Belarus - главные новости

29.10 / 18:57
visa ups U.S. Says Belarus Forces Closure Of Embassy Aid Office
The U.S. Embassy in Minsk said on October 29 that Belarusian authorities were “forcing the closure” of its humanitarian and outreach programs that have benefited thousands of people in the authoritarian country. Strongman leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s government has cracked down on civil society groups and the pro-democracy opposition since protests erupted against his disputed reelection last August, leading to several rounds of Western sanctions. The U.S. Embassy said in a statement that aut
28.10 / 14:45
FIVE Ukraine to resume import of Belarusian electricity on 1 November
Ukraine will resume import of Belarusian electricity on 1 November, TASS reports citing the NPC Ukrenergo website that posted the results of the auction of 27 October. The Ukrainian state-owned company Energoatom bought 885 out of 900 MW of capacity of interstate power transmission grid to import electricity from Belarus in November. The Ukrainian company Energy Community acquired another 15 MW.
28.10 / 14:45
MET Extreme Lukashenko pledges strong response to West's border militarization
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the ongoing militarization along the western borders of Belarus as he met with Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov in Minsk on 28 October, BelTA has learned. «Here's the latest news. Russia has probably paid attention to it too.
28.10 / 14:34
ups Enterprise Belarus' timber export doubles since 2006
Belarus' timber export has doubled since 2006, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov said during a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic in Minsk on 28 October, BelTA has learned. «Modernization of the woodworking and pulp and paper enterprises affiliated with the Bellesbumprom concern had a positive impact on the efficiency of the forestry industry. Industrial wood processing increased by more than 1.5 times since 2006 and reached 18.5 million cubic meters in 2020. Timber exp
25.10 / 13:56
ups Lukashenko discussing creation of personal data protection authority
The establishment of a personal data protection authority is being discussed at a government meeting hosted by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 22 October, BelTA has learned The head of state recalled that in May 2021 a law was adopted to protect people's rights while processing their personal data. “The government and the Operations and Analysis Center believe that a separate authority should be set up to supervise the observance of this law,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
25.10 / 13:56
target airlines EU Ministers Meet Amid Talk Of New Measures Against Belarus Over Migrants
The European Union's foreign ministers have expressed support for new measures to halt the flow of illegal migrants that the bloc accuses Belarus of sending in retaliation for sanctions against authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his regime over its crackdown on the opposition. As the ministers gathered for a meeting in Brussels on October 18, several called for fresh sanctions against Minsk, as well as measures targeting Belarus's state airline, Belavia, as migrants from the Middle East and Africa continue to pour over the border on the EU's eastern flank.
25.10 / 13:03
Facebook Covid-19 Waves Mask Mandates Canceled In Belarus In Move Criticized By Doctors
Belarusian authorities have abolished mask mandates less than two weeks after they were introduced and a day after the country registered a record number of new coronavirus infections. The decision came after authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka dismissed the mask mandates and other measures to control the spread of COVID-19 as unnecessary. The mask mandates were introduced earlier this month amid a new wave of infections and required Bela
25.10 / 13:03
FIVE Extreme Ursula von der Leyen says EU will not fund ‘barbed wire and walls’
The EU will not fund “barbed wire or walls”, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has said, in defiance of calls from some governments to build protective defences against migrants seeking to enter the bloc. A number of EU leaders have voiced concerns in recent weeks over a rise in numbers of people seeking to cross the bloc’s borders, with eight having died at the Polish border with Belarus in recent months.
22.10 / 20:27
"The days full of joy and happiness have come again." From the archives of the newspaper "Grodzenskaya Pravda" you can find out with what mood Grodno residents celebrated the holiday of September 17 in 1945-1949
The chosen date became a symbol of historical justice for the Belarusian people, unwittingly divided under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty in 1921. Until September 1939, Western Belarus was part of the Polish state.
