Belarus - главные новости

09.08 / 21:39
man Lukashenko: President Volodymyr Zelensky had chance to become peacemaker
President Volodymyr Zelensky had a chance to become a peacemaker in Ukraine and make serious progress in resolving the conflict in Donbass, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Big Conversation with the President, a meeting with the public, experts and media community in the format of a big press conference in Minsk on 9 August, BelTA has learned. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the former President Petro Poroshenko failed the Minsk accords because he was controlled from the outside. «He didn't implement them.
09.08 / 21:15
target MET Ryanair ADR Belarus exiles fear the long arm of the vengeful dictator in Minsk
It is a fraught and dangerous time to be a Belarusian activist or dissident abroad, where the scrambling of a MiG-29 to ground a Ryanair plane, the abortive “kidnapping” of an Olympic sprinter and a possible “murder disguised as suicide” in Ukraine have been met darkly by the growing community of Belarusian exiles. “Considering the events in Kyiv, I want to tell people that I have no suicidal tendencies,” wrote Andrej Stryzhak, a Belarusian activist currently in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, in a post on Facebook last week.
09.08 / 21:10
ups Parke Belarus regime steps up ‘purge’ of activists and media
Aleysa Ivanova wakes up each morning wondering when the knock on her door will come. “You understand you can be next. Every day I wake up, I think ‘maybe it’ll be tomorrow, maybe today. Maybe they’ll come for me this evening’,” said Ivanova (not her real name). As a journalist in Belarus, her rep
09.08 / 20:50
ups Marches In Warsaw, Kyiv Protest Repression In Belarus On Eve Of Election Anniversary
Hundreds of people marched in Warsaw to protest political repression in Belarus on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the Belarus presidential election that the opposition says was rigged in favor of authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Many Belarusians living in exile in Poland joined the demonstration in which people carried the Belarusian opposition's red-and-white flag and chanted «Long live Belarus!» The protest began in central Warsaw and marched past the U.S. and Russian embassies.
09.08 / 20:50
target ups Waves West Tightens Sanctions On Belarus On Anniversary Of Disputed Vote
The United States, Britain, and Canada have announced new trade and financial sanctions on Belarus on the first anniversary of a presidential election that extended Alyaksandr Lukashenka's decades-long rule and sparked an unprecedented wave of protests amid allegations the vote was rigged. Lukashenka, in power since 1994, reacted to the protests by unleashing a brutal crackdown. More than 32,000 people have been detained, thousands beaten by police on the streets and in detention, with torture alleged in m
07.08 / 19:18
ups Lukashenko: Ukraine's government pursues a policy of confrontation
Confrontation is at the bottom of the policy of the Ukrainian government, which poses an additional threat to Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss the situation at the border on 5 August, BelTA has learned. At the beginning of the meeting, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he had invited heads of almost all major defense, security and law enforcement agencies in order to discuss the situation unfolding at the western and partly southern border of Belarus, as well as around the country, and above all with regard to the policy of NATO.
07.08 / 19:18
Belarusian border security reinforced
Upon instructions of the head of state the security of the state border of the Republic of Belarus has been enhanced, BelTA learned from Anton Bychkovsky, spokesman of the State Border Committee of Belarus. The official said: “Taking into account the evolving situation when the Lithuanian side transports foreigners, who seek asylum in countries of the European Union, to our border and in order to prevent provocations from the Lithuanian side, the Belarusian border service uses all the necessary forces and assets to prevent the illegal crossing of the Belarusian border.” In his words, mobile tactical reserves of the border service are deployed along the entire Belarusian-Lithuanian border.
07.08 / 18:55
Belarus' NOC comments on decision of IOC Disciplinary Commission
Belarus' National Olympic Committee issued an official statement regarding the decision of the IOC Disciplinary Commission on Belarusian coaches, BelTA learned from the press service of Belarus' NOC. It says that on 5 August 2021, the Disciplinary Commission of the International Olympic Committee revoked the accreditation of coaches of the Belarusian athletics team Yury Moisevich and Artur Shumak at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo. In its statement the IOC said that it was a provisional measure and that an investigation is under way.
