Belarus - главные новости

14.12 / 16:55
Enterprise Belarusian Economy Ministry expects positive foreign trade trends to continue in 2022
Positive trends in foreign trade will grow stronger in 2022, Belarusian First Deputy Economy Minister Yuri Chebotar made the statement as he commented on results of foreign trade in January-October 2021. Yuri Chebotar said: “The latest foreign trade statistics confirms the effectiveness of the export strategies Belarusian enterprises have chosen this year. As for merchandise, the foreign trade coverage ratio has increased considerably – by 4 percentage points.
14.12 / 16:55
ups FIVE Lukashenko vows union of Belarus and Russia will be better than EU
The union of Belarus and Russia will be a more powerful, mature and advanced integration association than the European Union, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview to the Turkish broadcaster TRT on 9 December, BelTA has learned. During the interview, the journalist asked about the prospects for the development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia and asked whether this association will be similar to the European Union. «This union [of Belarus and Russia] will be more advanced and more stable,» the head of state replied.
14.12 / 16:55
Lukashenko explains when Belarus may cut off gas transit to Europe
In a recent interview with the Turkish television and radio company TRT Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained under what circumstances Belarus may cut off natural gas transit to Europe, BelTA has learned.
14.12 / 16:55
Citizens Passing bill on genocide of Belarusian people hailed as step of great political importance
Passing the bill on the genocide of the Belarusian people is a step of great political importance, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko said, BelTA has learned. The bill “On the genocide of the Belarusian people” passed its first and second reading at the sixth session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus.
14.12 / 16:55
Former Belarusian culture minister Pavel Latushko faces criminal charges
The Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus has opened a criminal case against Pavel Latushko, BelTA has learned. Pavel Latushko is accused of committing a crime against interests of the service according to part 3, article 426 of the Criminal Code of Belarus. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus, Pavel Latushko occupied an executive position as the culture minister of Belarus in 2012.
08.12 / 10:36
связь дороги пресс-служба График электричек Белорусского и Савеловского направлений МЖД изменится 11-12 декабря
Расписание некоторых пригородных поездов Белорусского и Савеловского направлений Московской железной дороги (МЖД) изменится с 11 на 12 декабря в связи с подготовкой инфраструктуры к реверсивному движению на соединительной ветви. Об этом сообщили ТАСС в среду в пресс-службе МЖД.
29.11 / 13:32
target Provident Lukashenko: USA wants to use Poland, Baltic states, Ukraine to start war
The United States of America wants to unleash a war using Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine and the migrant crisis on the border of Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he spoke at a joint meeting of the Constitutional Commission and the working group on finalizing the new Constitution draft on 25 November, BelTA informs. “They seek to get closer to Moscow. And this ‘balcony' here obstructs them, they need to cut it off.
29.11 / 13:28
MET Lukashenko meets with refugees on Belarus-Poland border
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with refugees stranded on the Belarus-Poland border on 26 November, BelTA has learned. The head of state had a conversation with refugees who still hope to get to the European Union at the logistics hub near the Bruzgi checkpoint.
29.11 / 13:28
Provident Lukashenko refutes accusations of Belarus profiting from migrant crisis
Belarus does not profit from the migrant crisis. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement while talking to reporters after visiting refugees in a transportation and logistics hub near the Belarusian-Polish border on 26 November, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed: “Don't listen to those fakes that claim that it is profitable for us, that we've invited migrants to come here, that we bring them here, that [the Belarusian flag carrier] Belavia transports them.
29.11 / 13:23
WHO humanitarian cargo arrives in Belarus
The humanitarian cargo from the WHO regional office arrived in Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. This is the assistance to migrants who are currently living in the transport and logistics center on the Belarusian-Polish border, Deputy Healthcare Minister Boris Androsyuk noted. The cargo consists the interagency emergency health kits with medicines, consumables and equipment.
29.11 / 13:23
ups Defense minister: NATO is building up offensive potential near Belarus' borders
NATO member states are building up the offensive potential of the armed forces near Belarus' borders. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the statement during a government conference held by the Belarus president in the Defense Ministry's strategic control center on 29 November to discuss military security, BelTA has learned. The Defense Ministry constantly evaluates the military political situation around Belarus and searches for optimal ways to enhance the country's military security.
29.11 / 13:23
MET Cooper Belarus, China discuss mutual support in international organizations
Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus Xie Xiaoyong on 26 November, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BelTA. Sergei Aleinik and Xie Xiaoyong discussed topical aspects of bilateral cooperation and mutual support in international organizations.
29.11 / 13:18
Sergeyenko: Work on new Constitution of Belarus is almost over
The work on the draft of an updated Constitution has been almost completed, Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV Channel, BelTA has learned. “The work is almost over. We have reached the final version of the draft Constitution, but there are still some minor adjustments to be done.
