Китай Belarus Covid-19 Китай Belarus
/ koronavirus.center

Belarus-China cooperation to fight COVID-19 viewed as exemplary

Cooperation between Belarus and China in the fight against the coronavirus can be named exemplary, Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich said ahead of a ceremony to sign documents on the transfer of humanitarian cargo — two million doses of vaccine against COVID-19 — from China to Belarus on 14 November, BelTA has learned. “The character of both individuals and entire countries is especially well demonstrated in a critical situation.The cooperation between Belarus and China in the fight against coronavirus can rightfully be called exemplary,” said Dmitry Pinevich.In his words, China's announcement of the beginning of the pandemic was a strong and courageous move by China's leader toward the global community. “We have watched and adopted the experience of how the whole country was mobilized under the personal leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping, how China made tremendous efforts and, in the end, achieved significant strategic results in the fight against the coronavirus infection,” the minister said.

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