07.08 / 18:55
ups IOC strips two Belarus Olympic coaches of accreditation over Tsimanouskaya scandal
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has expelled two Belarusian coaches who pulled sprinter Krystsina Tsimanouskaya from the Olympic Games and tried to force her to board a flight home to Minsk. The athletics head coach, Artur Shumak, and team official Yuri Moisevich had their accreditations rescinded and were asked to leave the Olympic village, the organisation announced in a Twitter post on Friday.
07.08 / 18:15
Telegram man Lithuania Rejects Claims Iraqi Man Died At Border As Belarusian 'Disinformation'
Lithuania has dismissed Belarusian allegations that an Iraqi man was beaten and died after being turned away at the Lithuanian border, describing it as «disinformation.» EU member Lithuania has faced a surge of mostly Iraqi migrants in recent months, prompting authorities this week to start pushing back illegal migrants and giving border guards authority to use force. Lithuanian and European officials say the migrant flows are being orchestrated by Alyaksandr Lukashenka in retaliation for EU sanctions over his government's crackdown on the opposition following Belarus's presidential election nearly a year ago that was widely considered to be fraudulent.
07.08 / 18:07
Telegram Parke Ukrainian Police Open Murder Case After Finding Missing Belarusian Activist 'Hanged' In Kyiv
Ukrainian police launched a murder investigation on August 3 after missing Belarusian activist Vital Shyshou was found hanged in a park near his home in Kyiv. Shyshou, 26, who led a Kyiv-based organization helping persecuted Belarusians, had been reported missing by his girlfriend on August 2 after failing to return home from a run. «Police have launched a criminal case under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder) and will ch
07.08 / 18:07
Citizens Lithuania Begins Turning Back Migrants At Belarusian Border
Border guards in EU-member Lithuania have begun turning back illegal migrants attempting to enter the country from neighboring Belarus, as Brussels expressed concerns about Minsk using migrants as a political instrument. Some 180 migrants, most of them Iraqi citizens, were directed back to Belarus on August 3 on orders from the Lithuanian Interior Ministry, which authorized border guards to use force if necessary. «Anyone who tries to enter Lithuanian territory illegally will be refused entry and directed to the nearest
05.08 / 20:37
Provident Operations without incisions, a reference point on the monitor, an organ for replacement. Doctors about the era of the latest technologies in modern medicine
Eduard Mogilevets, chief freelance specialist in surgery of the main health department of the regional executive committee, head of the 1st Department of Surgical Diseases of the Grodno State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences: – In the Grodno region a successive three-level system of medical care for diseases of a surgical profile has been created. At the initial stage, patients who applied on their own or were delivered by ambulance are provided in polyclinics and surgical hospitals of central regional hospitals.
05.08 / 00:34
Boeing airlines Belavia performs maiden flight to Georgia's Kutaisi
The Belarusian air carrier Belavia performed its first regular flight to Kutaisi on 4 August. Kutaisi has become the third Georgian city on Belavia's route map. The Belarusian air carrier performs regular flights to Tbilisi and Batumi, BelTA learned from the press service of the airline. Flights will be operated on Wednesdays and Sundays, with departure from Minsk at 9:35 and arrival at Kutaisi International Airport at 13:35.
05.08 / 00:31
Manufacturing Enterprise Development strategies of Belarusian enterprises to rely on existing realities
It is necessary to rely on the current realities in the course of working out strategies for developing Belarusian enterprises. Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko made the statement as he visited the Belarusian tire manufacturer Belshina, BelTA has learned. The prime minister said: “Back in October we decided it is necessary to work out a Belshina development strategy.
05.08 / 00:31
KGB names parties behind coup attempts in Belarus
The United States of America played the most important role in organizing protests in Belarus. Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus (KGB) Ivan Tertel made the statement in a series of documentaries titled as Belarus Against Color Revolution. The first episode was aired by the Belarusian TV channel STV on 4 August, BelTA has learned. The KGB chief said: “According to our evaluations, the United States of America played the most important role in organizing protests in Belarus. The USA is trying to secure
05.08 / 00:31
man Waters Citizens Belarus' Security Council chief: Migrants in EU are treated like animals
Migrants in the European Union are treated like animals. They are beaten and are forced to live in inhumane conditions, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told the media in Minsk on 4 August, BelTA has learned. The state secretary noted an inflow of criticism recently.
