Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай USA Belarus Ukraine Russia county Summit Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай USA Belarus Ukraine Russia county Summit

Lukashenko: Americans want to strike down Europe, stomp over Russia to get closer to China

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko talked to Russian reporters on the sidelines of the latest Collective Security Treaty Organization summit in Yerevan.

Speaking about the need to start peace talks in order to resolve the situation in Ukraine, Aleksandr Lukashenko explained who prevents Volodymyr Zelenskyy from starting a dialogue with Russia, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced it is necessary to start negotiations in order to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

He had made the relevant statements during the CSTO summit and before that. He said: “We need to come to terms. To parley sensibly and talk about peace.” However, those, who are absolutely not interested in the peace talks, impede the organization of negotiations and it is necessary to openly tell the international community about it, the president believes. “It is necessary to present Ukraine and the Poles and Americans that stand behind Ukraine in a way they should be presented to the entire world.

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