Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus city Minsk county Union target Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus city Minsk county Union

Lukashenko urges to bolster economy to survive geopolitical confrontation

We need to bolster the country's economy if we want to survive the geopolitical confrontation, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he took part in the general meeting of the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies Belkoopsoyuz in Minsk on 8 October, BelTA has learned. «We have let our guards down: we have repelled an attempt at a revolution and stop being careful and alert.

We should not. They will be targeting us for a very long time until they bring us to our knees. But I'm not going to get down to my knees.

If you want to, then get down, but without me,» the president said. «Belarus endured enough of oppression in its history.| »Now we need to defend our land, as I often say, for our children and grandchildren.

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