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Lukashenko condemns Merkel's recent statements on Minsk agreements

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel was petty and vile in her recent statements about the peace talks in Minsk and the Minsk agreements concluded a few years ago to resolve the situation in Ukraine, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in Bishkek answering journalists' questions, BelTA has learned. In a nutshell, Merkel said that at that time she considered the Minsk agreements as an opportunity to give Kiev time to build up its power and military resources. “I told Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin] what I thought about it.

If things were really like that, it is disgusting. But they were not like that. The real situation is not just disgusting, it is abominable.

Merkel… I didn't expect it either. And the president of Russia said the same: he didn't expect such an attack from Angela Merkel.

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