Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Ukraine Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Ukraine

Lukashenko contemplates forcible extradition of fugitive terrorists to Belarus

While talking to reporters on 3 June Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko was asked whether fugitives from the KGB list of persons involved in terrorist activities can be forcibly extradited to the home country, BelTA has learned. While talking to reporters, Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned new details of the past operation designed to free captive Belarusians in Ukraine.

Continuing the line of thought, a reporter wondered whether Belarusian law enforcement and security agencies have the ability to forcibly return people on the KGB list of persons involved in terrorist activities to the home country.

Aleksandr Lukashenko did not rule the possibility of arranging such operations but he believes that the time for it has not come yet. “If I am being absolutely honest, now is probably not a good time.

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