Belarus - главные новости

03.03 / 01:11
Mass vaccination against coronavirus to kick off in Belarus in April
GRODNO, 2 March (BelTA) – Belarusians who want to get a COVID-19 vaccine will be able to do it starting from April, Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich said at a collegium of the Main Healthcare Department of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, BelTA has learned. The first to get a vaccine were frontline healthcare workers. Vaccination i
03.03 / 01:07
UN High Commissioner On Belarus: Human Rights Crisis Of Unprecedented Magnitude
The actions of the authorities in Belarus before and after the election were aimed at curtailing the rights to freedoms of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association, and the right to participation in political affairs and led to a human rights crisis of a magnitude unprecedented in Belarus. This is stated in the report on the situation of human rights in the context of the 2020 presidential elections, which UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet will present today at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
03.03 / 01:02
EU Prolongs Sanctions Against High-Level Officials In Belarus For One Year
The European Union has prolonged its sanctions against persons in positions of authority and business representatives in Belarus for a year. The corresponding statement of the EU Council was published on Thursday, 25 February.
03.03 / 00:59
Honorary Consul Of Belarus In Italy Resigns In Protest With Post-Election Events
Antonio Sottile. Doctor of Science in Fashion Industry.
03.03 / 00:59
Lukashenko Resigns From Post Of NOC President, His Eldest Son Takes Over
Presidential elections were held in the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Belarus. The main intrigue was whether the head of the agency, Alexander Lukashenko, will remain in his post. Alexander Luka
01.03 / 20:41
Беларусь Bison, Tyszkiewicz and Perun Oak
 Belovezha has been protected for 610 years
28.02 / 21:09
Беларусь Nature reserve “Lakes”: in the tracks of a mighty aurochs and an orchid at the Holy swamp
You can make your way to the heart of the overgrown forest and lake splendour of republican landscape reserve "Lakes" only by an off-road vehicle – its hilly forests, dug up and eroded by the ancient Valdai glacier, protect the dense forest from lighthearted human visits. The property of the reserve of almost 24 thousand hectares passes the territory of Grodno and Shchuchin districts, in the north-east it is contiguous to Lithuanian frontier. Dozens of "The Red Book" birds and plants, -old oaks of two hundred years and one of the largest populations of the king of the Belarusian forest–the European bison – all this is the protected world of nature reserve"Lakes".
28.02 / 08:49
Беларусь Reserve "Castle Forest": red oaks, medicinal plants, an arboretum at the edge of the forest
A biological reserve of republican significance "Castle Forest" is situated close to the city of Volkovysk. It is only four kilometers away. Perhaps this is the largest forest in the region, which is also refered to as the model of the natural complex of Western Belarus.
27.02 / 23:33
армия опрос день народного единства Выбираем дату Дня народного единства вместе! Проголосовать можно на сайте Всебелорусского народного собрания
Проголосовать можно на сайте Всебелорусского народного собрания. Предлагается два варианта.
25.02 / 21:01
Беларусь Republican hydrological reserve "Miranka": unremarkable secrets and beauties
Just seven kilometers from the place of attraction of numerous tourists of the country and abroad – Mir Castle – lies the republican hydrological reserve "Miranka". Unremarkable at first glance, it hides many secrets and beauties. Rare for Grodno region massifs of open marshes of transitional and lowland types are situated here. They are of great interest for studying the processes of how swamp communities are restored after re-bogging of worked-out peat deposits. The core of the reserve is a huge Wolf swamp.
24.02 / 14:55
Masked Men Search Houses Of Journalists And Human Rights Defenders Across Belarus
Masked people are searching houses of journalists and human rights defenders, trade unions across Belarus. There is no contact with most of them now.
