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Belarus' MFA: West is using conflict in Ukraine for global confrontation

The conflict in Ukraine looks like a local conflict only on the map, in fact the West is using it for global confrontation, reads the address of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Aleinik to participants of the conference “Collective Security in a New Era: Experience and Prospects of the CSTO” that is taking place at the Moscow headquarters of the Valdai Discussion Club with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9 February, BelTA has learned.

The address of the deputy foreign minister was read out by Belarus' Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative to the CSTO Vyacheslav Remenchik. “The conflict in Ukraine looks local only on the map.

Today, this is a flashpoint, or rather a pretext for a global political confrontation,” Sergei Aleinik emphasized in his address.

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