Belarus - главные новости

12.04 / 16:14
Belarus Lawmakers Approve Amendments That Severely Restrict Civil Rights, Media
Belarusian lawmakers have approved several amendments to legislation that severely restricts civil rights and the free flow of information amid a crackdown on protests challenging the official results of a presidential election that handed authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka his sixth consecutive term. The texts of the controversial amendments to the laws on extremism and mass media — which come amid an ongoing crackdown on opposition groups who have said a presidential election last August was rigged in favor of Lukashenka — were approved in the first reading on April 2 and placed on the official website for legal documents on April 9, marking the first time much of the..
12.04 / 16:12
технологии Kremlin propaganda gets creative about Russia-Belarus relations
Belarus is no longer high on the agenda of the Russian propaganda media: at present they are more concerned with Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Nikol Pashinyan. However, the propagandists can't forget about Belarus completely. Especially after the meeting between Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin in Sochi. These are the thoughts the Russian media promote in connection with Belarus. Family, friends, brothers «And if we unite even closer?» «If w
12.04 / 16:12
Belarus disqualified from Eurovision over anti-protest song
Organisers of this year’s Eurovision song contest have disqualified Belarus, ruling that its entry song – by a band whose lyrics have been deemed in the past to mock anti-government protests – is in breach of competition guidelines. Earlier this month the organisers rejected an entry by Belarus, which has been gripped by politi
04.04 / 21:05
Беларусь Waves What you need to know before getting vaccinated against coronavirus
What to prepare for those who decided to inject?
31.03 / 11:11
технологии пресс-служба Транспорт График ряда электричек Белорусского и Савеловского направлений изменят 3 и 10 апреля
График некоторых электричек Белорусского и Савеловского направлений МЖД изменится 3 и 10 апреля из-за ремонтно-путевых работ на станции "Москва-Смоленская". Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе магистрали.
29.03 / 09:11
политика Беларусь UNICEF Office in Belarus announces a vacancy of Social Policy Officer
Accountable for providing technical support and assistance in all stages of social policy programming and related advocacy from strategic planning and formulation to delivery of concrete and sustainable results. This includes programmes aimed at improving:
23.03 / 21:08
технологии Leader Of Belarus Opposition Party Detained Amid Crackdown
MINSK — The leader of the opposition United Civil Party (AHP) has been detained on unknown charges amid an ongoing crackdown on Belarusians demanding the resignation of the country's authoritarian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Mikalay Kazlou, a member of the Coordination Council of the Belarusian Opposition (KRBA), disappeared late in the afternoon on March 22 after he sent a text message to his friend, saying: «If I am not around in 15 minutes that will mean I was detained.»AHP said on Facebook hours later that Kazlou had been placed in a detention center in Minsk.
23.03 / 21:07
Waves Minister: Belarus expects third wave of coronavirus in spring
VITEBSK, 23 March (BelTA) – Belarusian healthcare professionals are expecting a third wave of the coronavirus infection this spring, Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told reporters prior to announcing postgraduate work assignment decisions at Vitebsk State Medical University, BelTA has learned. According to the minister, Belarus is ready for the next wave, a
23.03 / 21:07
Leather industry described as strategic branch of Belarusian economy
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) – The leather industry is a strategic branch of the Belarusian economy, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during the visit to the Minsk Leather Production Association on 23 March, BelTA has learned. At the enterprise the president was briefed on the state and prospects of the country's leather industry and the development strategy of the Minsk Leather Production Association.
23.03 / 21:07
Tentative plans to drop roaming charges between Belarus, Russia by 2 April
MOSCOW, 22 March (BelTA) – The Information Policy Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia believes that all the measures for canceling roaming charges between Belarus and Russia may be completed by 2 April – the Day of Unity of Peoples of Belarus and Russia. The relevant statement was made at the commission's session in Moscow on 22 March, BelTA has learned.
23.03 / 21:07
Makei urges USA to assess situation in Belarus objectively
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) – On 22 March Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Makei had a telephone conversation with Derek Chollet, a senior policy advisor to the Secretary of State at the rank of Under Secretary, on the initiative of the USA, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The parties discussed topical
23.03 / 21:07
Opinion: The world must remember the terrible truth about the war
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) — The world must remember the terrible truth about the war, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko said during the international conference «Historical memory and patriotism — the most important fundamental values of the Belarusian society and the state, the factors of consolidation in the face of modern challenges and threats” in Minsk on 23 March, BelTA has learned. “The issues that we will be discussing today are of the utmost importance for our country, the huge Eurasian region and humanity as a whole.