24.02 / 14:55
Belarus jails two journalists who covered Lukashenko protest
Two journalists in Belarus have been convicted of violating public order and sentenced to two years in prison after they covered a protest against the authoritarian president, Alexander Lukashenko. Katsiaryna Andreyeva, 27, and Darya Chultsova, 23, both of the Polish-funded Belsat TV channel, were detained in November
24.02 / 14:55
Belarusian Doctor, Journalist Go On Trial For Revealing Info On Slain Protester
MINSK — A physician and a journalist in Belarus havegone on trial for allegedly disclosing information about a protester killed during a crackdown on demonstrations against authoritarian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The Moscow district court in Minsk started the trial of Artsyom Sarokin and Katsyaryna Barysevich on February 19 with a decision to hold the process behind closed doors claiming «personal medical data» would be involved in the case. The decision to bar the public sparked protests by dozens of supporters who
24.02 / 14:29
Foreigners And Belarusians Can Get COVID-19 Express Test At Minsk National Airport
Foreign citizen and Belarusian can get an express test for COVID-19 by immunochromatographic analysis (ICA) at Minsk National Airport. The test material is a nasopharyngeal swab and it takes 15-20 minutes to get a result. The testing point is located in sector 5-6 in the public area before the pre-flight procedures in the departure area.
24.02 / 09:23
Беларусь Peers of the mammoth and "Forest Jerusalem". Nalibokskaya Pushcha in the project "Grodno region: reserved world"
An untouched forest, impenetrable swamps, pristine rivers and unique lakes, semi-wild horses, bison, red deer, the country's only breeding grouse nursery, a partisan camp and much more. Naliboki is one of the largest forests in the Republic of Belarus and throughout Eastern Europe, which has been preserved almost in its original state. This is a whole country in the country - mysterious and poorly studied, equal in area to Luxembourg or Moscow, and by the originality of nature, richness of myths and historical and cultural images - incomparable and unique.
24.02 / 09:06
общество трудоустройство начальник U.S. Embassy in Minsk is hiring an Electrician
Under the direct supervision of the maintenance supervisor is responsible for maintaining safe and functioning electrical systems, fixtures and appliances in the Embassy and residences; responsible for preventive and corrective maintenance on above items. Helps with the emergency generator. Advises the GSO on technical aspects of proposed maintenance projects.
23.02 / 21:06
Беларусь The project "Grodno region: reserved world" in Lipichanskaya Pushcha: colonies of storks, dormouse mouse and pines on the dunes
The republican landscape reserve "Lipichanskaya Pushcha" was founded on 8 October  2002 by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Its territory stretches over three districts of the Grodno region: Mostovsky, Dyatlovsky and Shchuchinsky. The total area is over 15 thousand hectares.
23.02 / 14:41
технологии Belarus Reportedly Looking At Law To Expand Definition Of Extremism
Belarusian lawmakers are reportedly preparing to consider legal changes that would make almost any criticism of the government «extremist» behavior that could lead to severe punishment including the loss of livelihood and citizenship. The suggested tweaks to the country's law on extremism were published by multiple independent Telegram channels on February 18 and would be debated after parliament's spring session opens on April 2.
23.02 / 14:38
All-Belarusian People's Assembly was very pro-Russian. Why?
The subject of relations between Belarus and Russia kept coming up at the recent All-Belarusian People's Assembly. Alyalsandr Lukashenka has «resuscitated» the constitutional reform which is considered to be a Russian project and which he seemed to have already given up on. He even set a deadline: a referendum o
23.02 / 14:38
Belarusian oligarch Varabey may lose one of his most valuable businesses
The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine may impose sanctions against Prykarpat-Zapadtrans on February 19. This firm, which operates an oil pipeline running through the western part of the country, may have to stop operations because of its ties to «Putin's cousin» Viktor Medvedchuk. But Belarusian businessman Mikalai Varabey will also be affected by this. Here's why. It's all about the pipe Varabey is the owner of the contr
23.02 / 14:29
Company owned by Aleksin gets exclusive rights to import heated tobacco
Alyaksandr Lukashenka has issued a decree granting the company Energo-OIL the exclusive right to import non-smokable tobacco products (heated tobacco «HEETS»). The document has been published on the National Legal Portal. It is said that the decree was signed «in order to create
23.02 / 14:25
Putin, Lukashenka Conclude Talks As West Ramps Up Pressure
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka spent six hours together at Russia's Black Sea resort of Sochi on February 22 for talks on their stalled integration efforts. Their meeting came as each faces mass protests at home and mounting pressure from the West over police crackdowns against opposition leaders and peaceful protesters. The talks started at 3 p.m. local time. The two then went skiing together before continuing the talks during a formal working dinner. The Kremlin
20.02 / 14:36
общество дороги пресс-служба Транспорт Расписание поездов на МЦД-1 и нескольких направлениях МЖД изменится до конца апреля
График движения поездов на МЦД-1, а также Белорусского и Савеловского направлений Московской железной дороги изменится с 24 февраля до конца апреля этого года. Изменения связаны с проведением путевых работ. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба ЦППК.
