Aleksandr Lukashenko USA Belarus Eu Russia city Moscow ups Aleksandr Lukashenko USA Belarus Eu Russia city Moscow

Lukashenko updates tasks concerning work on Russian market

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has updated the tasks concerning work on the Russian market. The relevant statements were made as he hosted a government conference to discuss the operation of the Belarusian pavilion at the VDNH expo in Moscow, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “The current situation around Belarus, particularly in economy, determines special topicality and certain unconventional actions are required because of it.

It is clear that in the current situation the Russian Federation has become our main partner as it was before and even more so [now].

We attach value to the work on the Russian market. It is no secret for anyone. This is why the government is mobilizing all the resources in order to effectively work in the eastern direction.

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