15.10 / 18:52
MET Cooper Citizens Details of Kochanova's meeting with vice-president of OSCE PA revealed
On 14 October Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Pia Kauma met with the Belarusian delegation to the Third Eurasian Women's Forum and the head of the delegation, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova. The meeting was requested by Pia Kauma, BelTA learned from the press service of the upper house of the Belarusian parliament. Natalya Kochanova spoke about the current political and economic situation in Belarus, the work on amending the Constitution, the challenges Belarus has been facing lately.
15.10 / 18:45
visa MAIL Citizens Belarus To Close New York Consulate 'At U.S. Request'
Belarus's consulate in New York City will close on October 21 at the request of the United States, according to a statement posted on the consulate's website. Belarusian citizens residing in the consulate's territory, which includes Canada, will have to contact the Belarusian Embassy in Washington for services, the notice from the Belarusian Foreign Ministry said. The consulate has already stopped answering the phone and accepting and processing documents sent by mail. Since October 8 documents received have been transferred to the embassy. Access to the consulate will not be possible after October 15. From October 17, U.S. citizens must obtain a visa to enter Belarus.
15.10 / 18:45
Belarus Border Crisis Intensifies As Germany Reports Huge Jump In Migrants, Poland Plans 'Barrier'
The arrivals in Germany mark an expansion of similar problems this year as swelling numbers of migrants from increased flights to Belarus have crossed porous borders into EU member states Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland.
15.10 / 18:36
visa man Poland criticised over stranded migrants after seventh death at border
Identity documents suggest latest person to die was 24-year-old Syrian who arrived in Belarus last month Polish police have found another body near the border with Belarus amid fresh allegations that Warsaw is breaking international law in its treatment of migrants stranded in harrowing conditions on the EU’s eastern frontier. The man’s body was spotted in a field by a helicopter crew, police said, bringing to seven the number of people rep
15.10 / 18:30
ups Lukashenka threatens to divert fertilizers to unlikely destination
Amid the migration crisis, Lithuania has warned Belarus of a possible complete halt in the transit of fertilizers. The sectoral sanctions introduced in June are soft enough in this regard, but now there is a serious possibility of «filling the spots» in the sanctions documents. «Look, we'll supply these volumes, we'll load them in Murmansk,» said Alyaksandr Lukashenka during the «Big Talk» on August 9. «It's not a problem, and we will supply it by the shortest route via the Northern Sea Route to China — this is our main market — and to India, the southeast. You can shoot in the head, if you want.» Apparently, Lukashenk
11.10 / 13:56
Block ups Provident Belarus Launches New Criminal Case Against Independent Journalists
Fifteen editors and journalists from were arrested on charges of tax evasion. Eleven of them remain either in custody or under house arrest.
11.10 / 13:21
target Warsaw Says Shots, Likely Blanks, Fired From Belarus At Polish Troops
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has voiced support for the troops guarding the Belarusian frontier from illegal migration after reports that Belarusian forces allegedly fired shots — possibly blank ammunition — at Polish servicemen. Morawiecki tweeted that «all state powers» were behind the border guards and the military. Earlier on October 8, Polish Border Guards spokeswoman Anna Michalska said Belarusian forces fired shots a
11.10 / 12:51
Belarus' border service: Lithuania transfers refugees to other EU countries
Lithuania transfers refugees from its camps to other EU countries, the State Border Committee of Belarus told BelTA. According to the State Border Committee, it has reliable information suggesting that Lithuania is purposefully and consistently transferring refugees from its territory to other EU countries. On 29 September, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania officially announced that more than 700 illegal migrants fled from accommodation centers in Lithuania since the beginning of this year.
11.10 / 12:50
MET Cooper Andreichenko: Belarus-Venezuela relations rely on solid foundation
We have built a solid foundation of the bilateral relations with Venezuela, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko said as he met with Venezuela president's special envoy Adan Chavez Frias in Minsk on 7 October, BelTA has learned. “Let me welcome you to the House of Representatives.
