare, culture and sport will remain available for everyone, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a solemn ceremony to sign the Decision of the national constitutional referendum at the Palace of Independence on 4 March, BelTA has learned. According to the president, the updated Constitution of Belarus includes all basic principles of the state and provides for the impetus to develop promising areas that correspond to the national interests.
07.03 / 13:15
Lukashenko denies involvement of Belarusian army in Russia's actions in Ukraine
The Belarusian army has not participated in Russia's war in Ukraine and has no intention of participating in it. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the solemn ceremony held on 4 March to sign the decision of the national constitutional referendum, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “However hard individual forces (you know them) may try to get us involved in combat operations in Ukraine, you have no reasons to worry.
28.02 / 10:11
вице-премьер Биржи криптовалют Вице-премьер Украины призвал заморозить биржевые аккаунты пользователей из РФ и Беларуси
Вице-премьер и министр цифровой трансформации Украины Михаил Федоров призвал «все крупные криптобиржи» заморозить аккаунты пользователей из РФ и Беларуси.
26.02 / 16:12
Continental Belarusian diplomat in OSCE puts blame on West for events in Ukraine
The events in Ukraine is the result of the reckless policy of the West, Permanent Representative of Belarus to the OSCE Andrei Dapkiunas said at the special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on 24 February, BelTA has learned. «Over the past few years, Belarus has been warning and literally sounding the alarm about the dangerous escalation of the military-political situation in our region.