29.11 / 13:18
Belarus' agricultural sector expands production potential, exports
The Belarusian agro-industrial complex is increasing its production potential and expands the geography of exports, Belarus' Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Subbotin said at a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic in the Oval Hall of the House of Government on 29 November, BelTA has learned. “The agro-industrial complex is one of the priorities of the Belarusian state policy. This is the most important area of activity which defines food, social, and political stability in society.
29.11 / 13:18
ups Lukashenko: Belarus is not brandishing weapons, but is ready to fight back
Belarus is not flexing its military muscles but is ready to fight back in the event of any attack, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during the meeting at the strategic control center of the Defense Ministry on 29 November, BelTA has learned. “We need to defend our country. I am not dramatizing the situation, but I am warning the military: we must be able to produce an adequate response to any possible move of theirs [those who pose a threat to the security of Belarus].
22.11 / 20:26
Telegram ups Lukashenko says Belarusian troops may have helped refugees reach Europe
The Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has acknowledged that his troops probably helped Middle Eastern asylum seekers cross into Europe, in the clearest admission yet that he engineered the new migrant crisis on the border with the EU. In an interview with the BBC at his presidential palace in Minsk, he said it was “absolutely possible” that his troops helped migrants across the frontier into Poland. “Maybe someone helped them. I won’t even look into this,” he said.
22.11 / 13:11
man Waters One-year-old Syrian child dies in forest on Poland-Belarus border
A one-year-old child from Syria has died in a forest in Poland near the border with Belarus, according to Polish medical workers, becoming the youngest known victim of the crisis on the eastern edge of the European Union. Thousands of people attempting to reach the EU are still stranded in freezing conditions, amid a standoff between the bloc and Belarus, which has been accused of deliberately creating the crisis by flying in people from the Middle East and facilitating their travel to the border. The Polish Emergency Medical Team PCPM, an NGO, said the child was the son of a Syrian couple who it had assisted in the early hours of Thursday.
22.11 / 13:11
технологии Eismont about Lukashenko's words: We will talk to any opposition but not to traitors
In an interview with the British media company BBC Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned readiness to discuss various matters with the opposition but not with traitors. Press Secretary of the Belarus President Natalya Eismont made the statement in a recent broadcast hosted by the YouTube channel of Igor Tur, a political analyst of the Belarusian TV channel ONT, BelTA has learned.
22.11 / 12:54
Lukashenko blames West for financing, controlling last year's mutiny
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko pursues an independent policy and acts primarily in the interests of the Belarusian nation. He made the relevant statement in an interview with the BBC, BelTA has learned.
22.11 / 12:53
UN representatives in Belarus visit temporary refugee accommodation point on Belarus-Poland border
UN representatives in Belarus visited the temporary refugee accommodation point in the transport and logistics center on the Belarusian-Polish border on 20 November, BelTA has learned. They inspected the accommodation conditions in the transport and logistics center. When talking to the media, Head of the UNCHR Office in Belarus Mulusew Mamo called on the European Union to jointly resolve the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border.
22.11 / 12:47
ups Lukashenko cautions against attempts to start war in Belarus
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko cautions against attempts to start a war in Belarus' territory. He made the relevant statement in an interview with the BBC on 19 November, BelTA has learned.
22.11 / 12:47
ups Cooper Lukashenko: The EU shies away from contacts on migrant crisis
Contact persons from the European Union who were supposed to cooperate with Belarus on the refugee crisis do not get in touch, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received Grodno Oblast Governor Vladimir Karanik and President's Aide – Inspector for Grodno Oblast Yuri Karayev on 22 November, BelTA has learned. “I am waiting for the EU's decision on 2,000 refugees.
22.11 / 12:47
Belarus resumes electricity import to Ukraine
Belarus resumed the import of electricity to Ukraine on 21 November, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry. «We supply electricity in accordance with the contract signed for November,» the press service said. As BelTA
22.11 / 12:47
target ups Defense minister talks about possible deployment of Russian Iskander missiles in Belarus
Belarus would like to deploy Russian missile systems Iskander. The country does not need to set up Russian military bases because the two countries are allies and have worked out a different interaction procedure as part of the Belarusian-Russian military group. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the statements in an interview with the TV channel Al Jazeera, BelTA has learned. The official said: “Iskander is a very good missile complex.
18.11 / 16:28
конфликт самит военные Кто готовит провокации на границе: обзор белорусских «зеленых человечков»
Юзеф Тисляк, который отмечает, что польские солдаты и офицеры в гибридном конфликте часто могут лучшем случае догадываться, с кем имеют дело, передаетВ статье напомнили, что многие силовые формирования в Беларуси возникли еще со времен Белорусской Советской Социалистической Республики и созданы по образцу аналогов в СССР.
