Сирия Belarus Iraq Сирия Belarus Iraq
/ udf.by

Belarusian MFA comments on amendments to Lithuania's law on legal status of aliens

The BelTA news agency asked the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to comment on the ambiguous amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens signed by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, an ardent advocate of human rights. «We have made sure once again that the Lithuanian political leadership absolutely does not care about the rights of people, whether in Belarus, Iraq or Syria.

Rhetoric is one thing. Their actions paint quite a different picture, unfortunately,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. “The other day we all witnessed the inhumane, mocking treatment by the Lithuanian border guards of the Iraqis, who are forced to look for a better life through no fault of theirs, who tried to get asylum and shelter in Lithuania, a.

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