Belarus - главные новости

24.01 / 14:08
man ups Ball Lukashenko: Election is the only legitimate way for transit of power
Presidential election is the only way for transit of power, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he spoke to the media on 21 January, BelTA has learned. “They have started discussing this topic far and wide. I would say it for the 1,001st time: I do not recognize any transit of power except for the presidential election. The people will decide who will be the first, second, fifth person in the Belarusian state.
24.01 / 14:08
Lukashenko: Only war can prevent constitutional referendum in Belarus
The referendum on the constitutional amendments in Belarus may not take place only in case of war, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he spoke to the media on 21 January, BelTA has learned. «Events like a referendum might be canceled only in one case: if, God forbid, a war breaks out. I've already commented on this. I don't t
24.01 / 14:08
Aviat Ryanair ADR Lukashenko comments on ICAO report into Ryanair incident
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the ICAO fact-finding report into the event involving Ryanair flight in Belarus airspace as he spoke to the media on 21 January, BelTA has learned. According to the head of state, the ICAO admitted that there was no interception, forced landing or rerouting of Ryanair aircraft by Belarus. The president called the ICAO investigators heroic people: “They deserve some praise. Despite all the pressure (this is a UN organization and you know that we are on our own there) they had to admit that Lukashenko did not open fire at the aircraft, did not scramble a MiG fighter jet to force it to land.
24.01 / 13:59
ups Referendum on Belarus' constitutional amendments set for 27 February
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No.14 “On calling the nationwide referendum” on 20 January, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian head of state. According to the document, the nationwide referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus shall be held on 27 February 2022. The decree contains the wording of the referendum question, which is reproduced verbatim in the voting ballot: “Do you accept the amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus?” The amendments and additions to the Constitution submitted to the referendum are listed in the decree. In accorda
22.01 / 10:14
“We will go more than once”, or What was the rest of the young residents of the region in the sanatorium ‘Belorus’ in Druskininkai
In November the sanatorium ‘’Belorus in Druskininkai, Lithuania, hosted the first group of Belarusian children after a long break for health improvement. Full of strength and positive emotions, they returned home, shared their impressions of the rest with family and friends. Why families were impatiently waiting for the opening of the health resort and what exactly was the rest in the sanatorium remembered for, in the material of the "GP" correspondent.
19.01 / 19:10
ups Belarus' agricultural export hits record high in 2021
Belarus' exports of agricultural products hit record high in 2021, Belarus' First Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo told the media on 19 January, BelTA has learned. “Last year Belarus' agricultural export amounted to a record high of nearly $6.5 billion, up almost $700 million if compared with 2020,” Igor Brylo said. According to him, export increased by 12% to the CIS countries (including Russia) and by 42% to non-CIS countries.
19.01 / 19:09
Provident Agriculture ministry: Belarus is self sufficient in food
The Belarusian market is saturated with food and farm products, Belarusian First Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo told the media in Minsk on 19 January, BelTA has learned. On 1 January, in response to the sanctions, Belarus imposed a food embargo on the states that had taken the unfriendly steps against Belarus. The list of embargoed goods include pigs, beef, pork, a number of byproducts, salted meat, meat in brine, dried or smoked meat, meatmeal tankage, milk and dairy products (with some exceptions), vegetables other than those intended for planting, fruits and nuts, pork fat and poultry fat, cattle, sheep or goat fat, lard stearin and other animal oils, sausages and similar products, confectionery, salt and other goods. When asked whether the Belarusian market will face a shortage of products, Igor Brylo replied: «We are fully stocked with raw materials, I would even say overstocked with them.
19.01 / 19:09
Finalized Constitution draft to be submitted to Lukashenko in coming days
The finalized version of the new Belarus Constitution draft will be forwarded to Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko one of these days, Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko told reporters following the meeting to review the outcomes of the public discussion of the new Constitution draft on 18 January, BelTA has learned. “In general, the draft amendments and additions got a positive feedback from the public. The overwhelming majority of comments approve the Constitution draft. Today I have presented all these amendments. They were supported by and large. We will continue the work today and tomorrow. I think that in the coming days we will finalize and submit both the draft decree and, accordingly, the finalized text of the proposed amendments and addenda to the Constitution to the head of state, in line with the law,” Igor Sergeyenko said.
19.01 / 18:57
Belarus, Russia start planning joint exercise
In pursuance of the decision of the presidents of Belarus and Russia, the General Staffs of the Armed Forces of the two countries have begun planning a joint combat readiness inspection of the Union State response forces, BelTA learned from the Defense Ministry. On 17 January, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Belarus approved the plan of the forthcoming joint exercise. It will i
19.01 / 18:57
Block Provident Russia's Defense Ministry: Belarus, Russia military are preparing to respond to any threat
On 18 January the Defense Ministries of Belarus and Russia held briefings for military attachés on the forthcoming inspection of the Union State rapid response forces. The briefing in Moscow was attended by 98 representatives of the military and diplomatic corps accredited in Russia, including those from 16 NATO countries. The press service of the Russian Defense Ministry sent BelTA the key takeaways of the briefing hosted by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin.