11.10 / 12:49
target Lukashenko urges to bolster economy to survive geopolitical confrontation
We need to bolster the country's economy if we want to survive the geopolitical confrontation, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he took part in the general meeting of the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies Belkoopsoyuz in Minsk on 8 October, BelTA has learned. «We have let our guards down: we have repelled an attempt at a revolution and stop being careful and alert.
11.10 / 12:49
Telegram Enterprise Citizens About 200 Belarusians arrested for negative comments about KGB officer's death
About 200 people have been detained all over the country for making negative comments about the death of a KGB officer in a shootout in a Minsk apartment, BelTA learned from Belarusian Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov on 7 October. The internal affairs minister said: “Some are trying to have fun by hyping about this death. About 200 citizens have been detained so far.
11.10 / 12:49
Provident Belarus to open consulate general in Hong Kong
Belarus will open its Consulate General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. The decision is envisaged in Council of Ministers' Resolution No.565 of 6 October 2021, officially published on the national legal internet portal on 8 October, BelTA has learned.
11.10 / 12:40
Minister: Belarus' austerity budget 2022 will not affect salary growth
Despite the austerity nature of the national budget 2022, state employees and pensioners will not feel any additional burden, Belarus' Finance Minister Yuri Seliverstov said in an interview with ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. This year's budget expectations are modest, but positive. “Initially, when we formed it for this year, we proceeded from conservative estimates,” said Yuri Seliverstov.
11.10 / 12:40
man Citizens Sri Lankan citizen found dead near Belarus-Lithuania border
The body of a Sri Lankan citizen was found near the Belarus-Lithuania border, Belarus 1 TV channel informed, BelTA has learned. The man's body was found on 5 October in the shrubs 500 meters from the state border with Lithuania.
11.10 / 12:37
Provident Lukashenko: Consumer societies remain relevant, useful to people
Consumer societies remain relevant despite the changing working environment, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the general meeting of the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies Belkoopsoyuz on 8 October, BelTA informs. “The operating environment has changed dramatically. First of all, the financial and economic setting.
10.10 / 19:33
Restored historical plaques in honor of the reunification of Belarus installed on the Old Bridge in Grodno
According to available historical information, the first bridge in Grodno appeared in the 15th century. Over the centuries, the bridge connecting the two banks of the Nemunas has changed its location many times.
07.10 / 16:27
Enterprise Lukashenko pledges support to ordinary Belarusians amid western sanctions
It is essential to take all measures to protect ordinary families and workers amid western sanctions, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the government session held on 7 October to discuss measures to counteract sanctions, BelTA informs. The head of state recalled a previous decision to meet with the government every three months or more often if necessary to discuss economic matters. “We must
07.10 / 16:27
MET Provident FIVE Concerns grow over Poland’s treatment of migrants stuck at Belarus border
Concerns over Poland’s treatment of migrants stranded on its border with Belarus are mounting after Warsaw this week ignored domestic and international criticism to extend a state of emergency and sought to portray them as dangerous deviants. The European commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, met the Polish interior mini
07.10 / 16:27
ups Aviat Lukashenko urges not to make drama out of sanctions
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko urged not to dramatize the sanctions against Belarus as he hosted the government session on 7 October to discuss measures to counteract the sanctions, BelTA informs. The head of state noted that a hybrid war is being waged against Belarus and sanctions are its economic component. “We need not only to promptly and coherently respond to all challenges, but also to actively take preventive measures, to look for ways out of the current situation. We have an
07.10 / 14:11
дороги В выходные не будут ходить поезда между Белорусским и Савеловским вокзалами
В предстоящие субботу и воскресенье, 9 и 10 октября, значительно изменится расписание поездов на D1, Белорусском и Савеловском направлениях Московской железной дороги. Об этом сообщили в департаменте транспорта Москвы.
01.10 / 16:29
Telegram target In CNN Interview, Lukashenka Rejects Reports Of Police Abuses, Torture
Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka rejected any suggestion that he should apologize for the harsh police crackdown and sweeping arrests that targeted protesters in the wake of last year’s disputed election. In an interview broadcast September 30 on CNN, Lukashenka dismissed media and rights groups’ criticism about widespread human rights abuses in Belarus. «No, I wouldn't like to use this opportunity [to apolo
01.10 / 16:29
ups MET Lukashenko suggests adopting Law on Civil Society
We need a law to define who can be regarded as civil society, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with senior officials of the Belarus President Administration on 1 October, BelTA has learned. “We have discussed this issue more than once.
