Belarus - главные новости

27.06 / 20:15
COMPOSITE A brilliant Grodno schoolboy wins international chemistry Olympiads and knows everything about difficult tasks
A student of the Grodno city gymnasium MatveyBaklazhets is a multiple winner of republican and international chemistry Olympiads. In April at the International Mendeleev Olympiad he received a bronze medal. Matvey told about victory, reactions in life and the importance of balance to the "GP" journalist.
24.06 / 08:43
ФОТО: стену посольства Латвии в Минске протаранил эвакуатор
#Belarus at the moment. We expect authorities in #Minsk to investigate this incident, ensure safety and security of the Embassy in full accordance with the international law
24.06 / 00:52
Cooper Lukashenko: We will not give away our native land and sovereignty
Belarusians will not give their native land and sovereignty away to anyone, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a ceremony to lay wreaths in the Brest Fortress on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War on 22 June, BelTA has learned. «Once again I would like to say to those who still do not get it yet. Understand this once and for all: We will not give away our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. We will ho
24.06 / 00:52
target Ryanair ADR West tightens Belarus sanctions to make Lukashenko regime ‘run dry’
Western countries have extended sanctions against Belarus, with a pledge to make Alexander Lukashenko’s regime “run dry”, following last month’s forced landing of a Ryanair flight to arrest a dissident. In a coordinated move against Lukashenko, the UK, US, EU and Canada announced travel bans and asset freezes on senior Belarusian officials and entities that bankroll the regime as a punishment for the arrest of the activist and journalist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, who were detained after being hauled off a flight from Athens to Vilnius.
23.06 / 20:52
расследование Беларусь Грузовик развалил ограждение посольства Латвии в Беларуси
Эдгарс Ринкевичс и потребовал расследования происшествия.Premises of the Latvian Embassy in #Belarus at the moment.
21.06 / 13:47
ups Enterprise Minister: Reasons for sanctions against Belarus may be linked to division of markets, not politics
Western sanctions are likely to be linked not to some political issues, but to the fact that the economy of Belarus has survived, while Europe has suffered huge losses due to the lockdown, Belarus' Economy Minister Aleksandr Chervyakov said in an interview to the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. According to Aleksandr Chervyakov,
21.06 / 13:47
Belarus to observe national moment of silence on 22 June
Belarus will observe a nationwide minute of silence on 22 June, Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War, BelTA has learned.
21.06 / 13:47
Provident Belarusian vaccine to be tailored to future variant of coronavirus
We are planning to tailor a Belarusian vaccine to the future variant of coronavirus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he visited Minsk Children's Clinical Hospital No.2 on 19 June, BelTA has learned. The president noted that the country is not in a hurry to produce its own vaccine, as other countries, because there is no such need yet: Belarus has established the production of the Russian vaccine. The Chinese partners are also providing assistance.
21.06 / 13:33
Provident FM: Information war against Belarus, Russia is coordinated from the same centers
The information warfare against Belarus and Russia is coordinated from the same centers, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told the media following the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. “I would like to emphasize that the latest events around Russia and Belarus have demonstrated that there are single centers, strategies and tools to wage the information warfare against both countries. All our foreign ill-wishers se
21.06 / 13:33
Aviat Ryanair ADR Belarus yet to receive Ryanair aircraft instrumental data, data believed lost
Belarus has not yet received the necessary data from the Ryanair aircraft. It is likely the data has not preserved, BelTA learned from Director of the Aviation Department of the Belarusian Transport and Communications Ministry Artyom Sikorsky. The official said: “We've sent a letter to the president of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the secretary general, and the head of ICAO's investigation team, which is investigating the landing of the Ryanair aircraft in Minsk. The letter dr
21.06 / 13:24
visa airlines Ryanair ADR EU Agrees On Fresh Sanctions For Dozens Of Belarus Officials Including Lukashenka Family Members
European Union foreign ministers have approved a fresh set of sanctions against scores of officials and entities in Belarus including family members of authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The list of 78 people and eight entities, expected to be published in the EU official journal on June 21, includes lawmakers, prosecutors, judges and other officials who the bloc says are «responsible for serious human rights violations and for seriously undermining the rule of law, as well as for the repression of civil society and democratic opposition.» Lukashenka's son, Dzmitry, and his eldest son's wife, Liliya, were also put on the sanctions list for «benefiting from and supporting the..