15.11 / 13:55
airlines Belavia bars Iraq, Syria, Yemen nationals to fly from Turkey to Belarus
Nationals of Iraq, Syria and Yemen will not be allowed to board flights from Turkey to Belarus, BelTA learned from the website of the Belarusian Belavia air carrier. «Following the decision of the Turkish authorities, as from 12 November nationals of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen will not be allowed to board flights from Turkey to Belarus,» the airline said.
15.11 / 13:55
Waters Belarus' Red Cross sends another batch of aid to refugees stranded on border with Poland
On 12 November the Belarusian Red Cross Society sent several vehicles with humanitarian aid to people stranded on the Belarusian-Polish border without food, water and shelter, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Red Cross Society. The humanitarian aid was collected thanks to the efforts of the public, companies, various public associations. “At the moment, six vehicles carrying humanitarian aid from the Belarusian Red Cross Society are on their way to the border.
15.11 / 13:55
Iraqi embassy in Moscow ready to evacuate all Iraqis wishing to get home from Belarus
The Embassy of Iraq in Russia announced that it is making preparations to evacuate all Iraqis, currently stranded in Belarus, who wish to return home, as follows from a post on the embassy's website, BelTA has learned. All those who would like to be included in the evacuation list are asked to contact the consulate at +79652673377 (WhatsApp) or the consulate's email: [email protected], the news release said.
15.11 / 13:55
Cooper Lukashenko sketches out Belarus-Russia tight cooperation in security, defense
Belarus-Russia cooperation in defense and security is particularly tight and involves no issues at all. Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement in an interview with Igor Korotchenko, a military expert and Editor-in-Chief of the Russian magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona [national defense] on 9 November, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We have absolutely no issues in defense and security.
15.11 / 13:35
Provident Makei, Borrell discuss situation on Belarus-Poland border over phone
Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei and Vice President of the European Commission, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell held a telephone conversation, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Belarus confirmed its readiness for an equal and mutually respectful dialogue with the European Union. The futility of sanctions and counterproductivity of such approaches to the development of relations between Belarus and the EU was emphasized,” the statement reads.
15.11 / 13:34
ups Provident Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again denies Belavia transports refugees
The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again dismisses accusations that claim the Belarusian flag carrier OAO Belavia transports refugees, BelTA learned from the ministry's Press Secretary Anatoly Glaz. The official said: “We've repeatedly stated absolutely clearly at various levels: the national air carrier OAO Belavia has never transported, does not transport, and will not transport refugees or illegal migrants. It is easy to verify.
15.11 / 13:27
Provident Belarus ready to fly refugees home, but they do not want to
Belarus is ready to fly refugees back to their homeland, but they do not want to return, Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting with the working group to finalize the draft Constitution, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus has been doing its best to prevent refugees from gathering on the state border. Moreover, the president said, Belarus is ready to fly the refugees, who have changed their mind to make it to the European Union, back to their homeland.
15.11 / 13:23
ups MET Citizens Lukashenko promises tough response to EU's new sanctions
The European Union's new sanctions against Belarus will be met with tough response, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the meeting with the working group on finalizing the new Constitution draft on 15 November, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarus was accused of creating a migrant crisis and therefore the European Union is threatening to adopt another package of sanctions against the country. “Facilitating a migration flow through Belarus is more trouble than it is worth.
11.11 / 21:17
ООН общество политика В ООН предложили Лукашенко переместить мигрантов «в более безопасные места в Беларуси»
Филиппо Гранди.Today in Belarus UNHCR and IOM together with the Belarus Red Cross delivered assistance to people stranded at the border.Priorities now are to prevent loss of life and move people to safer locations in Belarus. We appreciate access and are ready to assist in finding solutions.
09.11 / 21:56
культура в странах Балтии Жаркие напевы Азербайджана на холодном прибрежном ветру Литвы
Азербайджанское общество Клайпедского региона «Азерис», как уже, красиво, музыкально, широко и впечатляюще провело в Клайпеде Дни азербайджанской культуры, продемонстрировав любовь к своему народу, уважение к стране проживания. Поздравить «Азерис» с большим праздником пришли представители и других общин города-порта – белорусской, еврейской, татарской, немецкой, украинской, латышской. Были и партнёры по мероприятию — Центр национальных культур города в лице Татьяны Волковой и Илоны Кабошите.
08.11 / 18:01
Block Cooper Provident 35 OSCE Countries Demand Answers From Belarus On 'Serious' Rights Violations
Dozens of member states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have invoked the so-called Vienna Mechanism to request answers from Belarus on “serious human rights violations and abuses” taking place in the country following a disputed presidential election in August 2020. In a letter dated November 4 and sent to the Belarusian permanent representative to the OSCE in Vienna, the United States, Canada, all EU member states except Poland, and seven other European countries said the situation in Belarus has “deteriorated” over the past year.
