Belarus - главные новости

31.05 / 13:30
FM: Belarusians will not tolerate diktat towards their country
The vast majority of Belarusians will stand to the end, but will not tolerate the diktat against their country, Belarus Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said in an interview to the Russian newspaper Kommersant, BelTA has learned. “We take very seriously the reports that
31.05 / 13:28
Block Ryanair ADR Chief Editor Of Independent Belarusian News Portal Briefly Detained
Belarusian authorities have briefly detained Alyaksey Shota, the editor in chief of the independent news portal, in the western city of Hrodna. In a statement on May 30, police in Hrodna said that the news portal had posted material that was «recognized as extremist.» Shota was later released after questioning. In March, a court in Hrodna found Shota guilty of dissemin
31.05 / 13:28
Facebook Aviat Ryanair ADR Belavia Head Calls EU Response To Ryanair Diversion 'Despicable'
The head of Belarus's national air carrier has said the EU countries' imposition of airspace restrictions in response to Minsk's Ryanair diversion last week is «despicable,» as fallout continues over what many regard as a «state hijacking» to nab a Belarusian dissident journalist. Many of Belarus's neighbors and some other Western states have barred Belavia from overflights since the May 23 incident, in which a dubious bomb threat was cited in ordering a MiG 29 fighter jet to divert an Athens-to-Vilnius flight to Minsk.
31.05 / 13:28
Provident Ryanair ADR Russia Ready To Send $500 Million Loan Tranche To Belarusian Government
Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka was in the Russian Black Sea resort city of Sochi for a second day of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The talks on May 29 were described as informal by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who said the day before that the summit would last just one day.
31.05 / 13:18
target Enterprise Ryanair ADR U.S. Reimposes Sanctions On Belarusian State Firms Over Diversion Of Plane, Arrest Of Journalist
The United States will impose more sanctions on Belarus after the diversion of a commercial flight to Minsk and the arrest of a journalist on board. The moves include reimposing full sanctions against nine Belarusian state-owned enterprises on June 3, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on May 28 in a statement outlining the measures. «We take these measures, together with our partners and allies, to hold the regime accountable for its actions and to demonstrate our commitment to the aspirations of the people of Belarus,» Psaki said.
31.05 / 13:08
ups Enterprise Provident EU Earmarking Billions In Aid For Belarus, Once Democracy Takes Root
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has promised to speed up work on the proposal.
31.05 / 13:08
Ryanair ADR Lithuania Expelling Two Belarusian Diplomats Amid Uproar Over Plane Arrests
Lithuania says it is expelling two Belarusian diplomats accused of conducting activities «incompatible with their diplomatic status» amid international outrage over Belarus’s forced landing of a Vilnius-bound passenger flight in Minsk and the detention of a dissident journalist. The two members of staff at the Belarusian Embassy in Vilnius were given seven days to leave the country, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on May 28. Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said the decision was also “an expression of solidarity” with Latvia, which saw its entire embassy staff expelled from Belarus.
31.05 / 13:08
target Ryanair ADR Belarus Stripped As Host Of European Cycling Competition
Belarus has been stripped of hosting next month's European track cycling championships amid international outrage over the diversion of a passenger jet and the arrest of a journalist and his girlfriend who were taken off the flight after it landed in Minsk. The European Cycling Union said in a statement on May 27 that in light of the “current international situation,” the organization’s management board “decided to cancel the 2021 Elite Track European Championships scheduled in Minsk (Belarus) from 23 to 27 June 2021.” Enrico Della Casa, president of the European Cycling Union, said the organization has been monitoring the situation, “which has now developed into an international debate.” The decision to cancel the event in Minsk was made
31.05 / 12:52
target airlines Ryanair ADR Lukashenka, Putin Meet Amid Outrage Over Diversion Of Plane
Belarusian authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka met in the Russian Black Sea resort city of Sochi with Russian President Vladimir Putin as EU foreign ministers debate possible targets for new economic sanctions against Minsk in response to its diversion of a commercial plane and the arrest of a journalist on board. Greeting Lukashenka on May 28, Putin emphasized that the one-day meeting was scheduled prior to the «outburst of emotions» prompted by the plane diversion on May 23. «We have topics to discuss without these developments,» he told Lukashenka. «Yes, it is an outburst of emotions,» Lukashenka agreed. Belarus dispatched a fighter.
