Aleksandr Lukashenko state Texas USA Belarus Extreme Aleksandr Lukashenko state Texas USA Belarus

Lukashenko sends condolences to USA over Texas tragedy

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has offered condolences to the people of the United States of America over the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “It was with deep pain that Belarus learned the news about the numerous victims, the absolute majority of whom were children, of the ruthless massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

It is an irreparable loss for parents, relatives and friends. Such terrible tragedies happen, among other things, because of the lack of proper control over the use of firearms combined with propaganda, especially in social media, of extremism, terrorism, as well as other destructive content that creates psychological pressure on the fragile mind of the younger generation.

Today, the entire international community needs to join forces to combat these challenges, since they do not have state borders.

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