18.01 / 20:52
Беларусь ups Во Вьетнаме показали танк на базе мотоцикла
A conscript of Vietnam People Army inspecting a tank mockup used to simulate enemy armor during exercise. As you all can see, the mockup is built on a motorbike so it could move around.
17.01 / 14:18
Covid-19 Over 4.7m Belarusians fully vaccinated against COVID-19
More than 5.56 million people in Belarus have got the first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, of them over 4.72 million have been fully vaccinated, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. The regional breakdown of people who got the second shot is as follows: over 533,600 in Brest Oblast, over 472,800 in Vitebsk Oblast, over 653,700 in Gomel Oblast, over 493,800 in Grodno Oblast, over 488,200 in Mogilev Oblast, over 516,900 in Minsk Oblast, and more than 818,300 in the city of Minsk.
17.01 / 14:33
Lukashenko unveils details of Belarus-Russia joint military exercise
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko unveiled where and when a joint military exercise of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia will be held as he heard out a report on the plan of the joint military exercise on 17 January, BelTA informs. “As far as you know, in this difficult situation in December 2021 the president of the Russian Federation and I agreed to hold the out-of-schedule specific events on the western borders and in the south of Belarus – this is also the border of the Union State.
17.01 / 14:33
Belarus-Russia military exercise named Allied Resolve 2022
The joint operational exercise of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia scheduled for February has been named as«Allied Resolve 2022, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus — Head of the Main Operational Command Pavel Muraveyko, BelTA reports. Pavel Muraveyko drew attention to the ongoing militarization of European countries. According to him, the NATO contingent is strong enough to provoke and unleash any international conflict.
17.01 / 14:33
ups Defense Minister: Belarusian peacekeepers did an excellent job in Kazakhstan
Belarusian peacekeepers did an excellent job in Kazakhstan, Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said as he welcomed the Belarusian peacekeeping forces back home from Kazakhstan on 15 January, BelTA has learned. “Today we can confidently say that you have successfully performed all your tasks. The whole country has been closely watching the tragic events in Kazakhstan. Of course, your families and friends worried the most. Like all Belarusians, I fully share the joy of welcoming our peacekeepers back,” said Viktor Khrenin.
17.01 / 14:18
Cooper Enterprise Ambassador hails Belarus-China relations as steadily developing
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko spoke about the development of cooperation between the two countries in an interview to STV channel, BelTA has learned. “Despite the pandemic, our cooperation in education has reached very good results. We have signed about 400 different agreements in education.
17.01 / 14:18
Poland accused of plotting provocations near Belarus' border
The task of the Polish military near the Belarusian border is to stage provocations, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus — Head of the Main Operational Conmand Pavel Muraveyko, BelTA has learned. Military threats and threats emanating from the migrant crisis have nothing to do with the processes that are taking place now. Poland is deploying as much military as possible at our border wishing to demonstrate its importance for Europe, its financial investment in Europe's security, Pavel Muraveyko said.
17.01 / 14:18
target Enterprise Belarusian Bellesbumprom's exports reach $1bn in 2021
The export of the enterprises affiliated with the Belarusian timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom reached $1 billion in 2021, Bellesbumprom Chairman Mikhail Kasko told the media on 14 January, BelTA has learned. “The Bellesbumprom enterprises did well last year. The target we promised during the report to the head of state in Dobrush has been achieved and even slightly exceeded.
17.01 / 14:18
ups Lukashenko comments on turbulence in post-Soviet space
The situation in the post-Soviet space remains turbulent, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a reception to mark the Old New Year in Minsk on 14 January, BelTA has learned. «I understand that everyone wants the life [on the planet] to return to the usual, calmer rhythm.
14.01 / 18:27
ups Covid-19 Cooper CIS discuss mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates
The CIS member states are discussing the conditions of mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, BelTA learned from the press service of the CIS Executive Committee. “The proposal to consider the issue of mutual recognition of vaccination certificates on Belarus' initiative was considered by healthcare ministers and chief state sanitary doctors at the meeting of the CIS Healthcare Cooperation Council in October 2021. The council set up a working group to look into the issue and make proposals.
