Belarus Russia Belarus Russia

OSCE criticized for applying different approaches to electoral campaigns west and east of Vienna

Vladimir makei. File photoOSCE/ODIHR applies different approaches to electoral campaigns in countries west and east of Vienna, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said on the air of the Belarus 1TV channel, BelTA has learned.

The minister noted that Belarus has always drawn the attention of the OSCE, the ODIHR to the difference in approaches to electoral campaigns in countries that are located to the west and east of Vienna: «They send 4to 5 observers to Western countries.

Meanwhile delegations to our countries, the countries of the post-Soviet space in the first place, are huge. Sometimes they were as large as 600-700 people in our country.» According to Vladimir Makei, this alone testifies to the unequal attitude of the ODIHR to electoral campaigns in different regions of the OSCE. «I believe that this absolutely harms the ODIHR itself.

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