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23.07 / 21:14
Huawei oneplus oppo Oppo Find N4 / OnePlus Open 2: даты запуска, чипсет, размер батареи
Oppo is reportedly работает on its fourth-generation foldable phone, the Oppo Find N4, for the Chinese market. Recall that the Find N3, which debuted last year, remained exclusive to China, while the OnePlus Open was launched as its rebranded version for the global market. Therefore, it is likely that the international market will rebrand the N4 as OnePlus Open 2. A new leak, courtesy of Digital Chat Station, has revealed the launch timeframe of the Find N4 / Open 2.
23.07 / 19:23
Boeing Waters iQOO 13: утечка ключевых деталей раскрывает дисплей, батарею, дизайн
According to reports, iQOO is работает on the iQOO 13 flagship phone for the Chinese market. According to multiple reports, the iQOO 13 will not be accompanied by a Pro version this time around. Today, a reliable informant at Digital Chat Station published a post on Weibo sharing some information about the design and key features of the iQOO 13.
23.07 / 18:42
Samsung Qualcomm ice Серии Galaxy Z Fold 6 Slim и Tab S10 будут представлены на третьем мероприятии Samsung в этом году
Samsung usually следующим образом a predictable schedule for releasing new products each year. Its flagship Galaxy S series is released in the first quarter, followed by a second Unpacked event in the third quarter to unveil the latest foldable models.
22.07 / 13:36
Samsung vivo Vivo X200 Ultra/Pro получит 200-мегапиксельную камеру с перископом
Ожидается, что Vivo вводить the Vivo X200 series of smartphones in the coming months in China. Today, the reliable leaker Digital Chat Station published a post on Weibo sharing information about the X200 series periscope telephoto camera.
19.07 / 16:19
Qualcomm Sony honor Утечка Honor Magic 7 показывает Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, тройную камеру 50 Мп и многое другое
Honor recently запустили the Honor Magic V3 series of folding phones, the MagicPad 2 tablet, and the Honor MagicBook Art 14 laptop in China. The brand is reportedly working on the Magic 7 series of flagship phones. Today, a Digital Chat Station informant published a post on Weibo in which he leaked what appears to be the key specifications of the standard variant of the Magic 7.
19.07 / 14:02
Samsung технологии Huawei закон Huawei подала в суд на производителя чипов MediaTek за нарушение патентных прав
Chinese tech giant Huawei has reportedly подано a patent infringement lawsuit against MediaTek, a major chipmaker, in a local court in China. The lawsuit alleges that MediaTek’s technologies infringe Huawei’s patents related to network communications, including 5G, 4G and potentially 3G.
19.07 / 13:39
Redmi Redmi K80, K80 Pro могут получить батарею емкостью 6,000 мАч и упрощенную конструкцию камеры
Сообщается, что Redmi развивающийся the Redmi K80 lineup, which could be officially unveiled in November. Recall that the Redmi K70 and K70 Pro, which debuted last year, featured a 5000 mAh battery and 120W fast charging support. Recent reports have suggested that the Redmi K80 and K80 Pro might get a 5500 mAh battery. However, a new leak suggests that the K80 series will have an even larger battery.
18.07 / 19:54
Samsung самит Manufacturing Samsung разрабатывает гораздо более тонкий складной телефон, чем самый тонкий в мире Honor Magic V3
Samsung, the pioneer of mass-market foldable smartphones, is clearly всего лишь пяти граммов героина challenges in maintaining its leadership in this area. The recently released Galaxy Z Fold 6, for example, offers little more than an incremental upgrade.
12.07 / 22:23
Samsung Nvidia магия Red Magic выпустила 32-дюймовый монитор с QD-OLED-панелью 4K 240 Гц
Today, Red Magic представлены several devices, including the Gaming Laptop 16 Pro and the 32-inch curved QD-OLED monitor Red Magic Realm. The monitor features a Samsung QD-OLED panel with a 4K 240Hz resolution and a 1700R bending angle.