30.05 / 21:07
Waters Guide to the corners of nature in the project " Grodno region: a protected world"
Hydrological reserve “In the floodplain of the Ditva River” Peatlands, beavers and return to the origins The hydrological reserve “In the floodplain of the Ditva River” was created in Voronovo district in 1998 to ensure the natural hydrological regime of the Ditva River and restore the flora and fauna. It was proposed to increase the area of the reserve to 898.58 hectares after surveying the territory by BSU scientists.
28.05 / 01:48
ice World Ice Hockey Federation Criticizes Latvia Over Belarus Flag Swap
Hockey’s global governing body has criticized Latvian officials for removing the Belarusian flag from a display at the sport’s world championships in Riga and replacing it with a flag used by the opposition. The switch on May 24 during the 16-nation tournament, which Minsk was originally scheduled to co-host, saw the official Belarusian flag swapped out for the red-and-white flag that has been adopted by opponents of the country’s authoritarian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka.
28.05 / 01:48
airlines Aviat Ryanair ADR Belarus To Close Embassy In Canada As Trudeau Condemns 'Outrageous' Behavior
Belarus announced on May 25 it will close its embassy in Canada as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the forced diversion of an airliner and arrest of a prominent Belarusian journalist and said possible sanctions were on the table. On its website, the embassy in Ottawa said it will shut down on September 1 and stop consular services as of July 10 after “mutually beneficial cooperation” over 24 years.
27.05 / 17:51
акции протеста похороны Беларусь В Беларуси люди вышли на улицы с требованием отпустить политзаключенных. Видео
написала в Twitter 26 мая журналистка Анна Любакова. #Belarus Day 291. Belarusians have gathered in neighbourhoods in #Minsk. They are chanting, "Go away, you * Lukashenko * and your OMON * riot police * !" These people have been living in fear for months - but they are on the streets again and again. Because they are fed up
24.05 / 17:56
Беларусь airlines Великобритания первой в Европе отказалась принимать рейсы «Белавиа»
«Радыё Свабода».Following the forced diversion of a @Ryanair aircraft to Minsk yesterday, I’ve instructed @UK_CAA to request airlines avoid Belarusian airspace in order to keep passengers safe. I have also suspended Belavia’s operating permit.
24.05 / 14:34
Block Belarus blocks top news site in ‘full-scale assault’ on free press
A leading news site in Belarus has been taken offline and its journalists interrogated by government officials in what human rights campaigners are calling a “full-scale assault” on the right to freedom of expression in the country., a news site read by more than 40% of Belarusian internet users, has been blocked and its editors questioned after their offices and houses were raided by authorities.
24.05 / 14:27
Cooper Waves FIVE Cycling Boom Reaches Belarusian Cities
On 18 September morning, cycling activists handed out fruits to Minsk residents who travelled to their job or university by bike. In this way they wanted to thank people for their choice and to draw attention to the lack of a cycling environment. In recent years Belarusian cities have truly flourished with cyclists.
24.05 / 14:27
Telegram ups Aviat Belarus accused of ‘hijacking’ Ryanair flight diverted to arrest blogger
Belarus has been accused of hijacking a European jetliner and engaging in an act of state terrorism when it forced a Ryanair flight to perform an emergency landing in Minsk after a bomb threat and arrested an opposition blogger critical of authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko. Roman Protasevich, a former editor of the influential Telegram channels Nexta and Nexta Live, was detained by police after his flight was diverted to Minsk national airport. Minsk confirmed that Lukashenko ordered his military to scramble a Mig-29 fig
24.05 / 14:20
ups Citizens Lukashenka Signs Law Allowing Belarusian Police To Use Firearms Against Demonstrators
Belarus's authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed into law legislation that allows police and security forces to shoot at demonstrators. The law, endorsed by Lukashenka on May 17, frees law enforcement officers from responsibility for dama
24.05 / 14:20
visa FIVE Belarusian Activist Serving Prison Sentence For Protests Reportedly Dies Of Heart Attack
A Belarusian political activist who was sentenced in January to five years in prison for participating in anti-government protests has reportedly died. The precise circumstances of Vitold Ashurak’s death weren’t immediately clear. The news website Onl
24.05 / 13:23
Cooper Aviat EU, NATO Demand Belarus Explain 'Forcible' Diversion Of Passenger Plane, Detention Of Journalist
The head of NATO has joined the leaders of several EU countries in demanding an investigation into the diversion on May 23 of a Lithuanian-bound flight to Minsk, where authorities arrested one of its passengers, opposition activist and journalist Raman Pratasevich. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance was closely monitoring the «forcible landing» of the flight — from Athens to Vilnius — in Belarus and the reported detention of Pratasevich.