14.01 / 18:24
Covid-19 Cooper FIVE Belarusian ambassador: Proper level of security and cooperation possible only through dialogue
Proper level of security and interaction is possible only through dialogue, Permanent Representative of Belarus to the OSCE Andrei Dapkiunas said when speaking at the Special Meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on 13 January 2022, BelTA has learned. During the event, Poland, that will hold the OSCE chairmanship in 2022, presented the organization's priorities for this period. In this regard, Andrei Dapkiu
14.01 / 18:32
Provident Foreign diplomats briefed on proposed amendments to Belarusian Constitution
The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations, BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event was attended by more than 50 foreign diplomats. «Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei stressed the importance of the constitutional processes taking place in the country and their role for the evolutionary path of development of the Belarusian society,» the press service of the ministry said. The main
14.01 / 18:32
Belarusian military contingent of CSTO peacekeeping force returns home
The Belarusian military contingent of the CSTO peacekeeping force arrived at the Machulishchi military airfield, BelTA learned from the Defense Ministry of Belarus. The peacekeepers were flown back home by the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces. «The withdrawal of Belarusian servicemen from the Republic of Kazakhstan has been completed.
14.01 / 18:32
Gryzlov appointed new ambassador of Russia to Belarus
Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Boris Gryzlov as the new Russian ambassador to Belarus. The corresponding decree of the head of state was published on the offic
10.01 / 14:06
ups Lukashenko calls to strengthen CSTO's peacekeeping capacity
We need to build up the peacekeeping capacity of the CSTO, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a special session of the CSTO Collective Security Council on 10 January, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon had previously repeatedly mentioned the risks and threats associated with the setting up of sleeper cells of terrorists and extremists in the Central Asian region «We took note of this, but probably underestimated the risks. We probably thought that this problem would blow away. Now we see that professional terrorist fighters made the
10.01 / 14:06
ups MET Enterprise Lukashenko urges to create more jobs in Minsk satellite towns
We need to create more jobs in the satellite towns of Minsk, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Aleksandr Turchin on 3 January, BelTA has learned. The head of state recalled that satellite towns are actively growing around Minsk. These are Derzhinsk, Zaslavl, Logoisk, Rudensk, Smolevichi and Fanipol.
10.01 / 14:06
ups Lukashenko: Too many wish to explode the situation in post Soviet states
There are too many who wish to explode the situation in the post-Soviet countries, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a special session of the CSTO Collective Security Council on 10 January, BelTA has learned. “There are too many of those wishing to blow up the situation around the people and the state of Kazakhstan, the central Asian post-Soviet states.
10.01 / 14:06
Provident Volfovich: Belarus will assist Kazakhstan in stabilizing situation
Belarus will assist Kazakhstan in stabilizing the situation in the country, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told BelTA. The state secretary noted that «on 6 January, following the request of Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the Collective Security Treaty Organization, in view of the threat to the national security and sovereignty of this country caused, among other things, by outside interference, the CSTO Collective Security Council, in accordance with Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty, decided to deploy the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces to Kazakhstan for a limited period of time in order to stabilize the situation in the country.
06.01 / 20:20
Covid-19 Over 3.74m Belarusians fully vaccinated against COVID-19
More than 4.862 million people in Belarus have got the first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, of them over 3.747 million have been fully vaccinated, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. Over 1,900 teenagers aged between 12-17 have received one shot of the vaccine.
06.01 / 20:20
Historical policy seen as factor of Belarus' national security
Historical policy is a factor of national security of Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a government session to discuss Belarus' historical policy on 6 January, BelTA has learned. «We must recognize that the the national history has turned into an information battlefield. It didn't happen overnight.
06.01 / 20:20
ups Lukashenko urges dialogue between rioters, authorities in Kazakhstan
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko called upon the rioters in Kazakhstan to start negotiations with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev as he spoke at the government meeting to discuss Belarus' historical policy on 6 January, BelTA has learned. “I want to address the protesters on behalf of Belarusians. It is time to wrap things up, to negotiate before everything has gone too far. President Tokayev is open to negotiations.
06.01 / 20:20
CSTO confirms participation of Belarusian military in CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan
The CSTO confirmed to the Belarusian news agency BelTA the participation of the Belarusian military in the CSTO peacekeeping forces sent to Kazakhstan. The CSTO did not comment on the specific membership of the units.
06.01 / 20:12
ООН Россия - самозванец в Совете Безопасности ООН?
Присутствие РФ в Совбезе в роли постоянного члена подрывает легитимность самого главного международного органа по вопросам мира и безопасности Совет Безопасности ООН - главный международный орган, который отвечает за безопасность в мире, оказывается, функционирует не совсем законно. Эта истина не только пугает игроков мировой политики – о ней предпочитают не говорить, даже не замечать ее в самом Совбезе.
31.12 / 22:17
Covid-19 Over 3.71m Belarusians fully vaccinated against COVID-19
More than 4.842 million people in Belarus have got the first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, of them over 3.719 million have been fully vaccinated, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. The regional breakdown of people who got the second shot is as follows: over 476,200 in Brest Oblast, over 403,500 in Vitebsk Oblast, over 628,200 in Gomel Oblast, over 450,000 in Grodno Oblast, over 450,400 in Mogilev Oblast, over 477,900 in Minsk Oblast, and more than 740,600 in the city of Minsk.