18.06 / 17:21
FM: Belarus will do its utmost to minimize impact of sanctions on people
Belarus will do its utmost to minimize the impact of the sanctions imposed by the EU and the United States on people, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told the media in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. The topic of sanctions has, unfortunately, drawn excessive, hypertrophied attention recently, the minister noted. «But we have to talk about this topi
18.06 / 17:21
Lavrov reveals context in which Belarus was discussed at Geneva summit
Belarus was mentioned at the Russia-U.S. summit in Geneva as part of the discussion about the importance of respecting values and traditions of various countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters answering a question of a BelTA journalist following his meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. “Indeed, Belarus was also discussed at the summit but not as a separate topic, but as part of conceptual discussions between the presidents. They were concep
18.06 / 17:21
Russia hopeful constitutional reform will put an end to speculations around Belarus
Russia hopes that the constitutional reform underway in Belarus will put an end to the speculations around Belarus, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov told the media following the talks with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. «We are grateful to Vladimir
18.06 / 17:21
MET FM: Contacts between Belarus, Russia intensified
Belarusian Minister of Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei noted the high intensity of Belarusian-Russian contacts as he met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on 18 June, BelTA has learned. According to Vladimir Makei, the presidents of Belarus and Russia, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, have already held three meetings this year. The heads of government have met several
18.06 / 16:47
airlines MET Citizens Belarus Foreign Minister Meets Lavrov On Case Of Pratasevich's Russian Girlfriend
Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimer Makey has met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow to discuss the status of Russian citizen Sofia Sapega — the girlfriend of the detained Belarusian opposition activist Raman Pratasevich. Lavrov told journalists on May 18 that Makey informed him about the legal cases in Belarus against Sapega and another Russian citizen, Yegor Dudnikov. Dudnikov was arrested in Minsk in May after joining mass protests against Belarus's authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka.
18.06 / 16:47
Watchdog Says Belarus Health Workers Pay 'Heavy Price' For Political Crisis
Amnesty International says Belarusian health workers who participated in anti-government demonstrations or spoke out against official accounts are facing «brutal reprisals.» Health workers in Belarus have been at the «front line of the country's human rights crisis» stemming from mass protests against the results of its presidential election in August 2020, the London-based human rights watchdog said in a June 17 briefing. The group said that “dozens of health workers hav
18.06 / 10:06
пилот Беларусь Теперь это его самолет: паук упал на колени пилота во время посадки в Австралии (Видео)
A giant huntsman dropped on top of a panicked pilot, as the small plane was landing at a Northern Territory airfield.STORY:
17.06 / 14:25
Block Waters FIVE Plans to build over 2m all-electric houses in Belarus within five years
Over 2 million all-electric houses are supposed to be built in Belarus over the course of five years, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk on 16 June. The official said: “Plans have been made to commission slightly more than 2 million m2 of new housing that will use primarily electricity [for heating, hot water supply, and cooking]. We've worked out the relevant programs with every oblast administration in order to make it happen.” There is also a program on switching single-family houses to electricity for heating, hot water supply, and cooking.
17.06 / 14:13
ups Belarus' GDP up 3.1% in January-May 2021
In January-May 2021, Belarus' GDP went up by 3.1% over the same period of 2020, BelTA learned from the National Statistical Committee of Belarus. According to initial estimates, the GDP amounted to Br63.6 billion in current prices, up by 3.1% in comparable prices year-on-year.
