Belarus city Minsk Provident Belarus city Minsk

Agriculture ministry: Belarus is self sufficient in food

The Belarusian market is saturated with food and farm products, Belarusian First Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo told the media in Minsk on 19 January, BelTA has learned. On 1 January, in response to the sanctions, Belarus imposed a food embargo on the states that had taken the unfriendly steps against Belarus.

The list of embargoed goods include pigs, beef, pork, a number of byproducts, salted meat, meat in brine, dried or smoked meat, meatmeal tankage, milk and dairy products (with some exceptions), vegetables other than those intended for planting, fruits and nuts, pork fat and poultry fat, cattle, sheep or goat fat, lard stearin and other animal oils, sausages and similar products, confectionery, salt and other goods.

When asked whether the Belarusian market will face a shortage of products, Igor Brylo replied: «We are fully stocked with raw materials, I would even say overstocked with them.

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