Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Ukraine Russia MET Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Ukraine Russia

Lukashenko: Ukraine conflict prompted Belarus to revisit army modernization plan

The recent events in Ukraine have prompted Belarus to revisit the modernization strategy for its Armed Forces, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the Defense Ministry of Belarus to discuss military security issues on 26 May, BelTA has learned. “Look, when we met, it was before Russia's military operation in Ukraine, we had a different idea of how to improve and modernize our Armed Forces.

Three months of the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, of the military operation have passed, and we have realized that we need to drop our initial modernization strategy as it turned out to be too expensive and overall unacceptable for our country.

We have built a better understanding of what kind of army we should have,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin informed the head of state that in line with the task, taking into account the current developments and the assessment of the hostilities in Ukraine, the ministry revised the approaches to the improvement of the Armed Forces.

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