Belarus - главные новости

01.08 / 13:44
visa Enterprise Citizens Belarus recalls ambassador, downgrades diplomatic ties with UK
In view of a number of unfriendly moves by the United Kingdom that seek to inflict maximum damage to Belarusian nationals and legal entities, a decision has been taken to downgrade diplomatic relations with the UK to the level of charge d'affaires, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told reporters, BelTA has learned. According to the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a full-fledged dialogue was debilitated by the unprecedented sanctions against Belarusian citizens, employees of enterprises, the Belarusian economy and the financial system, the restriction of the work of Belarusian journalists and mass media outlets, the groundless ban on Belavia flights and the unwarranted decision not to issue visas for Belarusian parliamentarians who planned to take part in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meeting, as well as other illegal restrictive measures.
01.08 / 13:44
Aviat Ryanair ADR Belarus' diplomat comments on OSCE's discussion of Ryanair incident
Belarus has every right to show the truth to the world, and it once again declares the inadmissibility of the findings of the ICAO report on the incident involving the Ryanair flight FR4978 and will consistently and persistently prove its innocence, Head of the Central Office of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Irina Velichko told BelTA. At the OSCE Permanent Council meeting on 28 July the Delegation of Belarus to the OSCE responded to the statement of the delegations of the EU and the USA.
25.07 / 21:45
Lukashenko: If need be, Russia will defend Belarus like its own territory
If need be, Russia will defend Belarus like its own territory. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in an interview with the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP), BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko was asked about declared plans to deliver Russian missile systems Iskander to Belarus and refit aircraft with the ability to carry nuclear weapons.
25.07 / 21:45
Lukashenko describes Belarus as key peace broker in Russia-Ukraine conflict
Belarus has a peacekeeping role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview with Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Minsk on 21 July, BelTA has learned. Answering the French journalist's question about the role of Belarus in the events taking place in Ukraine, Aleksandr Lukashenko said that the role is ‘huge'.
25.07 / 21:45
Lukashenko talks about Russia, his regular meetings with President Putin
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko spoke about his attitude to Russia and his regular meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin as he gave an interview with AFP in Minsk on 21 July, BelTA has learned. «I will visit there as much as needed. I am going there soon. Vladimir Vladimirovich and I will have a phone call tomorrow. He asked m
04.07 / 15:50
санкции политика Беларусь Стало известно, когда может быть согласован седьмой пакет санкций против РФ и Беларуси
Рикард Йозвяк.There is a push in the EU to agree on a 7th sanctions package on #Russia before the summer holidays start at the end of July. Might not include gas & nuclear but rather more listings, closing loopholes in previous packages & gold.
04.07 / 13:47
ups Cooper Enterprise Putin: Union State is an example of mutually beneficial, equal integration
The Union State is an example of a truly mutually beneficial and equal integration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his video address to the participants of the plenary session of the 9th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia in Grodno on 1 July, BelTA has learned. “We have reached a truly exemplary
04.07 / 13:47
Citizens Lukashenko: New Nazism 'real as ever'
The new Nazism is no longer just rearing its head, it has become as real as ever. It is visible in the geopolitical appetites of Belarus' western neighbors, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day in Minsk on 2 July, BelTA has learned. «We must face the truth: the new Nazism is no longer just rearing its head, it has become as real as ever.
04.07 / 13:47
Lukashenko: Western Europe is raising a monster of Ukraine
Western Europe first raised a monster called fascist Germany and now is raising a new monster of Ukraine, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day in Minsk on 2 July, BelTA has learned. According to him, Belarus' western neighbors are greedily eyeing the border territories of Belarus and Ukraine and do not even hesitate to talk openly about possible annexation.
04.07 / 13:42
Block ups FIVE Lukashenko: United States, EU failed to rally the world against Russia, Belarus
The United States and the EU failed to rally the world against Russia and Belarus. So new provocations will follow, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day in Minsk on 2 July, BelTA has learned. «The United States and the West failed to unite the world against Russia and Belarus. So new provocations will follow,» Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.
