Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia Citizens Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Russia

Lukashenko about nuclear weapons: I want to safeguard the state and ensure peace for the people

The deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus is not about intimidation and blackmail. It is an opportunity to ensure security of the state and ensure peace for the Belarusian people.

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in his Address to the nation and the parliament on 31 March, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “In emerging conditions and the military and political situation around our country I've reactivated negotiations with the Russian president on the return of nuclear weapons to Belarus.

The return of the nuclear weapons, which were removed in the 1990s.” He reminded that back then the Belarusian government was pressured into returning the weapons to Russia not only by the West but the Russian leadership, too.

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