Belarus Russia city Minsk MET Citizens Ryanair ADR Belarus Russia city Minsk

Belarusian Journalist, Russian Girlfriend Moved To House Arrest

Raman Pratasevich (left) and Sofia Sapega were pulled off a plane forced to land in Minsk last month. Jailed journalist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, who were arrested after Belarus diverted to Minsk a passenger plane they were on, have been moved from the prisons where they were being held to house arrest amid calls by the opposition and rights activists for their immediate release. On May 23, Belarusian authorities scrambled a military jet to escort a Ryanair passenger flight over its airspace to land in Minsk in what many countries regard as a «state hijacking.» After the plane landed, law enforcement immediately arrested Pratasevich and Sapega.

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