04.07 / 13:41
Great Patriotic War ‘is not over yet', Lukashenko says
In the Great Patriotic War the Belarusians defended not only their lives but also the memory of past generations, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day on 2 July, BelTA has learned. The president noted that in the Great Patriotic War the Belarusians defended not only their lives but also the memory of the past generations, which would have been simply erased from world history.
04.07 / 13:41
Lukashenko: Belarus will not go to war with Ukraine
Belarus will not go to war with Ukraine, we do not need this war, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day in Minsk on 2 July, BelTA has learned. “They are still trying to drag us into the war in Ukraine.
04.07 / 13:41
Cooper Provident Parke Great Stone industrial park, International Land Port of Gansu sign cooperation agreement
The administrations of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone and the International Land Port of Gansu (Lanzhou) have signed a cooperation agreement, BelTA learned from the press service of the park. The document provides for cooperation in import/export operations, foreign and domestic trade, and logistics.
04.07 / 13:36
Lukashenko sends Independence Day greetings to people of USA
On behalf of the Belarusian people and himself Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent Independence Day greetings to the people of the United States of America, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “On this festive day, I wish all Americans simple things that everyone understands, things that unite all people regardless of their status and skin color: good health, peace, stability and faith in a better future that will come only if we work for it together,” the message of congratulations reads.
04.07 / 13:36
Manufacturing ups Agriculture ministry: Belarus fully self-sufficient in food
Belarus is fully self-sufficient in food, Belarusian Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Vadim Shagoiko said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. «We have long been working to expand the range of products.
04.07 / 13:34
Lukashenko: 3 July has been inscribed in calendar of Belarus' major national holidays forever
“Dear compatriots and guests of our country! First of all, I would like to congratulate you on Independence Day, the day when the capital of our Motherland was liberated from the Nazi invaders. This momentous date in the history of the Belarusian people has been inscribed in the calendar of the major national holidays forever,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. The president noted that on 3 July the country traditionally turns to the history of the Great Patriotic War: Belarusians remember the heroes who at the cost of their lives gave them freedom, tell their children and grandchildren about the deeds of their grandfathers and fathers, go with them to the places of military glory and sorrowful memory.
03.07 / 18:56
Беларусь В «Формуле-1» случилась авария с сальто болида в воздухе
Пьер Гасли из команды "Альфа Таури" столкнулся с Джорджем Расселлом ("Мерседес"), в результате чего тот сильно ударил машину Чжоу Гуаньюя ("Альфа Ромео").После этого автомобиль последнего подлетел в воздух и сделал сальто. На землю болид упал колесами вверх.
28.06 / 11:04
мода и стиль Yellow Сразу на 45 копеек: в Беларуси резко подорожают сигаретыТак, «Гродненская табачная фабрика «Неман» решила поднять цены сразу на 45 копеек на сигареты: Pall Mall (Blue, Azure, Nano Blue, Nano Fresh, Nano Fusion, Nano Amber, Demi Blue, Demi Azure), Kent (Navy Blue, Nano Silver, Nano White, Silver, Switch, Feel Aroma, Crystal Blue), Vogue (La Cigarette Lilas и La Cigarette Menthe), Rothmans (Blue, of London Blue, Click Amber, Click Coral, Click Purple, Click Hit).
27.06 / 13:36
MET Russia to hand over Iskander-M missile systems to Belarus within months
Russia will hand over a number of tactical missile systems Iskander-M to Belarus within the next few months. President of Russia Vladimir Putin made the statement as he met with Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko in St Petersburg on 25 June, BelTA has learned. Speaking about security matters, Vladimir Putin pointed out that Americans keep 200 units of tactical nuclear ammunition in Europe.
27.06 / 14:20
Cooper Highlights of Lukashenko's meeting with Putin in St Petersburg
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin met in St Petersburg on 25 June. It is worth noting that the negotiations were timed to the 30th anniversary since Belarus-Russia diplomatic relations were established, BelTA has learned. The meeting covered a lot of topics starting with logistics an
27.06 / 13:40
MET FIVE Presidents of Belarus, Russia agree to keep import substitution process under tight control
We have agreed with President Putin to keep the process of import substitution under tight control, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Russia's Samara Oblast Dmitry Azarov in Minsk on 27 June, BelTA has learned. «We are pleased that our products and services are fully in demand in the Russian market. Today, the question is no longer how to sell, as it was before.