08.11 / 18:01
Provident Putin, Lukashenka Agree To 28 Union State 'Programs'
The Russian and Belarusian leaders have signed off on a series of road maps aimed at deepening the integration of the two neighbors as part of a decades-old plan to create a “Union State,” state media reported on November 4, as Minsk faces growing international pressure following last year's disputed presidential election. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka signed an agreement providing for a total of 28 integration “programs” at an online meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State. The document focuses mainly on economic and regulatory issues, including common policies on ta
08.11 / 18:01
Block Cooper Provident Belarus Blocks Pro-Kremlin Russian News Agency Regnum
The authorities in Belarus have blocked access to the website of the pro-Kremlin Russian news agency Regnum. The October 30 move was the first time Minsk has blocked access to a Russia-based media site, although it earlier blocked the Belarus-based version of the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda. The government of longtime leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka did not issue a statement explaining the decision to block Regnum. The website, however, has published numerous articles criticizin
08.11 / 18:01
Block Western Envoys In Minsk Commemorate Victims Of Soviet Great Terror
Western diplomats in Minsk have commemorated more than 130 Belarusian intellectuals, including 22 writers and poets, who were executed by the Soviet secret police 84 years ago. The October 29 ceremony comes amid an ongoing crackdown on the opposition, civil society, and independent media following last year’s disputed presidential election that gave authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka a sixth term.
08.11 / 14:18
Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 Belarus to get another batch of Chinese COVID-19 vaccine
Another batch of the Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 is ready for dispatch to Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. «The documents for the purchase of 1 million doses of the vaccine have already received all approvals.
08.11 / 14:18
Lukashenko: Criticism, competition should be within law
While visiting Orsha City Hospital No. 1 on 6 November Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he did not mind criticism and competition, but this should not run afoul of the law, BelTA has learned. During his visit to the hospital, Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled the events of last year.
08.11 / 14:18
ups BelNPP's first unit generates 4.6bn kWh of electricity
Since it was connected to the power grid in November 2020, the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated 4.6 billion kWh of electricity, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. «All in all, the unit has generated 4.6 billion kWh of electricity. This made it possible to replace about 1.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
04.11 / 22:43
Беларусь gemini В NASA показали туманность в форме медузы
#JellyfishDay! The #Jellyfish Nebula, also known as IC 443, is located about 5,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Gemini. This intriguing cloud of debris is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred in our galaxy more than 10,000 years ago.
02.11 / 14:50
metro Covid-19 Enterprise Over 23,3% Belarusians fully vaccinated against COVID-19
More than 2.882 million people in Belarus have got the first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, of them over 2.214 million have been fully vaccinated, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. The press service recalled that the map of vaccination sites is available on the official website of the Healthcare Ministry. Vaccinati
02.11 / 14:28
технологии Belarusian MP opines on sanctions, their effect
Western sanctions have a negative impact, but Belarus has been largely able to reduce it, Chairman of the Standing Commission on International Affairs of the House of Representatives Andrei Savinykh told the Glavny Tur YouTube channel on 30 October, BelTA has learned. «Naturally, sanctions have a negative impact. There's no denying it. Another is
02.11 / 14:28
Huawei Digital Cooper China eager to continue doing projects with Belarus as part of Belt and Road initiative
China intends to continue implementing highly effective projects together with Belarus within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative in addition to constantly enhancing cooperation in the area of digital economy. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong made the statement during the online opening ceremony of the Seeds for the Future 2021 program on 1 November, BelTA has learned. The ambassador said that the program was launched in Belarus in 2014 and has been running for six years already.
02.11 / 14:18
технологии Opinion: True democracy is in Belarus, not in the West
There is in fact no democracy in the West, the real democracy is in Belarus, Chairman of the Standing Commission on International Affairs of the House of Representatives Andrei Savinykh told the Glavny Tur YouTube channel, BelTA has learned. “Belarus is not even close to dictatorship. This is out of the question. A welfare
29.10 / 19:05
target 'Stay Strong': Noted Belarusian Lawyer Who Defended Political Prisoners Deprived Of License
Natallya Matskevich, a Belarusian lawyer known for having defended prominent political prisoners in the country, says she has been deprived of her license, becoming the latest attorney in Belarus to be targeted amid an intensifying crackdown on civil society and the political opposition following last year’s disputed presidential election. Matskevich tweeted late on October 25 that the Minsk Collegiate of Attorneys had excluded her from its “proud ranks.” «I felt sorry for them...Thanks to all good people for their support! My clients, stay strong. I will miss you,» Matskevich wrote.