20.02 / 13:27
праздник Новости Беларуси Специально для «Гродзенскай праўды». Вадим Гигин: «Наши соседи должны внимательно смотреть не только на свою историю, но и уважать нашу»
выступают с предложением даты 17 сентября. Символичным для учреждения нового праздника именно этот день считает декан факультета философии и социальных наук БГУ, кандидат исторических наук Вадим Гигин.
18.02 / 21:25
Беларусь Water line of lakes, relict forests, places of power and Siblings of all Belarusians. Big report from the reserve "Sarochanskie lakes"
The republican landscape reserve "Sarochanskie lakes" with an area of about 15 thousand hectares is located in the north of the Ostrovets district. A unique natural complex where hills of glacial origin alternate with picturesque lakes located in chains, relict trees abounding in the gifts of nature, are flat plains and swampy lowlands, is called the diamond necklace of Belarus. Almost all the lakes of the water thread are interconnected, but especially both in depth and in chemical composition.
16.02 / 19:14
технологии 20 Foreigners In Court For Violating Self Quarantine Rules In Belarus
Today, the court of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk considered cases of at least twenty foreign visitors to Belarus. They were charged with article 23.4 of the administrative code of the Republic of Belarus [disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of an official during the performance of his/her official duties]. The first information about the trials of foreigners appeared in the Lists of Detainees Telegram channel. According to the available documents, the court of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk considered at least twenty cases involving foreign visitors to Belarus.
15.02 / 23:27
технологии Lukashenka Lashes Out, Offers Little Compromise During Congress Of Loyalists Dubbed 'Meeting Of The Illegitimate'
Alyaksandr Lukashenka struck a largely combative, uncompromising tone as he addressed nearly 3,000 loyalists gathered in Minsk for what had been billed as a two-day congress representing all of Belarus. Confronted with months of protests calling for him to step down after some 26 years in power, Lukashenka had said he would quit only after changes to the constitution were made.
15.02 / 23:27
технологии Belarus KGB Chairman: Situation In Country Stabilized, Protests Passed Their Peak
“In Belarus, the situation has stabilized, the protests have passed their peak,” said Chairman of the KGB Ivan Tertel, TASS reports. “We note that the overall situation has stabilized, the peak has passed, protest manifestations have practically disappeared,” said the chairman of the KGB.
15.02 / 23:02
технологии The Guardian view on global protests: passing it on
From Hong Kong to Myanmar and Belarus, the tactics and ethos of activists are transmitted at lightning speed There is something uncannily familiar about the courageous protests against the army’scoup in Myanmar. They echo the country’s previous expressions of anti-military defiance. But they also evoke other scenes that played out more than 1,000 miles
15.02 / 23:27
New Poll: More Than Quarter Of Belarusians Believe Lukashenko Will Resign In 2025
More than a quarter of Belarusians believe that Alexander Lukashenko will cease to be President of Belarus in 2025 when his term ends. This is evidenced by the results of a public opinion“Belarusians’ views on the political crisis” conducted by the British analytical centre in the field of international relations Chatham House.