30.09 / 22:42
Telegram Block MET Belarusian Version Of Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda Blocked
Belarus's Information Ministry has blocked access to the website of the Belarusian version of the popular Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda. The ministry justified its September 29 decision by saying materials on the site «could produce threats to national security, including through the artificial irritation of tensions and conflicts in society.» The publication posted on its Telegram channel that it had not received official notification that its site, which receives about 20,000 visitors a day, had been blocked.
30.09 / 21:25
visa FIVE EU seeks to tighten Belarus visa rules amid growing migrant crisis
The European Commission has said it wants to suspend easy access to visas for Belarusian officials in an attempt to deter it from pushing migrants from the Middle East and Africa across its border with the bloc. Neighbouring Poland, Lithuania and Latvia have declared states of emergency after a sharp increase in arrivals at their borders with Belarus, accusing the country’s dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, of an act of “hybrid warfare” in seeking to orchestrate a EU migrant crisis.
30.09 / 21:19
man ups Waters Four migrants stuck on Poland-Belarus border die of hypothermia and exhaustion
Four people stranded on the border between Poland and Belarus have died in recent days, officials have said, amid continuing allegations that Minsk is abandoning migrants at its frontier in an attempt to put pressure on the EU. Polish authorities said three people, including an Iraqi man, were found dead, from hypothermia and exhaustion, on the Polish side of the border on Saturday, and the body of a woman was seen on the Belarus side on Sunday.
30.09 / 20:58
Provident Lukashenko about shot KGB officer: It will not be left unpunished
A KGB officer was killed in a shootout in an apartment in Minsk on 28 September. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko received information about the tragedy immediately and gave instructions to provide all kinds of support and assistance to the family, the president's Press Secretary Natalya Eismont told BelTA. Natalya Eismont said: “Yesterday the president received information about the tragedy immediately. He gave in
30.09 / 20:52
ups Cooper Lukashenko: Belarus can turn into an outpost within a month if needed
In an interview with the U.S. television company CNN on 30 September Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko once again commented on the speculations that Belarus may lose its independence and become kind of an outpost if it continues advancing cooperation with Russia.
30.09 / 20:52
Lukashenko: Transformations in Belarus are not about dramatic change in priorities
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned the transformations taking place in Belarus as he received credentials from foreign ambassadors, BelTA has learned. “The start of your diplomatic service here coincides with important transformations in Belarus.
30.09 / 20:42
Citizens Prosecutor General's Office: KGB acted in line with law during Minsk shootout
The Prosecutor General's Office has conducted an inquiry into the use of weapons by KGB officers which caused the death of a Minsk resident, BelTA learned from the Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus. It was established that the citizen was reasonably suspected of having committed major crimes related to terrorism. With a search warrant issued by the deputy prosecutor general KGB officers, accompanied by witnesses, arrived at the home of the suspect. The KGB of
27.09 / 16:16
санкции политика Беларусь Пятый пакет санкций против режима Лукашенко может быть готов к концу октября
Рикард Йозвяк.Он добавил, что при разработке пакета будет учитываться ситуация на границе.the work on the fifth package of sanctions on #Belarus has started but it takes time as always. will reflect the migratory pressure on the borders of #Lithuania, #Latvia and #Poland.
