Belarus Russia city Minsk Armenia ups Covid-19 Cooper Belarus Russia city Minsk Armenia

CIS discuss mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates

The CIS member states are discussing the conditions of mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, BelTA learned from the press service of the CIS Executive Committee. “The proposal to consider the issue of mutual recognition of vaccination certificates on Belarus' initiative was considered by healthcare ministers and chief state sanitary doctors at the meeting of the CIS Healthcare Cooperation Council in October 2021.

The council set up a working group to look into the issue and make proposals. The first meeting of the working group was held at the CIS headquarters in Minsk on 13 January,” the press service said.

Taking part in the video conference were representatives of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the CIS Executive Committee.

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