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Belarus-Russia exercise Allied Resolve 2022 described as purely defensive

Photo: BELTA The joint exercise of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia Allied Resolve 2022 is exclusively defensive in nature, Head of the Main Department of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of Belarus Andrei Nekrashevich said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “I would like to emphasize that this exercise is absolutely defensive in nature.

At the end of the exercise all the troops will leave for their permanent deployment points,” Andrei Nekrashevich said. The joint exercise will take place not only on Belarusian training grounds; maneuvers will also be held in the Belarusian border area near the places of deployment of a great number of troops in the territory of the neighboring countries. “Some of military groups have as many as 30,000 people.

A large number of aviation and heavy equipment. Naturally, we could not but respond to these unfriendly moves for our country, for the Union State,” the head of the main department noted.

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