Belarus target ups Belarus

Jailed Belarusian Opposition Figure Kalesnikava Handed Final Accusation Papers

Mayya Kalesnikava interacts with fellow demonstrators at a rally on August 29, 2020.Belarusian opposition figure Maryya Kalesnikava has been charged eight months after her arrest last year for urging people to protest against a disputed presidential election that left Alyaksandr Lukashenka in power.

Kalesnikava's associates told RFE/RL on May 13 that, according to official documents, Kalesnikava was charged with conspiracy to seize power by unconstitutional means, public calls for action against national security, and creating and leading an extremist group.

If found guilty, Kalesnikava faces up to 12 years in prison. Kalesnikava is a key member of the Coordination Council, a body set up by the political opposition to facilitate the.

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