31.12 / 22:17
Citizens Over 2,300 Ukrainian nationals granted Belarusian citizenship since August 2021
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 515 “On conferring citizenship of the Republic of Belarus” to grant the Belarusian citizenship to 380 nationals of Ukraine.
31.12 / 22:17
2022 announced Year of Historical Memory in Belarus
The year 2022 will be announced Year of Historical Memory in Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he paid a visit to the National Research Center Mother and Child on 31 December, BelTA has learned. “Among the things I still need to do this year is to wish a Happy New Year to my people and sign a degree on 2022 Year of Historical Memory,” the president said.
31.12 / 14:43
конференция самит роды СССР: кто придумал это название на самом деле - Русская семерка
Для всех, кто родился в нашей стране до 1991 года название «СССР» было настолько привычным, родным и самоочевидным, что даже мысли не могло возникнуть о том, что «шестая часть суши» могла бы называться как-то иначе. Тем не менее, аббревиатура СССР возникла далеко не сразу.
30.12 / 00:02
ups Waters Provident “We want to go to Germany. And now only hope and the help provided by the Belarusian authorities help us to survive ”. Refugees about their stay at the border and the betrayal of Europe
When we talked with the people who will be discussed in this publication, it was still morning, and our interlocutors were in a spontaneous camp. Shortly thereafter, events at the border picked up the pace. All the refugees were relocated to the logistics center, hot meals were brought up there, a caravan drove up, and the vaccination station began to work. Journalists everywhere needed to be in time.
29.12 / 23:00
MET Serbian president reaffirms commitments to developing dialogue with Belarus
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Serbia Valery Brylev in Belgrade on 28 December, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
29.12 / 20:55
Enterprise PM on Western sanctions: Belarus will continue to protect its economic interests
Belarus will continue to protect its economic interests in the face of Western sanctions, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said in an interview with the International Television and Radio Company Mir, BelTA has learned. “We have had no sense of confusion or anxiety.
29.12 / 15:21
Manufacturing Cooper Belarus, India announce contest of sci-tech projects for 2022-2023
The State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus and the Ministry of Science and Technology of India have announced a contest of joint sci-technical projects for 2022-2023, BelTA learned from the press service of the State Committee on Science and Technology. The competition is centered around the main areas of bilateral cooperation, including information and communication technologies with a focus on artificial intelligence, internet of things, machine learning, cloud services; biotechnology (including medicine and pharmaceuticals); new materials (including for additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy, nanostructured and ceramic materials, functional coatings and thin films for various applications).
29.12 / 12:40
man Citizens 140 people recognized as victims of crimes of Polish border guards on Belarus-EU border
All in all, 140 people were recognized as victims of the atrocities committed by the Polish security forces at the Belarus-Poland border. Materials of the criminal investigation will be forwarded to all international organizations, including the UN and the Council of Europe.
29.12 / 07:07
Covid-19 Belarus starts vaccinating teens against COVID-19
Belarus has started vaccinating children against COVID-19, BelTA informs citing the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. Belarus has expanded its COVID-19 vaccination program to include children aged 12-17. Parents or legal representatives of children should sign an informed consent for the children to get a jab.
29.12 / 08:48
Cooper Provident Voinov: Escalating military and political situation does not fit in with good-neighborliness concept
Escalating the military and political situation in the region does not fit in with the good-neighborliness concept, said Major-General Oleg Voinov, Chief of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Belarusian Defense Ministry, Defense Minister Aide for International Military Cooperation, BelTA has learned. «Recently, we have heard a lot of thunderous statements by some government officials accusing the Republic of Belarus of being the so-called donor of instability in the Eastern European region.
29.12 / 08:34
ups Cooper Zas: Russia's proposals on security guarantees designed to reduce tensions near Belarus' borders
Russia's proposals to the North Atlantic Alliance on security guarantees are designed to reduce tensions near the borders of Belarus, Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Stanislav Zas said in an interview with the multimedia publication «Allies. CSTO», BelTA has learned.
25.12 / 10:41
Specially for "GP" Alexey Avdonin: "The situation on the border of Belarus and Poland with migrant refugees is actually a new form of international terrorism"
Alexey Avdonin, analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies: - The situation on the border of Belarus and Poland with refugee migrants is actually a new form of international terrorism, which is used both against the Republic of Belarus and the European Union, and is focused primarily on deflecting the attention of the EU public from the problems associated with COVID-19 and deterioration of the socio-economic situation and the well-being of citizens.
15.12 / 20:30
MET Waters FIVE Helping refugees starving in Poland’s icy border forests is illegal – but it’s not the real crime
Anna Alboth with refugees in Narewka, Poland, near the Belarus border. ‘We cannot take people with us or drive them to a safe place.