24.05 / 13:15
Telegram airlines Aviat Belarus Faces Western Outrage Over Airliner 'Hijacking' To Detain Journalist
European Union leaders, who are set to hold a summit on May 24, have warned of punitive steps against Belarus over the forced diversion and landing of a Ryanair plane to Minsk that was carrying a prominent opposition journalist on an internal EU flight. Belarusian authorities scrambled a military jet to escort the civilian plane, which was en route to Vilnius from Ath
23.05 / 12:41
Беларусь ups Гранд-финал «Евровидения-2021»: выступления всех участников
Кипр Elena Tsagrinou – El DiabloАлбания Anxhela Peristeri – KarmaИзраиль Eden Alene – Set Me FreeБельгия Hooverphonic – The Wrong PlaceРоссия Manizha – Russian WomanМальта Destiny – Je Me CasseПортугалия The Black Mamba – Love Is on My SideСербия Hurricane – Loco LocoВеликобритания James Newman – EmbersГреция Stefania – Last DanceШвейцария Gjon's Tears – Tout l'universИсландия Daði & Gagnamagnið – 10 YearsИспания Blas Cantó – Voy a quedarmeМолдова Natalia Gordienko – SUGARГермания Jendrik – I Don't Feel HateФинляндия Blind Channel – Dark SideБолгария Victoria – Growing Up is Getting OldЛитва The Roop – DiscotequeУкраина Go_A – SHUMФранция Barbara Pravi – VoilàАзербайджан Efendi – Mata HariНорвегия TIX – Fallen AngelНидерланды Jeangu Macrooy
21.05 / 10:09
ice Беларусь Появилось видео, как огромный айсберг откололся от Антарктиды
#A76 iceberg with this stunning animation! The animation was created using four @CopernicusEU #Sentinel1 images and shows the giant slab of ice breaking off from the Ronne Ice Shelf on 13 May 2021. A-76 is currently the biggest iceberg in the world????К слову, айсберг, отколовшийся от Антарктиды, получил название А-76, а его масштабы сопоставимы с испанским островом Майорка.
17.05 / 13:24
животные Раз в 17 лет на США нападают полчища цикад. Что это такое и почему происходит
Как пишет EarthSky, уже 10 мая этого года приложение Cicada Safari (да, для этого есть специальное приложение) зафиксировало тысячи отчетов от людей, которые обнаружили цикад на своих дворах.
17.05 / 13:21
MET Cooper Enterprise Belarus keen to increase food export to Saudi Arabia
Belarus is eager to increase supplies of food products to Saudi Arabia, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Ivan Krupko said as he met with Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Belarus Abdulrahman Bin Suleiman Al Ahmed on 15 May, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Agricultural and Food Ministry. The parties discussed the state of cooperation and prospects for strengthening the bilateral trade and economic relations between the two countries. “We would like to continue increasing supplies of
17.05 / 13:21
Belarus, Venezuela discuss joint response to sanctions
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Andrei Molchan and Daniela Rodriguez, Vice Minister for Multilateral Issues of the People's Power Ministry for Foreign Relations of Venezuela, discussed Belarus-Venezuela interaction in international organizations, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The parties discusses interaction between the two countries in the United Nations and other international organizations,” the ministry noted.