23.03 / 20:49
технологии Lukashenko At Khatyn: “To All Of You, Lost And Intoxicated, I Say: ‘Come And See!'”
On the evening of 21 March, the All-Belarusian Prayer for Peace was held in Khatyn. Alexander Lukashenko and his sons took part in the requiem meeting on the anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy.
23.03 / 20:49
технологии No Freedom Day For Belarusians. Minsk Authorities Refuse To Authorise Holiday
The Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee refused to conclude an agreement with the organisers of Freedom Day. There are two official reasons for refusal: the route announced by the organisers and the COVID-19.
23.03 / 20:49
EU And U.S. Support Opposition’s Initiative To Hold Election In Belarus In 2021
The EU and the U.S. supported the initiative of the Belarusian opposition to hold a presidential election in Belarus in 2021, reports.
21.03 / 00:07
Italy described as informal friend of Belarus inside European Union
MINSK, 17 March (BelTA) – Chairman of the International Affairs and National Security Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Sergei Rachkov met with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Emigration Commission of the Senate of the Italian Republic Vito Petrocelli on 17 March. The meeting was organized upon the initiative of the Italian side, the press service of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament told BelTA. Sergei Rachkov said: “Italy has always been in the informal group of Belarus'
21.03 / 00:07
технологии Minsk Protests Featured In New System Of A Down Frontman’s Music Video
System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian has released an Electric Yerevan music video dedicated to the protests in Armenia. The video shows footage of Belarusian protests.
21.03 / 00:07
Russian ambassador to Belarus fired
MINSK, 19 March (BelTA) – President of Russia Vladimir Putin has relieved Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev of his post. The relevant presidential decree has
21.03 / 00:07
криптобиржи Massive revision of Belarusian laws on extremism, law enforcement recounted
MINSK, 18 March (BelTA) – Work to prepare regulatory acts in the sphere of national security and public order protection has been completed. About ten bills will be forwarded to the parliament soon and will be read during the spring session. Head of the
20.03 / 23:46
Waves Belarus Opposition Leader Renews Battle Against Lukashenka
Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya has made good on promises to reignite the effort to topple Alyaksandr Lukashenka, calling for renewed protests over a disputed presidential election, announcing a nationwide online vote on possible mediated negotiations to end the crisis, and more sanctions from the United States to pressure the authorities. In a video statement released on March 18, Tsikhanouskaya called on Belarusians t
20.03 / 23:46
технологии Alexander Lukashenko: “You Will Have Other Presidents, Have Patience”
The change of power in Belarus will take place only through elections. This was stated by Alexander Lukashenko during his meeting with the team of the Molochny Mir dairy product manufacturer on 19 March in Grodno.
20.03 / 23:46
Block Eurovision blocks Belarus entry from pro-Lukashenko band
Eurovision has banned Belarus from entering a song to this year’s contest called I’ll Teach You, which appears to mock protesters who have taken to the streets against the dictator Alexander Lukashenko. The song, performed by the five-piece group Galasy ZMesta, was chosen by Belarus’s national broadcaster to compete in
20.03 / 23:46
More Than 400 People Convicted In Belarus Over Postelection Protests
MINSK — More than 400 people have been convicted so far in a brutal crackdown by authorities against pro-democracy protesters in Belarus following a disputed presidential election seven month ago. «To date, prosecutors have sent 468 criminal cases to courts against 631 people in connection with participation in illegal mass
20.03 / 23:46
Waves Lukashenka Holds Up Sanctioned Ex-Ministers As Possible Successors In Belarus
Alyaksandr Lukashenka used a televised appearance on March 19 to say that two former Belarusian government ministers currently under Western sanctions would be «strong candidates» who could succeed him after a possible presidential election. Lukashenka, whose legitimacy is not recognized by many Western governments since a disputed presidential election in August 2020 that sparked unprecedented and ongoing protests, has refused to meet with opposition leaders to discuss their demands for his exit and a fresh election.