17.06 / 14:13
Enterprise FIVE Citizens Lukashenko: Every Belarusian region should be ready to mobilize quickly
Every Belarusian region should be ready to mobilize in a short period of time, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he hosted a meeting to discuss area defense at the Shklov District Executive Committee on 16 June, BelTA has learned. The president emphasized the importance of full readiness of the territorial defense control bodies and rapid mobilization of forces and means. “Local government bodies, the chairmen of district executive committees and oblast executive committees need to learn to be at war.
17.06 / 14:13
MFA hopes for pragmatism of Western partners towards Belarus
The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that pragmatism and readiness to solve differences through dialogue will prevail among Western partners, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told the media as he commented on the outcome documents of the USA-EU, G7 and NATO summits that mentioned Belarus, BelTA has learned. “We see attempts to justify the cold-headed geopolitical calculations and desire to achieve their narrow political goals with the hypocritical concern about the Belarusian people,” Anatoly Glaz noted.
17.06 / 14:03
airlines FIVE Ryanair ADR Ryanair boss: airlines must fly over rogue states despite Belarus ‘hijacking’
Airlines must remain free to fly over rogue states despite the “state-sponsored hijacking” of a plane by Belarus, according to the boss of Ryanair, as he told MPs of the “hostile and threatening” actions towards the flight crew in Minsk. The captain and five crew of Ryanair flight FR4978 from Athens to Vilnius were put under armed guard in Minsk after diverting the plane for a fake bomb threat – apparently staged to allow the Belarus government to capture an opposition journalist among the 126 passengers.
17.06 / 14:03
Russia Reportedly Removes Belarusian Opposition Leader From Wanted List
Russian police have removed Belarusian opposition politician Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya from their wanted list at the initiative of the Belarusian authorities, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reports. The report on June 15 comes a day before U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin are due to meet in Geneva for their first fa
14.06 / 21:08
Provident Grodno dentistry: a tooth under a microscope, with a composer and in a 3D model. We tell about the dental service of the region
Perhaps there is no adult who has not been to the dentist at least once in his life. As a rule, such a trip does not tolerate long delays, and therefore it is so important to get dental care, as they say, in the right place and at the right time. Residents of Grodno region have the opportunity to receive it both in state organizations and in private departments and offices. The advantage of state dentistry is that, providing all types of dental care, it is ready to help a person for free or at an affordable price.
14.06 / 12:57
Cooper FM: Belarus concerned over NATO's recent statements
Belarus is concerned over NATO's recent statements, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said on the air of the ONT TV channel on 13 June, BelTA has learned. “We are absolutely concerned over these recent statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
14.06 / 12:57
ups Sun Ryanair ADR Jailed Belarusian Pratasevich Dogged By Claims He Fought For Azov Battalion In Ukraine
On May 23, months after he left Belarus to avoid prosecution on incitement charges he said were trumped-up by Alyaksandr Lukashenka's government, the journalist and blogger was arrested, along with his girlfriend, after their Ryanair flight from Athens to Vilnius was diverted to Minsk following what is widely believed to have been a fake bomb threat. Rights groups, Western governments, and Belarusians who oppose Lukashenka watched in horror as the next development unfolded: Appearances on state TV in which Pratasevich, with marks on his face and wrists, delivered what are widely considered to be..
14.06 / 12:57
Makei: Lofty rhetoric about human rights, democracy is just a sham
Today people hear a lot of fine words about human rights and democracy, but this is all doubletalk, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “Today, many lofty words about human rights, democracy, freedom, beautiful future and so on and so forth are meant for the ears of ordinary people. All this, I should say, is an absolute sham aimed to camouflage many other things,” Vladimir Makei said.
14.06 / 12:57
Provident Parke Presidential decree on development of China-Belarus industrial park signed
On 11 June Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed decree No.215, which improves the regulatory framework in order to improve the investment climate in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, BelTA has learned. The decree gives the park's administration more independence by means of transferring additional functions from municipal authorities with regard to the implementation of administrative procedures.
