Китай Belarus county Hall Digital Cooper Parke Китай Belarus county Hall
/ udf.by

Belarus-China joint economic steps seen as efficient response to challenges

Consul General of Belarus in Shanghai Andrei Andreyev took part in the international forum «Belarus-China: Bridge for Innovation» on 22 April, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his online speech, the diplomat said that joint approaches of Belarus and China aimed at sustainable economic development and achievement of prosperity of both countries through innovative development, creation of intelligent industries and digitalization of various areas of life are an effective response to the current economic and other challenges.

To this end, in accordance with the tasks set by the leadership of Belarus and China, special attention is paid to the development of joint innovation infrastructure, including in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, cooperation in the energy and healthcare sectors.

The event was organized by the Minsk City Hall, the Belarusian National Technical University and BNTU Science and Technology Park “Polytechnic” together with the Chinese partners from the twin cities Shanghai and Changchun, including the Shanghai University, the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Zone.

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