18.03 / 11:53
пресс-служба Транспорт Расписание электричек Белорусского и Савеловского направлений изменится 19-21 марта
Расписание движения некоторых электропоездов Белорусского и Савеловского направлений МЖД поменяется с 19 по 21 марта. Об этом Агентство "Москва" сообщает со ссылкой на представителей перевозчика.
14.03 / 21:11
18+ Oaks of two hundred years, "the royal curls" and forest honey. The republican biological reserve "Medukhovo" in the project "Grodno region: reserved world"
There is an islet of untouched nature at a distance of six kilometers from Zelva – it is the republican biological reserve "Medukhovo" with the area of more than 1400 hectares. The decision to establish a nature reserve on the territory of the Zelva district was made by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in April, 1996. Initially, the area of the reserve was just over 1300 hectares, but later 120 hectares more were joined. The reserve was created in order to preserve the natural complex in its natural state and to support its biological diversity.
12.03 / 09:02
Беларусь The black stork, cranberry crops and a unique raised bog. Reserve "Dokudovsky": an oasis among peat bogs
The smallest wildlife sanctuary in Grodno region and the last large raised bog in Lida district is an outlandish world, where a person rarely steps, except in the season of cranberry harvest. The reserved territory of the republican biological reserve "Dokudovsky" is 630 hectares of the most unique pristine nature.
10.03 / 07:24
Беларусь The reserve "Svityaziansky": a mysterious lake, relict forests and water nymphs
The republican landscape reserve "Svityazyansky" in Novogrudok district is one of the smallest in the country, its area is only 1193.79 hectares. However, it attracts tourists from all over the world like a magnet. And this magnet is the most mysterious lake of the country, Svityaz, covered with legends and myths, sung by poets and artists.
09.03 / 14:53
Belarus' KGB concerned about unprecedented pressure, plans to destabilize domestic situation
MINSK, 9 March (BelTA) – Belarus is experiencing unprecedented pressure and certain parties intend to destabilize the situation soon, BelTA learned from Chairman of the State Security Committee Ivan Tertel after the official delivered his report to Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 9 March. The KGB chief said: “During the report to the head of state the main problems connected with ensuring national security and the threats emerging in the sphere of foreign-policy activities and the domestic situation were outlined. On the w
09.03 / 14:45
Waves Belarus to start mass producing Sputnik V vaccine in late March
MINSK, 9 March (BelTA) – Mass production of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine is to be launched in Belarus at the end of March, Deputy Healthcare Minister Dmitry Cherednichenko told the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “The first batch of 15,000 vials was manufactured on 26 February. These vaccine
09.03 / 14:45
Belarusian, Russian military to stage two joint army exercises in March
MOSCOW, 9 March (BelTA) – Two Belarusian-Russian tactical exercises involving the special operations forces of the Belarusian army and the airborne forces of the Russian army will take place in March, BelTA learned from the Russian Defense Ministry website. The army exercises will take place in the Polivno exercise area in Russia's Ulyanovsk Oblast and the Osipovichsky exercise area in Minsk Oblast in March, the source said. This year's f
09.03 / 14:45
Lukashenko wants Belarus to become bicycle-friendly
MINSK, 5 March (BelTA) – I strongly support the promotion of cycling in the country, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he talked with the staff of OAO Motovelo Plant, BelTA has learned. “Were it in my power, I would make the streets of Minsk car-free and bicycle friendly. This would be so
09.03 / 14:42
Second stage of Belarusian army's comprehensive readiness test begins
MINSK, 9 March (BelTA) – The second stage of the campaign designed to check the combat readiness and the mobilization readiness of the Belarusian army has begun, BelTA has learned. The Defense Ministry told BelTA that the second stage of the campaign designed to test the readiness and the capability of army units and forces to carry out their missions began on 9 March in accordance with the defense minister's decision. The chief of
09.03 / 14:21
технологии Waves Protests, Prisons, Political Exile: Women At The Forefront Of Resistance In Belarus
Dismissed by Alyaksandr Lukashenka as too fragile to run Belarus, women have been at the vanguard of the pro-democracy movement that has swept the country since the disputed presidential election on August 9, 2020. It's a Belarusian development that has fueled a growing global trend, explained Oksana Antonenko, director of the London-based Control Risks Group and fellow at the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington.
09.03 / 14:18
технологии Is China Cooling On Belarus's Lukashenka?
