Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia Cooper Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia

Lukashenko comments on Russian gas price for Belarus

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the price of the Russian gas and whether it is comfortable for Belarus as he spoke to the media on the sidelines of the EAEU summit in Bishkek what, BelTA has learned. “The question is not about the prices in our countries.

The question is about equal opportunities that economic entities should have since we have opted for deep cooperation with Russia (because of the global crisis, wars, pandemic and so on),” said the head of state.

He cited an example of greenhouse farming, where energy accounts for a large share of production costs: “If the gas price for you is $60 or $80, and $120 for us at the border, what equal conditions can we talk about here?

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