13.06 / 22:30
Prince's tower, chapel and alabaster hall. When will the Old Castle receive the first visitors and what will the guests see in the renovated royal residence (+ video)
Although experts focus on the fact that less than 20% of the planned volume of work has been completed at the moment, the scale of changes to the Old Castle is certainly impressive. It is enough just to look around this majestic building to understand: a lot of effort has been invested, and the work done is colossal.
09.06 / 10:33
Вторая мировая война Беларусь нацисты "Наследие Сталина и Гитлера". Варшава возмущена решением Беларуси объявить праздником день вторжения СССР в Польшу
подписал постановление об учреждении Дня народного единства 17 сентября. В этот день в 1939 году Западная Беларусь вошла в состав Белорусской советской социалистической республики.На сайте Лукашенко этот день называют "актом исторической справедливости в отношении белорусского народа, разделенного против его воли в 1921 году по условиям Рижского мирного договора".В Польше же учреждением такого праздника возмущены.
08.06 / 13:32
Manufacturing Provident Parke China-Belarus industrial park to offer special treatment to big investors
The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone will offer special terms of doing business to key investors, Aleksandr Yaroshenko, Head of the Administration of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone, told reporters, BelTA has learned. A new draft presidential decree is going to provide additional preferences to projects with investments of at least $50 million. Among them are preferential prices for land plots, easier customs administration procedures.
08.06 / 13:32
ups FIVE Lukashenko calls to produce small arms domestically
Belarus needs to have its own production of small arms, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he heard a report on the performance and development prospects of the Belarusian military-industrial complex, BelTA has learned. The head of state outlined the development of domestic production of small arms as an important topic. «We are not going to war with anyone,» he said.
08.06 / 13:32
Day of People's Unity established in Belarus
Belarus has established a new national holiday – the Day of People's Unity. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No.206 on 7 June, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian head of state. Decree No.206 amends Decree No.157 of 26 March 1998 “On national holidays, public holidays, and commemorative dates in the Republic of Belarus”.
08.06 / 13:24
Telegram ups Ryanair ADR Belarus president calls backlash against plane incident a ‘planned provocation’
Alexander Lukashenko has made his first public remarks defending his grounding of a Ryanair flight last week, accusing the west of launching a “hybrid modern war” against Minsk and calling the backlash over the incident a “planned provocation”. Addressing a session of parliament, Lukashenko also appeared to suggest the plane could have been shot down because it was flying over a nuclear power plant when it was diverted by the Belarusian government, which appeared to have concocted a bomb threat and scrambled a Mig-29 to ensure the plane landed.
07.06 / 13:35
Provident Belarus propagandists to change appearance at state's expense
Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed the law on state protection. The Parliament approved it in April. The former Law «On State Protection of Judges, Law enforcement and supervisory (monitoring) off
07.06 / 13:35
Telegram Enterprise Belarusian Activist Cuts His Throat At Hearing, Saying Authorities Threatened His Family, Friends
A Belarus activist has cut his own throat during a court hearing after being warned that if he didn't plead guilty to participating in mass protest, his family and neighbors would face prosecution. Stsyapan Latypau, who has been in detention since September 2020, cut his throat at the hearing on June 1 and was rushed to the hospital, where local media said he is still alive. «Father, after meeting with you, GUBOPiK [the Interior M
07.06 / 13:29
Telegram Ryanair ADR Tearful 'Confession' By Belarusian Journalist Sparks Fresh Outcry Over His Treatment
Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich speaking on the Nothing Personal program on Belarusian state television. The video is the result of «abuse, torture, and threats,» said Pratasevich's father, Dzmitry.