27.06 / 13:40
MET Aviat Lukashenko suggests tit-for-tat military steps to Putin in response to West actions
It is necessary to take retaliatory steps in the military sphere in response to actions of the West. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement as he met with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg on 25 June, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We are very concerned about training flights of USA and NATO aircraft, which are training to carry nuclear warheads. It is very stress-inducing for us. This is why I ask you to consider a tit-for-tat response to these things. Without overdoing it. They are training to carry nuclear warheads. Please, help us at least adjust the aircraft we have for carrying nuclear payloads. I am not saying that we or you will transport nuclear ammunition over there tomorrow. But we cannot joke about it. We remember 1941 when they were lulling us into a false sense of security. And then we turned out to be unprepared for it. This is why it is a very serious situation for us. It is not the first time I've raised this issue with you. I know you've considered it in the Defense Ministry. I would like to hear how events are going to unfold here.” The Belarus president went on saying: “I am not trying to hide things, we have to be ready for everything even for the employment of the most serious weapons in order to protect our Fatherland from Brest to Vladivostok. It is our direct duty.” As for training flights of aviation of the USA and partners in NATO, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked: “If they are training, they must be thinking about something. Otherwise, why would they train?”
27.06 / 13:36
Apple Provident Minister: Belarus is not facing a food crisis
Belarus is not facing a food crisis, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview to the First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio, BelTA has learned. “It is even strange to hear such a thing. Believe me, we do not need to worry about anything like that in the near future.
20.06 / 14:45
Manufacturing ups Lukashenko: Belarus is not alone in this world, everyone is tired of the West's dictate
Belarus is not alone in this world, and everyone is sick and tired of the dictate on the part of the West, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he addressed the staff of the Belshina company in Bobruisk, BelTA has learned. “We will hold our ground, we will survive, we are not alone in this world. Everyone is already sick and tired of this dictate by the Americans and other Westerners. So the world is starting to change.
20.06 / 14:32
ups Extreme Lukashenko opines on Belarus' decision to drop nationalism in the 1990s
The development path that Belarus chose in the 1990s was life-changing and the decision to drop the nationalist agenda proved to be right, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he addressed the staff of the Belshina company in Bobruisk, BelTA has learned. The head of state emphasized that the situation in Ukraine is extremely difficult, but he had always cared about the Ukrainians. This is due to a number of reasons, including the Ukrainian roots of the Belarusian head of state, the fact that he did military service in this country, and personal experience. “You cannot even imagine how hardworking these people are.
20.06 / 14:21
Belarus accounts for nearly half of mutual food trade in EAEU
Belarus accounts for nearly half of mutual trade in foodstuffs in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Member of the Board (Minister) for Industry and Agriculture of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Artak Kamalyan told BelTA. “The share of the Republic of Belarus in the total volume of mutual trade in food products is about 43%. Around 93% of Belarusian food export goes to the Russian Federation, the remaining 7% is exported to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. The main export items are cheese and cottage cheese, butter, condensed and dry milk and cream, non-condensed milk and cream, fermented milk products, beef, poultry meat, prepared or canned fish, rapeseed oil.
20.06 / 14:21
target Enterprise Belneftekhim: Most companies maintain production levels despite sanctions
Enterprises run by the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim have adapted to sanctions, Belneftekhim Deputy Chairman Oleg Kurilin said in an interview to STV channel, BelTA has learned. “We were the first to be targeted by sanctions in 2007, so we have already adjusted to a certain extent.
