Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Armenia ups Cooper Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Armenia

Lukashenko: Decision to focus on food production in Belarus proves right

The decision to focus on food production in Belarus has proved right, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the development of the agricultural industry of Gomel Oblast, BelTA has learned. «We constantly talk about the importance of food security and the agricultural sector.

Maybe someone has already had enough of it. But we made sure that we were right to focus on food production. This proved true for Belarus and foreign countries,» Aleksandr Lukashenko said. «This year, our country has rolled up its sleeves, figuratively speaking, and produced a decent result.» The president recalled that the other day he took part in the CSTO summit in Armenia where the heads of state primarily discussed military and political cooperation. «All heads of state spoke about food security.

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