07.06 / 13:22
Block Covid-19 Citizens Belarusians Hold Border Protests Demanding Tough Sanctions On Lukashenka Regime
Exiled Belarusians have launched a multiday protest on their homeland’s border with Lithuania and Poland, calling on the European Union to impose harsh sanctions against the regime of authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Demonstrators gathered at two border crossings on June 5, demanding the EU slap “strong and effective sanctions” against Lukashenka's regime. They are also calling on Belarusian authorities to open land borders for citizens of Belarus and the release of hundreds of political prisoners. Pavel Latushka, the head of the National Anti-Crisis Manageme
07.06 / 13:22
Block Tut By Media LLC Chief Engineer Ala Lapatka charged with complicity in felony tax evasion
Tut By Media LLC Chief Engineer Ala Lapatka has been charged with complicity in felony tax evasion, an offense punishable under Part Six of the Criminal Code’s Article 16 and Part Two of Article 243. According to, on Friday, the Minsk City Court turned down an appeal against her detention. Earlier, Editor in Chief Maryna Zolatava and staff writer Aliena Talkačova were also reported to have been charged with complicity in felony tax evasion.
07.06 / 13:22
visa target Enterprise Belarus To Cut U.S. Embassy Staff As Part Of Retaliatory Sanctions
Belarus says it is reducing the permitted number of diplomats and other staff at the U.S. Embassy in Minsk and tightening visa procedures for American citizens, in response to U.S. sanctions imposed on the Eastern European country over a sweeping crackdown on the opposition. Foreign Ministry spokesman Anatoly Glaz made the announcement on June 3, without providing specifics.
07.06 / 13:22
ups Ethnic Poles Freed From Belarus Prison Are In Poland, Warsaw Says
Three members of the ethnic Polish minority in Belarus who had been jailed for their political activism are now free and in Poland, authorities in Warsaw said on June 2. The activists — identified as Irena Biernacka, Maria Tiszkowska, and Anna Paniszewa — were arrested in March as part of the Belarusian authorities’ crackdown on ethnic Poles who opposed the authoritarian regime of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The Polish Foreign Ministry said in a statement that “as a result of efforts by Polish diplomatic and consular services,” the activists arrived in Poland on May 25. They were safe and being given “the necessary support and care,” the min
03.06 / 21:14
ups Belarus, Russia, China touted as outposts of sovereignty
Belarus, Russia and China are outposts of sovereignty in today's world, Professor of Moscow State Institute of International Relations Elena Ponomareva said in an interview to ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. According to the expert, the technology of pressure, which the West is now applying to Belarus, is not new.
03.06 / 21:11
ups Ryanair ADR Lukashenko about events around Belarus: Attempt to unsettle situation up to August 2020 level
An attempt is in progress to unsettle the situation in Belarus to the level of August 2020. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Sochi on 28 May, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I will inform you.
31.05 / 19:08
дети политика moderna В Евросоюзе разрешили прививать детей от 12 лет
Стелла Кириакидес в своем Twitter.Вакцина Comirnaty была первой одобрена для использования в ЕС среди взрослых 21 декабря. В настоящее время на территории сообщества также используются вакцины, разработанные компаниями Moderna, AstraZeneca и Johnson & Johnson.Today, @EU_Commission adopts a decision to approve the use of the BioNTech/Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine for 12-15 year olds.
31.05 / 13:43
Continental ups MFA: Belarus is developing comprehensive relations with Africa
Belarus is building up comprehensive and systematic relations with the African states and is active on the markets of the African continent, Belarus' Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolai Borisevich said at the opening ceremony of the second Belarusian-African Economic Forum on 31 May, BelTA has learned. “It is great to see that this dialogue platform is becoming traditional. The more we communica
31.05 / 13:43
ups FIVE Makei: Russia now sees what the West is like
Russia took off its rose-colored glasses, got up from its knees and really sees what the West is like, Belarus Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said in an interview to the Russian newspaper Kommersant, BelTA has learned. According to the minister, the collect
31.05 / 13:43
Cooper Russian FM: Russia will help Belarus if EU imposes sanctions against Minsk
Moscow will defend Belarus and help it if the EU imposes economic sanctions against Minsk, Dmitry Birichevsky, Director of the Economic Cooperation Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, told RIA Novosti. «I think that we will defend our partner Belarus. We will help ou