Belarus Provident Belarus

Minister: Belarus' child and family welfare system is clear, consistent

The child and family welfare system in Belarus is clear and consistent, Belarus' Labor and Social Security Minister Irina Kostevich said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “The child welfare system (which can be referred to as family welfare system) has a long history,” said Irina Kostevich. “Today it is multifaceted and smooth and includes financial support, benefits and guarantees that are provided to a child from birth to adulthood.

This system has been constantly improving,” Irina Kostevich added. Absolutely all families raising children in Belarus receive support from the government, the minister noted. “This system functions in such a smooth and clear way that it is already taken for granted.

Benefits include maternity allowance, family benefits and paid sick leaves. These benefits amount to Br2.7 billion a year. This support measure is quite substantial, this way the government sends a message that it is ready to financially support families,” Irina Kostevich said.

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