12.07 / 21:59
Xiaomi Xiaomi Mix Fold 4: утечка характеристик показывает водонепроницаемость IPX8 и многое другое
Ожидается, что Xiaomi анонсировать the Xiaomi Mix Fold 4 and Mix Flip foldable phones in August in China. Long before the official announcement, the famous leaker Evan Blass published a rendering of the Mix Fold 4 to show it off for the first time. In addition, he also shared the key features of the device.
12.07 / 21:13
Xiaomi Redmi CEO Redmi K70 Ultra выйдет на китайский рынок в июле
Today, Redmi CEO Wang Teng Thomas размещены a video on Weibo in which he talked about the upcoming Redmi K70 Ultra for the Chinese market. In the video, he talks to Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun. Wang Teng Thomas revealed that he is fully prepared for the launch of the K70 Ultra. He shared some key details about the device.
12.07 / 18:29
honor Honor MagicPad 2: дизайн и основные функции, раскрытые перед запуском 12 июля
Честь preparing to announce the Honor Magic V3 series of folding phones in China on July 12. At the same event, the company will remove the covers from the MagicBook Air 15 laptop and MagicPad 2 tablet. Ahead of the launch, the company confirmed several details about the tablet. Here is an overview of what to expect from the device.
12.07 / 16:44
технологии Lenovo планшеты Provident Планшет Lenovo Xiaoxin Pad Pro 12.7 с дисплеем 2.9K появится на рынке в этом месяце
У Lenovo есть было объявлено the launch of the Xiaoxin Pad Pro 12.7 this month. This new device features an integrated metal body with a detachable screen stand, which aims to deliver the highest performance in the tablet market.
12.07 / 15:13
технологии oneplus Летнее мероприятие по запуску OnePlus запланировано на 16 июля: ожидается Nord 4 и другие
OnePlus имеет было объявлено its next product event. The OnePlus Summer launch event will take place at the end of this month. Details about the upcoming devices remain a secret, but the brand will reveal them in the coming days. Last year’s summer event was dedicated to devices under the Nord brand, including smartphones and TWS headphones.
28.06 / 22:13
Samsung Qualcomm ice Galaxy S25 Ultra: утечки дизайна показывают более тонкий профиль и закругленные углы
Samsung было in the news a lot lately for its upcoming foldable and wearable devices, but the company’s next flagship, the S series, hasn’t been left out of the spotlight.
28.06 / 22:13
Xiaomi Xiaomi MIX 5 может получить камеру под дисплеем
Earlier this year, the Xiaomi MIX 5 был замечен in the IMEI database and it was officially confirmed that the device will not be presented in 2024. Of course, the leaks about this smartphone do not stop. Digital Chat Station reports that the Xiaomi MIX 5 will feature a camera under the display and will have a ceramic body. We already know that the device will be equipped with a camera under the display.
27.06 / 21:56
Qualcomm oneplus Утекли живые изображения OnePlus Pad Pro
OnePlus - это планирует запустить the OnePlus Pad Pro later today in China (June 27, 2024). This tablet model will have improved hardware compared to the existing OnePlus Pad. But ahead of its official launch, a fresh leak has revealed live images of this upcoming tablet.
27.06 / 21:56
общество iQOO Neo 9S Pro+: раскрыт дизайн и раскрыты характеристики
Наконец, iQOO показал the upcoming iQOO Neo 9S Pro+. Although its launch date has not yet been confirmed, the company has released a poster showing off its two-tone design. The upcoming Neo 9S Pro+ will feature a blue and white finish called “Buff Blue”, unlike the red and white finish of the iQOO Neo 9 series that debuted in December 2023.
