Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia MET Cooper Parke Extreme Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia

Lukashenko: Cooperation with Russia's Kalmykia is gaining ground

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has met with Head of the Republic of Kalmykia of Russia Batu Khasikov, BelTA has learned. Welcoming the guest, the Belarusian head of state noted that it was great pleasure for him to see the head of the Russian region at the Palace of Independence: “We appreciate that you come to Belarus and learn more about our country.

It is very important for us.” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that despite the distance, Belarus and Kalmykia have common history and values. “Our ancestors jointly defended the legacy of the October Revolution, won a Great Victory in the fight against fascism, rebuilt the country from scratch showing extraordinarily hard work and dedication.

We were raised to create, not to break,” the Belarusian leader said. “This unites us, makes us stronger in the face of all kinds of challenges,” he added.

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