17.05 / 13:17
ups Provident Lukashenko: Farmers should have easy access to markets
It is necessary to fix the way food markets operate and to ensure access to them for farmers, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he toured a farmers' market near Minsk on 14 May, BelTA has learned. Earlier, the president had given an instruction to build a farmers' market where anyone could sell products of their own make. Now the president wanted to know how his instruction was fulfilled. “I wanted
17.05 / 13:17
ups FIVE Citizens Investigators uncover terrifying evidence of genocide of Belarusians
The first findings of the investigation into the genocide of Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War tentatively suggest that the official data on the number of civilian victims will be much higher, Belarus' Prosecutor General Andrei Shved said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA informs. The investigation launched by the Prosecutor General's Office involved a great amount of effort, including excavations, searches and interviews with eyewitnesses, the study of archival materials with the involvement of well-known historians, etc. According to Andrei Shved, the evidence unearth
17.05 / 13:11
ups FIVE Five Belarusian Opposition Figures: Where They Are, What Fates They Face
Tens of thousands of people in Belarus have been swept up in the crackdown launched by Alyaksandr Lukashenka after he was declared winner of a presidential election last August that much of Belarus rejected as rigged. His main challenger, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, said she was forced to leave Belarus for Lithuania a day after the August 9 poll amid threats to herself and her family. She is not the only leading Belarusian opposition figure to have faced threats, jail time, or..
17.05 / 13:00
Manufacturing ups Lukashenka To Meet Putin Soon As Belarus Plans To Raise Cash
Alyaksandr Lukashenka will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin later this month as the Belarusian strongman faces growing isolation from the West over his crackdown on peaceful protesters. The visit is scheduled for the end of May, Kommersant reported, and will be Lukashenka’s third trip to Russia this year. The two leaders will discuss their closer integration, among other issues, the paper reported. Putin has been pushing Lukashenka in recent years to take steps toward the integration of their economi
17.05 / 13:00
target ups Young Belarusian Activists Go On Trial Over Unsanctioned Protests
Eleven Belarusian student activists and a teacher have gone on trial in Minsk amid a deepening crackdown on participants in nationwide protests against the disputed results of last year’s presidential election. Journalists were barred from attending the trial that started on May 14 in the building of the Kastrychnik district court in the Belarusian capital.
17.05 / 13:00
target ups Jailed Belarusian Opposition Figure Kalesnikava Handed Final Accusation Papers
Belarusian opposition figure Maryya Kalesnikava has been charged eight months after her arrest last year for urging people to protest against a disputed presidential election that left Alyaksandr Lukashenka in power. Kalesnikava's associates told RFE/RL on May 13 that, according to official documents, Kalesnikava was charged with conspiracy to seize power by unconstitutional means, public calls for action against national security, and creating and leading an extremist group. If found guilty, Kalesnikava faces up to 12 years in prison. Kalesnikava is a key
17.05 / 13:00
Telegram ups Belarusian Army Officer Gets 18 Years In Prison Amid Crackdown Over Postelection Protests
The Supreme Court on May 14 found 29-year-old Captain Dzyanis Urad guilty of high treason and sentenced him the same day. Belarusian courts have been meting out tough punishments to protesters and officials like Urad who support them in a bid to quash mass opposition to Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka's brutal 27-year rule. Urad was arrested in M
17.05 / 13:00
ups Belarus Sentences Two Journalists To 20 Days In Jail As Media Crackdown Continues
Belarus has sentenced two reporters, including one working for German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, to 20 days in jail for allegedly participating in an unsanctioned demonstration.
17.05 / 12:43
ups криптобиржи FIVE Belarusians Will Have To Pay For Crossing Border By Car Since 1 June
On the territory of the Gomel and Grodno regions, the tax for vehicles up to five tons is set at one base unit [BYN 29 / $11,50 / €10]. Its payment should be carried out by the driver of the car in Belarusian rubles before crossing or when crossing the border at checkpoints. The fee will be paid as a contribution to the revenues of the relevant regional budget at the location of the border checkpoints. If the fee is paid to the regional budget, not at the location of the checkpoint through which the border is crossed, the fee will be considered unpaid.
17.05 / 12:43
Covid-19 Provident +1,363 Patients In 24 Hours. Healthcare Ministry Publishes New COVID-19 Figures
In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 374, 714 people have been registered in Belarus with a positive test for COVID-19 and 365, 255 patients recovered. Over the entire period, 2,691 with diagnosed coronavirus infection died, ten people have died in the last 24 hours.