When Alyaksandr Lukashenka met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on February 22 to discuss financial and integration issues, there was one political card noticeably absent from the Belarusian leader's hand: China. During his 26 years in power, Lukashenka balanced and exploited differences between the West and Russia to strengthen his position at home.
09.03 / 14:18
IOC Refuses To Recognize Lukashenka Son As Belarus Olympic Chair
In a statement on March 8, the IOC said that it also refused to recognize the head of Belarus’s ice hockey federation, Dzmitry Baskau, as a member of the NOC Executive Board, adding that it also decided to maintain the exclusion of the two men from all IOC events and activities, including the Olympic Games. The Belarusian NOC was led by Alyaksandr Lukashenka from 1997 until last month. Lukashenka's son, Viktar, was named the new NOC chairman
09.03 / 14:18
Belarus Opens Criminal Case Against Top Human Rights Group
Belarusian authorities have opened a criminal investigation against one of the country’s most prominent human rights organizations and detained several of its members, in the latest crackdown on dissent against authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka.The Vyasna human rights center said March 5 that the Investigative Committee opened a case alleging the organization provides financing and other material support for unsanctioned mass protests and violating public order. Four members of the center were also taken into custody.
09.03 / 13:59
технологии Are 'Russian puppeteers' behind the new Belarusian website?
A few months ago a new Internet media outlet appeared in Belarus — the «Busel.Online» website. The portal publishes small investigations of the Belarusian economy, smuggling schemes and the political situation. The text authors are unknown: the materials are not signed, th
03.03 / 01:28
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: I Must Admit, Opposition Lost Battle On Streets
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya admitted that the opposition “lost the streets”, but expressed hope that the protests will resume this spring. A former presidential candidate in Belarus said thisin an interview with the Swiss daily Le Temps.
03.03 / 01:28
Belarusian, Russian military sign five-year strategic partnership program
MINSK, 2 March (BelTA) – The defense ministries of Belarus and Russia have signed a five-year strategic partnership program. Head of the International Military Cooperation Department, Aide to the Defense Minister for International Military Cooperation Oleg Voinov made the statement after a meeting hosted by the head of state on 2 March, BelTA has learned.
03.03 / 01:28
RDIF: Belarus-made Sputnik V vaccine might be exported to third countries
MINSK, 26 February (BelTA) – The Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine produced in Belarus might be exported to third countries, Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) told reporters, BelTA has learned. “We see that Belarus is able to produce a vaccine not only for its own needs.
03.03 / 01:28
Lukashenko calls for eliminating unnecessary intermediation inside Belarus
MINSK, 1 March (BelTA) – It is necessary to eliminate all kinds of unnecessary intermediation inside the country, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he heard out a report of Chairman of the State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov on 1 March, BelTA has learned. “Another matter we need to seriously deal with (we raised it at the Belarusian People's Congress) is intermediation.
03.03 / 01:28
Over 2,300 Extremist Criminal Cases Investigated In Belarus Since Summer 2020
Chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) Ivan Noskevich said that more than 2,300 criminal cases of extremist nature have been investigated since last summer. He stated this after a meeting of the personnel of the Investigative Committee with the delegate of the Belarusian People’s Congress Alexander Shpakovsky. “Obviously, all law enforcement officers evaluat
03.03 / 01:28
PHOTOS: Belarusian Women Say Goodbye To Winter In Spring Welcoming Celebration
Belarusian women dressed in clothes of national colours, who have become a peculiar city brand, said goodbye to winter in a beautiful spring welcoming celebration last weekend. On the last day of winter, about two dozen people, dressed in red, played round dances, sang “vyasnyanki” – songs calling for spring – and hung colourful paper birds on trees near Volozhin.
03.03 / 01:28
Waves 95 People Jailed Or Imprisoned For Politically-Motivated Crimes In February
Belarusian human rights activists took stock of the trials against government opponents. In February 2021, at least 101 people were convicted, 48 were imprisoned (three of them are minors), 47 were restricted of liberty, three people were fined and sentenced to administrative arrest.
03.03 / 01:11
Lukashenko Orders To Develop Plan For Confronting “Protesters And Runaways”
Alexander Lukashenko believes that “it is necessary to build, and in some moments to rebuild” the work of the Security Council of Belarus. He stated this at a meeting with State Secretary of the Security Council Alexander Volfovich on 25 February, his press service reported.