05.08 / 00:12
Block ups Attack on threatens Belarus' information security
Every tenth visitor of the Russian propaganda website Riafan is a Belarusian (data from Similarweb). That's about 3.5 million visits from Belarus per month. What can people read on this site? These are the stories like «The West has made Belarus before to choose between the fate of Ukraine and merging with Russia» and «Markau said that if Lukashenka is killed, NATO will invade Belorussia.» But among the visitors of the «» website, which has been repeatedly accused of anti-Belarusian propaganda, Belarusians account for just over 12 percent of readers — almost 790 thousand visits per month.
27.07 / 10:38
ups Lukashenko comments on investigation of genocide of Belarusian people
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Prosecutor General Andrei Shved discussed the topic of investigation of the facts of genocide of the Belarusian people at the meeting held on 26 July, BelTA informs. “I understand that the investigation has just reached the desired scale. More attention should be drawn to
27.07 / 10:38
Digital Parke Newcomer to China-Belarus Great Stone park to focus on artificial intelligence
A new resident company of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone will develop solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, BelTA learned from the website of the industrial park. The new resident company was registered in the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone as the Sino-Belarusian Eurasian Academy LLC (China). The company w
27.07 / 10:38
Belarus might open consulate general in Hong Kong
Belarus is mulling over the opening of a consulate general in China's Hong Kong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko told the STV TV channel, BelTA informs. “At the moment, we are considering a possibility to open a fourth consulate general of Belarus in China.
27.07 / 10:38
Extreme Over 4,200 criminal cases opened in Belarus on extremism, terrorism charges
Over 4,200 criminal cases on charges of extremism and terrorism have been opened in Belarus, BelTA learned from Prosecutor General of Belarus Andrei Shved after the prosecutor delivered his report to the head of state on 26 July. The official said: “As of today over 4,200 criminal cases relating to these antisocial manifestations have been opened. As many as 803 criminal cases against 1,116 people have been sent to courts already, 704 criminal cases against 955 individuals have been processed.” Andrei Shved stressed that Belarusian prosecutors take a principled stand. Taking int
27.07 / 10:38
Belarusian MFA comments on amendments to Lithuania's law on legal status of aliens
The BelTA news agency asked the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to comment on the ambiguous amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens signed by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, an ardent advocate of human rights. «We have made sure once again that the Lithuanian political leadership absolutely does not care about the rights of people, whether in Belarus, Iraq or Syria. Rhetoric is one thing.
27.07 / 10:26
Belarus' material damage due to WW2 estimated at $500bn
The material damage caused to Belarus by Germany's actions during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is estimated at $500 billion at least, BelTA learned from Prosecutor General of Belarus Andrei Shved on 26 July. The Prosecutor General's Office is now evaluating the possible material damage caused to Belarus by actions of Germans and their accomplices during the Great Patriotic War. According
26.07 / 20:58
Captain of the Olympic team of the Republic of Belarus Ivan Tikhon: "The Olympics are the highest point in sports, and fortitude is the key to victory"
On July 9, Belarusian athletes were seen off in Minsk to the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo. The day before, the Grodno hammer soldier Ivan Tikhon was elected captain of the Olympic team. At a meeting with the delegation, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko presented the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus to the captain of our Olympians and stressed that sports achievements are of great importance not only for the athletes themselves, but for the entire country.
21.07 / 08:17
общество эвакуация На Китай обрушились мощные ливни
Sina.Сообщается также об эвакуации из метро более 500 человек, многим из которых вода от проливных дождей была по шею.Всего в провинции Хэнань эвакуировали более 100 тысяч человек, к спасательным операциям привлекли 6000 сотрудников спасательных служб. Авиарейсы отменил аэропорт Чжэнчжоу.Severe floods hit #Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, in central China.
20.07 / 15:54
Enterprise Lukashenko calls for more effort to defend Belarus' economic interests
In order to protect the domestic enterprises Belarus needs to use more actively the mechanisms of international organizations, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss Belarus' current foreign policy priorities, BelTA has learned. “We have to use the mechanisms of international organizations more actively in order to protect our enterprises.