13.05 / 18:39
история политика Историю учить надо! Глава Гродненской области продемонстрировал свое невежество
Бывший министр здравоохранения, а теперь глава Гродненской области, Владимир Караник продемонстрировал вопиющее невежество. Поздравляя белорусов с праздником Государственного герба и флага, высокопоставленный чиновник, в частности, заявил, что Беларусь освобождали от немецко-фашистских захватчиков под красно-зеленым флагом. «Именно под э
13.05 / 18:21
криптовалюта Беларусь Картину Бэнкси продали за криптовалюту почти в три раза дороже ожидаемого
#AuctionUpdate: Following a 14-minute bidding battle between 4 bidders, Banksy’s iconic protest image ‘Love is in the Air’ achieves $12.9 million. The sale marks the first time #cryptocurrency was accepted as a payment option for a physical artwork.
06.05 / 11:49
Telegram Covid-19 Provident Lukashenko Reproaches EU And US For Not Helping Belarus Fight COVID-19
“These Europeans and Americans are sleazy people. They have done anything to help us.
06.05 / 11:49
Facebook Ukraine resumes electricity import from Belarus
Ukraine has resumed electricity import from Belarus despite the Ukrainian parliament's decision to ban it till the end of the year, RBC Ukraine reports. The Ukrainian MP Lyudmila Buimister wrote in a Facebook post: “Today, on 5 May Ukraine resumed electricity import from Ukraine.
06.05 / 11:49
Lukashenko hosts government session to discuss civil service legislation
Due to a well-developed top-down power structure and executive discipline, the system of the state administration functions properly and smoothly even in the most complicated situations, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he hosted a government session on 6 May to discuss the ways to improve the civil service legislation, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr
05.05 / 11:38
ups Covid-19 Over 400,000 Belarusians sign up for COVID-19 vaccines
As of early May 2021, more than 400,000 people signed up in healthcare organizations of the country to get a vaccine against the coronavirus, said Irina Glinskaya, the deputy chief physician of the National Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, BelTA has learned. “The number of those wishing to be vaccinated is big today. In order to achieve the goal, we would like to see more active vaccination, but all countries have their own opportunities,” said Irina Glinskaya.
05.05 / 11:38
ups Enterprise Belarus to focus on economic revival of Chernobyl-affected regions
Economic revival will be in the focus of the development program of Belarusian regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko told journalists following his meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 4 May, BelTA has learned. During his trip to Chernobyl-affected regions, the head of state instructed the government and local authorities to draw up a development program of these regions, Roman Golovchenko said. According to him, such program is currently in the pipeline. Plans are
05.05 / 11:38
Over 80 former Belarusian defense, security, law enforcement officials stripped of rank
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a decree to strip of rank over 80 former officers of various defense, security, and law enforcement agencies on 4 May, BelTA has learned. In line with the legislation Belarusian defense, security, and law enforcement officers, including retired and reserve ones, can be stripped of military ranks (special ranks) by the head of state. As the social and political situation in the country deteriorated, certain military personnel and officers of law enforcement and security agencies tried to destabilize the situation and inflate protest moods in the society.
05.05 / 11:28
ups Four Tsikhanouskaya Associates Handed Prison Terms
Four associates of Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms for organizing protests against authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka in the southeastern city of Homel. Judge Alyaksey Khlyshchankou of the Chyhunachny district court on May 4 sentenced Tatsyana Kaneuskaya, Dzmitry Ivashkou, and Alyaksandr Shabalin to six years in prison each, and Yury Ulasau to 6 1/2 years in prison. They were found guilty of organizing mass disorder and planning to seize administrative b
05.05 / 11:28
Telegram Provident Russian Oil Supplies To Belarus In May Will Decrease 2.2 Times
Pipeline deliveries of oil from Russia to Belarus in May are planned at 608,000 tons, the official representative of “Transneft” Igor Demin told TASS. In April, 1,325 million tons were supplied to the refineries in Mozyr and Novopolotsk. The press service of the Russian pipeline monopoly did not specify the May breakdown of supplies to each of the Belarusian oil refineries. According to the telegram channel neftegram, there are plans to deliver 560,000 tons to the Mozyr refinery, and 50,000 tons to Naftan. On 27 April,