20.06 / 14:17
ups MET Provident Lukashenko sets goal for 10m-tonne grain harvest in Belarus
The task is to reach a gross grain harvest of 9-10 million tonnes in the near term, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during a working visit to Mogilev Oblast on 20 June, BelTA has learned. Upon arrival at the field with different varieties of winter barley sown as an experiment, the head of state stressed that today is a historic and crucial moment in agriculture. The president said that he grew up in these places at the junction of Mogilev Oblast and Vitebsk Oblast and here he is trying out various new approaches to agriculture. “This is how the president's field took shape. Today is a historic moment. If anyone thinks that we have met here to talk and show off once again, the experts will see that this is not the case,” he said. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus is in the area of risk farming. One of the problems in agriculture is a short vegetation period of plants. There is a short period from sowing to harvesting. The country needs to cultivate the crops that are suitable for these conditions. “We need to reach 9-10 million tonnes of grain without including colza,” he set the task.
20.06 / 14:17
ups Enterprise Belarus plans to make up for loss of Western markets by exporting more to Russia
There are plans to make up for the closure of Western markets by increased supplies to Russia, Andrei Yarotsky, First Deputy Director General — Director for Economy and Finance at the Amkodor holding company, said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA informs. Recently, delegations from Russian regions have been visiting Belarus almost every week. High-level talks are taking place at enterprises and in the regions. “We have already hosted delegations from Murmansk, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Bryansk.
19.06 / 19:27
Беларусь Марсоход NASA заметил мусор на Красной планете
Space.Марсоход Perseverance начал исследование еще в феврале 2021 года. Недавно аппарат сфотографировал кусок мусора, который застрял между двух камней.
13.06 / 14:01
Enterprise Provident FIVE Minister: Belarus ensures its food security, becomes large agricultural exporter
Belarus has ensured its food security and has become a large player in the export of agricultural products, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview to ONT TV channel on 12 June, BelTA has learned. “We have implemented five government programs in the agricultural sector. Each had its own distinctive feature. We reconstructed our dairy farms and processing enterprises and cleaned up our villages.
13.06 / 14:01
ups Lukashenko updates tasks concerning work on Russian market
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has updated the tasks concerning work on the Russian market. The relevant statements were made as he hosted a government conference to discuss the operation of the Belarusian pavilion at the VDNH expo in Moscow, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “The current situation around Belarus, particularly in economy, determines special topicality and certain unconventional actions are required because of it. It is clear that in the current situation the Russian Federation has become our main partner as it was before and even more so [now].
13.06 / 13:43
Lukashenko hosts meeting to discuss KGB's development
The state of things and development prospects of the State Security Committee (KGB) of Belarus were discussed at a meeting hosted by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA has learned. The president heard out reports of the head of the Belarus President Administration, the state secretary of the Security Council and the chairman of the KGB. “It is time for us to take a serious look at our main special service — the KGB.
13.06 / 13:39
ups Digital Lukashenko: We will fight against fake news
Belarus will fight more effectively against fake news, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the national seminar-conference to discuss new methods and forms of public communication at the grassroots level, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko called information and communication work no less important in the work of civil servants. “We understand how important it is today to use all the opportunities, including digital resources, and to interact with mass media.
13.06 / 13:39
Lukashenko: The state should accommodate people, not the other way round
The government should accommodate people, not the other way round, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the national seminar-conference to discuss new methods and forms of public communication at the grassroots level, BelTA has learned. “The time has come to understand that it is not the public who should accommodate the interests of the government, but it is the government who should reach out to the people.
13.06 / 13:39
Lukashenko establishes new holiday – Father's Day
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed Decree No. 198 to establish a new holiday — Father's Day.
13.06 / 13:39
Cooper Ambassador: Belarus, Kazakhstan remain strategic partners despite foreign pressure
Belarus and Kazakhstan remain strategic partners in the face of external pressure, Ambassador of Belarus to Kazakhstan Pavel Utyupin said in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. Responding to the question about cooperation under the external pressure, Pavel Utyupin said: “Belarus and Kazakhstan have been and will remain strategic partners.