20.07 / 15:54
ups Cooper Lukashenko: Belarus' foreign policy strategy should be revised
Belarus' foreign policy strategy should be revised, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss Belarus' current foreign policy priorities, BelTA has learned. Taking part in the meeting are heads of Belarusian diplomatic missions abroad. “In the spring of last year we already saw attempts to escalate tensions here in Minsk, but we underestimated this.
20.07 / 15:43
target Ryanair ADR Belarus opposition calls on EU to close sanctions ‘loopholes’
The Belaruskaly potash plant. Belarus is a major producer, but the EU’s sanctions only apply to around 15% of its exports to the bloc.
20.07 / 15:43
MET Tsikhanouskaya Urges U.S. To 'Stand With Belarus' Ahead Of White House Talks
Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya is expected to meet White House officials and U.S. senators on July 20 as she continues to rally support for the pro-democracy movement against authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Tsikhanouskaya said s
20.07 / 15:43
target ups RFE/RL, Other Media Raided As Belarusian Police Search Offices, Homes Of Journalists
Security forces have raided the offices and homes of several independent journalists across Belarus, including the premises of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Minsk. Witnesses said the officers broke through the door at RFE/RL's Minsk bureau on July 16 as part of a sweep targeting the media. Separately, a court in the former Soviet republic sentenced 10 students and a teacher to 2 y
20.07 / 15:29
Lukashenko orders to cut Belarus' diplomatic presence in Europe
The staffing of Belarusian diplomatic missions abroad should be overhauled, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to discuss Belarus' current foreign policy priorities on 20 July, BelTA has learned. Addressing Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko and Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko, the Belarusian head of state noted: “We should carefully examine the work of our diplomatic missions in Europe. Being a
11.07 / 18:33
A chance to become a mom. From January 1, 2021 spouses in Belarus have the opportunity to make one IVF attempt for free
- In our house there are two beautiful suns - a boy and a girl. They have been delighting us for 4 years and make every day unique. Now we can't imagine ourselves without them, talks Inga about her family and her face glows with happiness. It is difficult even to imagine how we would live if there were no modern reproductive technologies. We really wanted to become parents, we were worried that it wasn’t working out, we were afraid that we would never be able to bring a new life into this world. IVF has become our last hope.
29.06 / 15:12
Lukashenko: Europe is trying to destroy Belarus, expects it to protect geopolitical interests
Europe is trying to destroy Belarus, but expects us to protect geopolitical interests, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to lay wreaths in the Brest Fortress on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on 22 June, BelTA has learned. The president said that European countries expect Belarus to assist in combating illegal migration.
29.06 / 14:32
Cooper Ryanair ADR Ongoing hybrid war focused on Belarusian economy, defense minister says
The primary assault of the hybrid war that has been launched against Belarus is focused on the country's economy. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the
29.06 / 12:24
Ryanair ADR Russia to coordinate sustainable development measures with Belarus amid sanctions
Russia intends to coordinate closely the sustainable development measures with Belarus in the face of the sanctions announced by the West, reads the commentary of spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry, BelTA has learned. «Following its allied commitments an
29.06 / 12:24
Manufacturing ups Cooper Belarus signs agreement on oil deliveries from Kazakhstan
A Belarusian-Kazakh intergovernmental agreement on trade and economic cooperation in the area of deliveries of oil and oil products to Belarus was signed in Kazakhstan's capital on 28 June as a result of negotiations between Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko and Kazakhstan Prime Minister Askar Mamin, BelTA learned from Belarusian First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Aleksandr Guryanov. Aleksandr Guryanov said that an agreement on trade and economic cooperation in the area of deliveries of oil and oil products had been signed.
29.06 / 12:16
Cooper European Union ambassador informed about Belarus' steps in response to EU sanctions
The press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement, which lists the measures Belarus had implemented in response to the European Union's sanctions against the country, BelTA has learned. The statement reads: “Due to the unprecedented restrictive measures against Belarus Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus Dirk Schuebel was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. The ambassador of the European Union was told that the use
29.06 / 12:16
Belarus suspends participation in Eastern Partnership initiative
Belarus has suspended its participation in the Eastern Partnership initiative of the European Union, the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement posted on its website on 28 June, BelTA has learned. Head of the European Union's Delegation to Belarus Dirk Schuebel was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 28 June.