26.09 / 20:51
BAY Yellow В октябре в Беларуси подорожают около 110 марок сигарет
Сигареты, производимые табачной фабрикой «Неман»Pall Mall Red, Pall Mall Blue, Pall Mall Silver, Pall Mall Azure3,003,10Pall Mall Nano Blue, Pall Mall Nano Silver, Pall Mall Nano Fresh, Pall Mall Nano Fusion, Pall Mall Nano Green, Pall Mall Nano Amber, Pall Mall Nano Coral, Pall Mall Nanokings Blue, Pall Mall Nanokings Silver2,852,95Pall Mall Superslims Azure, Pall Mall Superslims Violet2,903,00Pall Mall Demi Green, Pall Mall Demi Purple2,802,90Pall Mall Demi Blue, Pall Mall Demi Azure2,702,80Kent Blue, Kent Navy Blue, Kent  Silver, Kent White4,004,10Kent Nano Blue, Kent Nano Silver, Kent Nano White, Kent Feel Aroma, Kent Feel Aurum3,853,95Kent Switch4,054,15Kent Feel Tropic3,803,90Kent Feel..
22.09 / 20:20
man землетрясении Разрушения после мощного землетрясения в Австралии записали на видеоМногие жители Австралии стали свидетелями природной стихии. Они делятся роликами в Twitter, где зафиксированы первые толчки и последующие разрушения после землетрясения.
22.09 / 15:44
MET Cooper Extreme Lukashenko meets with Pakistan PM in Dushanbe
Belarus is extremely interested in developing cooperation with Pakistan, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in Dushanbe on 16 September, BelTA has learned. “We are very interested in cooperation with a huge country such as Pakistan. I am sure that your specialists and members of the government will find a lot of interesting in Belarus for Pakistan,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
22.09 / 14:08
Lukashenko talks about amendments to Constitution, referendum
The referendum on amendments to the Constitution will be organized as promised. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he appointed a number of officials of municipal authorities on 20 September, BelTA has learned. The head of state reminded about the organization of the referendum and stressed that municipal authorities will also help organize the process.
22.09 / 00:24
Citizens Lukashenko: 17 September will live in the heart and memory of the Belarusian nation
The eastern part and the western part of Belarus were reunited on 17 September 1939. The date has lived and will live in the heart and memory of the Belarusian nation. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the patriotic forum Symbol of Unity held in Minsk Arena on 17 September to mark People's Unity Day, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Here is my address to you, to our Belarusian nation. I would li
21.09 / 14:51
ups Cooper Parke Belarus and China: Commerce Before Politics
Against the backdrop of problems within the international arena and the ever-increasing political and economic isolation of Minsk, the role of China within Belarusian affairs continue to grow. Should we expect cooperation with the Celestial Empire as stated by Belarusian authorities, which has been called a “strategic partnership”? Against the backdrop of problems within the international arena and the ever-increasing political and economic isolation of Minsk, the role of China within Belarusian affairs continue to grow.
21.09 / 14:29
Cooper Lukashenko: Belarus is ready to help rebuild Afghanistan
Belarus is ready to take part in infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he took part in the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on 17 September, BelTA has learned. “Our country is ready to assist in rebuilding Afghanistan's infrastructure and supplying food,” the head of state said. Aleksandr Lukashenko called the SCO a unique platform for discussing problems in Afghanistan that has observer status in the organization.
21.09 / 11:24
общество армия правительство День народного единства в Республике Беларусь (досье БЕЛТА)
В этом году Беларусь впервые празднует День народного единства, который был учрежден 7 июня 2021 года указом №206 главы государства Александра Лукашенко.Праздник отмечается 17 сентября и приурочен к годовщине начала освободительного похода Красной армии в Западную Беларусь в 1939 году, в результате которого разделенный по условиям Рижского мирного договора белорусский народ вновь воссоединился.Территория Беларуси была разделена между двумя государствами в результате польско-советской войны 1919-1920 годов. На территории восточной части Беларуси была создана Белорусская Советская Социалистическая Республика, входившая в состав СССР.
21.09 / 06:19
visa Provident Citizens Belarusian visa-free entry terms adjusted
The procedure that allows foreigners to enter Belarus without visas has been adjusted. On 14 September Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed decree No.345 to amend presidential decree No.8 on introducing a visa-free procedure for foreign citizens to enter and leave Belarus, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BelTA. Decree No.345 will come into force one month after the official publication, that is on 17 October 2021.