13.06 / 13:39
man ups Self-exiled opposition activists want to go back to Belarus, Lukashenko says
Many of those, who have fled Belarus, are now begging to be let back into the country. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the national seminar-conference held on 10 June to discuss new methods and forms of public communication at the grassroots level, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Self-exiled opposition activists are now begging to come back. Some came and started talking how ‘good' things are in our neighboring countries and other ones.
06.06 / 13:39
ups Patriarch Kirill: Struggle for national identity is a struggle for national survival
The struggle for national identity in the modern world is a struggle for national survival in the spiritual and cultural sense, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said at a meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minsk on 6 June, BelTA has learned. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church noted that in Belarus he always feels among his own kin.
06.06 / 13:31
target Block Belarus calls on UN to combat and prevent disinformation
Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Switzerland Larisa Belskaya took part in an online seminar «Towards a common approach to countering disinformation online» on 2 June, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event was organized by the EU and a number of countries, including Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and Japan, on the sidelines of the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2022 in Geneva. According to the Belarusian permanent representative, many countries face the problem of disinformation, including Belarus, which has become a target of disinformation organized by state and non-state structures from abroad.
06.06 / 13:31
MET Lukashenko: Truth is on our side, we will withstand any pressure
The visit of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to Belarus sends a good message for Belarusians, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with the patriarch in Minsk, BelTA has learned. “Now is a hard time. And it is good that you have come here. You are not a stranger here.
06.06 / 13:28
Provident Minister: Belarus' child and family welfare system is clear, consistent
The child and family welfare system in Belarus is clear and consistent, Belarus' Labor and Social Security Minister Irina Kostevich said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “The child welfare system (which can be referred to as family welfare system) has a long history,” said Irina Kostevich. “Today it is multifaceted and smooth and includes financial support, benefits and guarantees that are provided to a child from birth to adulthood. This system has been constantly improving,” Irina Kostevich added.
06.06 / 13:26
ups Lukashenko explains his vision of Belarusian militia
While talking to reporters, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained why it was necessary to set up a militia and what the militia will be like, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded that the decision in favor of creating territorial defense troops had been made some time before. “Because no one will defend your own house like you do,” he remarked. However, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that weapons must not be handed out without control the way it happened in Ukraine.
06.06 / 13:25
Digital Cooper Parke Plans to intensify contacts with Belarus discussed in China's Shenzhen
Consul General of the Republic of Belarus in Guangzhou Andrei Popov took part in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Youth Technology and Innovation Forum in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, BelTA learned from the Belarusian foreign mission in Guangzhou. The proposal to hold such an event was put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the SCO summit in September 2021. The forum was co-organized by the SCO Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission, the All-China Youth Federation and the People's Government of Guangdong Province.
06.06 / 13:25
Lukashenko on EU sanctions: They are shooting themselves in the foot
By imposing sanctions the EU countries are shooting themselves in the foot, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at an opening ceremony of city children's polyclinic No. 9 in Minsk, BelTA has learned «No one cares about economy. They do not think about it.
06.06 / 13:25
Lukashenko contemplates forcible extradition of fugitive terrorists to Belarus
While talking to reporters on 3 June Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko was asked whether fugitives from the KGB list of persons involved in terrorist activities can be forcibly extradited to the home country, BelTA has learned. While talking to reporters, Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned new details of the past operation designed to free captive Belarusians in Ukraine. Continuing the line of thought, a reporter wondered whether Belarusian law enforcement and security agencies have the ability to forcibly return people on the KGB list of persons involved in terrorist activities to the home country.
06.06 / 13:25
Lukashenko: Unity with Russia is best option for EU
Unity with Russia is the best option for the EU, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at an opening ceremony of city children's polyclinic No. 9 in Minsk, BelTA has learned. «The best option for Europe (I am an experienced politician) is unity with Russia and the creation of a huge center of power. Technological West, resource-rich Russia (post-Soviet space).
06.06 / 13:14
airlines Turkish Airlines extends suspension of Minsk flights till 31 July
Turkish Airlines will not fly to Belarus till 31 July, BelTA learned from the press service of Minsk National Airport. “The air carried extended the flight suspension for another month,” the press service informed.