Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus ups Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus

Lukashenko discusses hospital treatment in districts, announces surprise inspections

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko raised the question of the quality of healthcare services and approaches to treating people in district hospitals and announced surprise inspections as he heard out a report by Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich, BelTA has learned. “I want to warn you that in the near future I will put together a mobile group of independent experts who will check the healthcare system and pay surprise visits to randomly chosen hospitals.

And I have invited you, your deputies. Natalya Ivanovna [Natalya Kochanova] has been in charge of healthcare matters since those times, as well as the deputy prime minister… You will have only yourselves to blame.

We will inspect these hospitals,” the Belarusian leader said. In this regard, the head of state told a story about a woman who got in a hospital in Shklov District and was dying.

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