29.06 / 12:16
MET Cooper Extreme Lukashenko, Patrushev discuss cooperation in security, defense sector
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev on 29 June, BelTA informs. “We always have what to talk about, especially in this complicated time. I have been keeping an eye on your statements, addresses.
29.06 / 12:16
Would-Be Belarus Presidential Candidate Tells Minsk Court Charges Fabricated
Viktar Babaryka, a former Belarusian banker whose bid to challenge authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka in last year’s disputed election was halted by his arrest, has told a court during his trial that the corruption charges against him were fabricated as he reiterated his innocence. «I cannot admit guilt for a crime I didn't commit… I'm not ashamed of anything, because I didn't do anything illegal, not anything even close to something illegal… I'm confident that I was always fair and never conducted any activities that violated the laws of Belarus,» Babaryka told the court during his final statement on June 28, which unlike previous sessions allowed the public to attend the trial.
29.06 / 12:16
Belarus launches procedure to suspend readmission agreement with EU
Belarus is launching the procedure to suspend the readmission agreement with the EU, the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, BelTA has learned. «We cannot fulfill our obligations under this agreement in the conditions of the sanctions and restrictions imposed by the European Union.
29.06 / 12:16
target Manufacturing ups EU Sanctions Poised To Harm Belarus, Help Russia
Fresh EU sanctions are intended to put Belarus's economic cash cows out to pasture, targeting some of the ostracized country's most important economic sectors and wealthiest and influential backers. But while the new measures are expected to hit Alyaksandr Lukashenka's government squarely in the pocketbook, in some cases there stands to be an unintended beneficiary — Russia.
29.06 / 12:08
Facebook Cooper Ryanair ADR EU Deplores Minsk Moves To Sever Ties After Economic Sanctions
The European Union says it regrets Belarus’s decision to cut ties with the bloc, saying it will only further isolate the country and have a negative impact on the Belarusian people. In a statement on Facebook on June 28, the Belarusian Foreign Ministry announced Minsk had recalled its permanent representative to the EU for consultations after Brussels imposed economic sanctions in response to the forced diversion of a passenger flight to Minsk last month that allowed for the arrest of a dissident journalist and his girlfriend. The ministry suggested the EU representative in Minsk also leave for consultations, and
29.06 / 12:08
MET Citizens Ryanair ADR Belarusian Journalist, Russian Girlfriend Moved To House Arrest
Jailed journalist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, who were arrested after Belarus diverted to Minsk a passenger plane they were on, have been moved from the prisons where they were being held to house arrest amid calls by the opposition and rights activists for their immediate release. On May 23, Belarusian authorities scrambled a military jet to escort a Ryanair passenger flight over its airspace to land in Minsk in what many countries regard as a «state hijacking.» After the plane landed, law enforcement immediately arrested Pratasevich and Sapega.
29.06 / 12:08
Telegram Belarusian Lawmakers Approve First Reading Of Bill Likely To Force Delay Of Elections, Referendum
Lawmakers in Belarus have approved the first reading of a bill amending the constitution to introduce a single voting day for all elections, a move that is likely to delay local elections and a referendum promised by authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The changes, supported by Lukashenka during a speech to parliament last month, were approved on June 25 during the last day of the the legislature's current session. The Telegram channel of the House of Representatives said the second reading of the bill will be held when parliament reconvenes in the autumn.
29.06 / 11:54
ups Covid-19 Sputnik Light vaccine to arrive in Belarus in July
The Sputnik Light vaccine is expected to be delivered to Belarus in July, Belarus' Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told reporters, BelTA has learned. “We have sent an application for the Sputnik Light vaccine.
29.06 / 01:42
санкции Беларусь Европейский союз Евросоюз готов продолжать сотрудничество с белорусским народом, несмотря на незаконные действия Лукашенко – Боррель
#Belarus participation in the #EasternPartnership, we are ready to continue working with the Belarusian people to strengthen the bonds, foster regional cooperation and tackle joint challenges.