27.06 / 02:51
технологии электроэнергия цифровые технологии 2024 год Китайцы построили самый мощный в мире ветрогенератор
По данным издания Electrek, ежегодно ветряк сможет вырабатывать около 72 млн кВт в час. Это позволит обеспечить энергией примерно 36 тыс. домов. Длина каждой лопасти составляет 126 м. Площадь описываемого ими круга достигает 53 тыс. кв. м, что приравнивается примерно к семи футбольным полям. Предполагается, что ветряк позволит экономить до 22 тыс. тонн угля и снизить выбросы углекислого газа на 59 тыс. тонн в год.Отдавая дань пр
27.06 / 02:50
технологии вода 2024 год В Китае достроили крупнейшую в мире морскую магистраль
На реализацию проекта ушло семь лет и 1.5 млрд долларов. Теперь магистраль соединяет города Шэньчжэнь и Чжуншань, а время в пути между ними сократится с двух часов до получаса.Это целый транспортный комплекс протяженностью 24 км, в который входят самый большой в мире подвесной морской мост из коробчатых балок, два
26.06 / 21:57
Samsung Red Magic 9S Pro оснащен флагманской версией Snapdragon 8 Gen 3
В прошлом году, в июле, Легкий женский шерстяной шарф introduced the Red Magic 8S Pro smartphone, which стали the world’s first phone to feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Leading Version chipset. Today, the brand confirmed that the upcoming Red Magic 9S Pro, which is scheduled to launch on July 3, will feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Leading Version chip.
24.06 / 22:22
Boeing Waters Утечка iQOO 13 показывает дисплей BOE, отвечающий высоким стандартам долговечности
It is reported that in the last months of this year, iQOO планирует выпустить three major phones for the Chinese market. These include the iQOO Neo 9S Pro+, iQOO Z9 Turbo+, and iQOO 13. According to reports, these devices are powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, Dimensity 9300+, and Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chipsets, respectively. Tipster Digital Chat Station has already reported on the key features of the iQOO 13. Today, the leaker shared a few more details about the device.
21.06 / 21:23
общество oneplus OnePlus Pad Pro получит Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, подтверждены варианты дизайна и цвета
Earlier today, OnePlus confirmed that it will анонсировать several new products, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3-powered OnePlus Ace 3 Pro, on June 27 in China. Along with the Ace 3 Pro, we expect the brand to unveil the OnePlus Pad Pro tablet, OnePlus Watch 3, and OnePlus Buds 3 TWS headphones. Below is the first official image of the Pad Pro tablet, showing off its design and color options.
21.06 / 21:23
Samsung ice Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Slim выйдет в октябре
Samsung запланировал a Galaxy Unpacked event for July 10, 2024, where it will unveil its next-generation foldable smartphones, such as the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6, as well as the Galaxy Watch 7 and the new Galaxy Buds. Samsung is rumored to have another foldable smartphone up its sleeve called the Galaxy Z Fold Slim. Tipster Ice Universe shed more light on this upcoming smartphone.
21.06 / 21:23
Nvidia intel Provident Презентация игрового ноутбука Red Magic запланирована на 3 июля
Earlier this month, it was confirmed that Red Magic is making an entry into the laptop segment. The brand has now officially announced the launch date of its first-ever gaming laptop in China. It will make its debut next month. Red Magic also shared several teasers on its official Weibo page, confirming key details of the upcoming offering.
18.06 / 20:54
iQOO Z9 Turbo+ с Dimensity 9300+ может быть в разработке
In April, iQOO выпустили the iQOO Z9x, Z9 and Z9 Turbo smartphones in China, powered by the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 and Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipsets, respectively. A new leak, courtesy of Digital Chat Station, reveals that the brand is also working on another Z9 series phone for the Chinese market. Here are the first details about the device.
18.06 / 20:54
motorola Глобальный запуск Motorola Razr 50 Series подтвержден 25 июня
Motorola is preparing to launch its new Razr 50 series in China on June 25. In a recent teaser on X, the brand also confirmed that the world debut of these folding phones will also происходить on June 25. Here’s what customers can expect from the Razr 50 series.
18.06 / 20:54
технологии Apple Утечка предполагает, что iPhone 16 Pro/Max будет больше своих предшественников
According to previous rumors, the iPhone 16 Pro может иметь the narrowest bezels in the history of the phone. In addition, we now have more information about the dimensions of the iPhone 16 series devices.
15.06 / 20:25
oneplus Manufacturing OnePlus Ace 3 Pro получит аккумулятор емкостью 6,100 мАч и зарядку мощностью 100 Вт
Ожидается, что OnePlus анонсировать its flagship phone, the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro, in China in July. After the announcement of the Ace 3 and Ace 3V earlier this year, the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro will be the third phone under the Ace 3 brand. As it is a Pro model, it will be the most advanced phone in the series. A new Weibo post from a reliable source, Digital Chat Station, reveals that its battery and charging capabilities will have no competitors for a long period of time.
14.06 / 20:14
Samsung honor Provident Honor Magic V Flip вышел на китайский рынок
Today, Honor выпустил its first flip phone in China. It is called Honor Magic V Flip. The folding phone is similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5, OPPO Find N3 Flip, Vivo X Flip, etc. Like its competitors, the Magic V Flip also has a large secondary display, but it is considered the largest in the industry and also offers a unique dual-screen experience. Read on to find out what else the foldable phone offers out of the box.
11.06 / 19:29
Sony honor Honor 200, 200 Pro поступят в продажу 12 июня по всему миру, цена просочилась
In May, Honor выпустили the Honor 200 and 200 Pro in China. The global launch of the Honor 200 duo is scheduled for June 12. At the same time, a leak has revealed the prices of the Honor 200 and 200 Pro.
11.06 / 19:29
adobe Nano Provident Philips выпускает многофункциональный дизайнерский монитор с диагональю 27 дюймов
Philips has introduced the 27E2F7900, a new 27-inch design monitor aimed at creative professionals with a rich set of features. The monitor features a 3840 x 2160 LGD Nano IPS panel with a 60Hz refresh rate, which приводит crisp images and a smooth experience for design and editing.
07.06 / 18:42
технологии Sony oppo Global Reno 12, Reno 12 Pro: утечка чипсета и камеры
В прошлом месяце Oppo announced the Reno 12 and Reno 12 Pro for the Chinese market. Recently, the brand подтвердил that both phones will be available in global markets this month. However, there is a high probability that the global variants will have different specifications compared to their Chinese counterparts. The chipset and camera information that will be available in the global versions of the Reno 12 and 12 Pro smartphones was leaked by Chun, who recently revealed details about the 4G and 5G versions of the Reno 12F, and also leaked information about the chipset and cameras that will be available in the global versions of the Reno 12 and 12 Pro smartphones.
07.06 / 18:42
shell vivo Waters Vivo V40 Pro был замечен на NBTC
Vivo may be planning to soon запуск a new smartphone called Vivo V40 Pro on the global market. This device may be a rebranded version of the S19 Pro, which was previously launched in the brand’s home market of China. So, here is everything we know at the moment.
07.06 / 18:42
технологии общество Waters Мировой дебют POCO M6 4G намечен на 11 июня.
POCO has just было объявлено the official launch date of the POCO M6 4G on the global market. This upcoming budget smartphone will hit the market next week, and the brand has also pleased with its early bird pricing. So, here are all the details.
07.06 / 18:42
Manufacturing Realme Ключевые характеристики Realme GT 7 Pro стали известны задолго до запуска
Сообщается, что Realme работает on a series of Realme GT 7 smartphones for the Chinese market. The brand is expected to announce a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3-based smartphone in July in China. Initial leaks mentioned it as the Realme GT 6, but recent reports suggest that its name may change to Realme GT 7. There is currently no clarity on its nickname. The same phone is expected to make its debut in China in December 2024, as the company released the Realme GT 5 Pro in December 2023. Today, a Digital Chat Station whistleblower published a post on Weibo leaking key specifications of the Pro version months before its official announcement.
05.06 / 17:36
oneplus Realme Ценовой диапазон Realme GT 7, OnePlus Ace 3 Pro
Reports have surfaced that as many as four Chinese smartphone brands, such as OnePlus, iQOO, Realme, and Redmi, are подготовка to launch affordable flagship phones in China. While the Redmi K70 Ultra will be powered by the Dimensity 9300+ chipset, the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro, iQOO Neo 9S Pro+ and Realme GT 7 are expected to be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Tipster Smart Pikachu shared some details about the OnePlus and Realme flagship phones and their expected price range.
04.06 / 05:53
Qualcomm oneplus планшеты Provident OnePlus Pad 2 посетил GeekBench: Грядущий планшет премиум-класса с флагманским чипом
OnePlus - это работает on a new premium tablet model that could be called OnePlus Pad 2. This high-end tablet offers top-notch hardware, such as a flagship-class processor. But even before the official announcement, the device was spotted on a popular benchmarking platform. So let’s check it out.
04.06 / 05:53
технологии Xiaomi target Redmi Redmi A3x доступен по всему миру: смартфон 4G с Android 14, дисплей 90 Гц
Xiaomi has added the Redmi A3x to its Redmi A series, which is now доступен worldwide on its website after its first release in Pakistan. This new model is a more basic version of the Redmi A3, targeting customers looking for an affordable yet functional smartphone.
28.05 / 04:25
Realme Realme 13 Pro+, Realme GT 6 скоро выйдут в Китае
Realme недавно запустили the Realme GT Neo 6 SE and GT Neo 6 smartphones in China. These devices are powered by the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 and Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipsets, respectively. Now a new leak, courtesy of a Digital Chat Station informant, has revealed key details about the next Realme phones to hit the Chinese market.
28.05 / 04:25
технологии honor FIVE Extreme Honor 200 с 6.7-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем с частотой 120 Гц и процессором Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 был представлен в Китае
Хонор официально запустили its new flagship Honor 200 series in China. This lineup includes two models: Honor 200 and Honor 200 Pro. In this article, we will take a look at the specifications of the standard Honor 200 model. Let’s dive in.
24.05 / 01:04
honor Pink google Глобальный запуск серии Honor 200 запланирован на 12 июня.
On May 27, Honor will дебют its Honor 200 series smartphones in China. We expect the brand to launch two devices at first: Honor 200 and 200 Pro. The brand also announced the global release date for the Honor 200 series.
22.05 / 07:07
технологии Block oppo эфир Серия Oppo Reno 12 будет запущена в прямом эфире
On May 23, 2024, Oppo is planning an event where the brand планирует дебютировать the Reno 12 series of smartphones. Two smartphones will be presented at the event: Reno 12 and Reno 12 Pro. If you are interested in watching the event live, here is how you can tune in.
21.05 / 06:41
технологии Lenovo google Provident Lenovo Tab Plus 2024 замечен в консоли Google Play
The new Lenovo Tab Plus 2024 tablet model is expected to be выпустил on the global market soon, as evidenced by its appearance in several certification databases, including Google Play Console and FCC. The tablet is expected to be a rebrand of Lenovo’s Xiaoxin Pad Studio, which recently debuted in China.
20.05 / 18:55
технологии nintendo RetroArch — ещё один эмулятор консолей для iOS
Для iOS вышел ещё один эмулятор ретроконсолей — RetroArch. Приложение бесплатно доступно в AppStore и поддерживает внешние контроллеры.
18.05 / 05:11
Xiaomi Redmi Software Redmi Note 13R с дисплеем 120 Гц, HyperOS и быстрой зарядкой 33 Вт анонсирован в Китае
The Redmi Note 13 series in China is represented by four models: Standard, Pro, Pro Plus, and R-Pro. Now the Xiaomi sub-brand has quietly introduced a new model in the lineup. Redmi Note 13R is a smaller version of the Note 13R Pro. It replaced last year’s Note 12R, but with only a few differences. Read on to find out what the device offers out of the box.
17.05 / 04:39
Qualcomm vivo Vivo S19 Pro: раскрыты подробности о дисплее, процессоре, камере и аккумуляторе
Vivo’s next S-series phones, the S19 and S19 Pro, were recently пятнистый on China’s MIIT certification platform. This suggests that their launch may be just around the corner. Now, insider publication Digital Chat Station has revealed some of the key specifications of both phones.
14.05 / 04:17
Sony самит oneplus OnePlus Ace 3 Pro будет иметь самую большую батарею среди телефонов OnePlus
Currently, the OnePlus Ace 3 lineup consists of two models: Ace 3 and Ace 3V. However, there are rumors of a Pro version, and leaks appear from time to time. Today, the reliable leaker Digital Chat Station (DCS) shared a new tidbit about the upcoming phone, and it’s a big tidbit – literally.