15.02 / 23:09
Swedish embassy in Minsk harbours two Belarusians for five months
Father and son sought refuge after protests but are becoming a diplomatic issue for Sweden Two Belarusians who sought refuge in the Swedish embassy in Minsk in September are still there five months later, Sweden’s foreign ministry has announced, in a case turning into a diplomatic headache. A father and son, Vitaly and Vladislav Kuznechiki, tried to enter the Swedish embassy in the capital of Belarus on 11 Septembe
15.02 / 23:02
Ukrainian businessman Medvedchuk and his Belarusian connections
Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk is often called «Putin's cousin,» and this is no exaggeration. The Russian president is the godfather of the Ukrainian oligarch's daughter. They have a
15.02 / 23:02
Lukashenko plans 'people's assembly' but Belarus reform unlikely
President who won rigged election last August has backing of Putin and has resumed attacks on dissent Nearly six months after huge street protests over a rigged presidential election were met with a ruthless, violent crackdown by his riot police, the Belarusian autocrat Alexander Lukashenko is still clinging on to power, and appears more determined than ever to prevail in his standoff with much of the country’s population.
08.02 / 16:52
Беларусь Пилип Беспамылковы записал новую песню «From Belarus With Love»
Юрий Юрченко, известный под псевдонимом Пилип Беспамылковы, записал новую песню «From Belarus With Love».Oн опубликовал ее в Twitter.#Belarus will be free.
08.02 / 10:46
смартфоны гаджеты life life:) предлагает скидки на смартфоны и фитнес-браслеты. Что отдается выгоднее, чем обычно
В life:) предлагают ряд смартфонов и другой техники со скидками. Правда, с оператором придется заключить контракт на обслуживание по определенным тарифам. Об этом говорится на сайте компании.В сообщении оператора говорится: «Специальная цена действует при покупке одним платежом с тарифом „Шейк“ или „Play“».
06.02 / 18:08
Беларусь “White Moss": healing sphagnum, the secrets of the raised bog and the abode of the Old Believers
The youngest republican wetland reserve "White Moss" in Grodno region was declared on an area of 887.55 hectares in the Ostrovets district in 2015. It was created to preserve valuable forest and swamp ecological systems, rare biotopes, populations of wild animals and valuable plants in their natural state, included in the Red Book of Belarus. The reserve is located in the Belarusian-Lithuanian borderland, therefore tourist routes do not pass through it, and you can get here only with a pass.
05.02 / 18:32
технологии Former Belarusian Banker, Would-Be Presidential Candidate To Face Trial On February 17
MINSK — Viktar Babaryka, a former Belarusian banker whose bid to challenge Alyaksandr Lukashenka in last year’s disputed presidential election was halted by his arrest, is due to go on trial on February 17. The announcement on Babaryka’s Telegram channel on February 4 came shortly after a preliminary hearing at a district court in Minsk earlier in the day at which Babaryka was not present. Several co-defendants wer
05.02 / 18:50
EU Ambassador Speaks About Sanctions, Assistance To Belarus And Attempts To Visit Detainees
In an interview, Dirk Schuebel also spoke about sanctions, numerous attempts to get into pre-trial detention facilities where political prisoners are held, about EU assistance to Belarus, and explained why the EU cannot declare the OMON [riot police] and GUBOPiK [the Main Directorate for combating organized crime] terrorist organizations. Here are some excerpts from the interview. On sanctions “The European Union does not take restrictive
05.02 / 18:29
крипто Belarusian distributor of Liqui Moly ends contract with brand
The Liqui Moly distributor in Belarus has canceled a contract with the brand. The Belarusian company is unhappy with the brand's «political decision» to refuse to support the Ice Hockey World Championship in Minsk. «This politicized statement of a commercial organization makes it impossible f
05.02 / 18:29
Karpenkau's voice on controversial tape confirmed by examination
According to the examination, it was the current Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mikalai Karpenkau who spoke about the camps for the Belarusian protesters. The Interior Ministry and Foreign Ministry argued that the scandalous audio recording was a fake. ordered an independent e
05.02 / 18:29
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Such an initiative was taken by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, BNS news agency writes. The winner will be known only in October 2021, but it was necessary to submit the nomination before January 31. Parliamentarians,
04.02 / 15:32
технологии Belarus's Supreme Court To Hear Jailed Opposition Figure Babaryka's Case, Removing Chance To Appeal
MINSK — Lawyers for Viktar Babaryka, a Belarusian banker once seen as a potential challenger to Alyaksandr Lukashenka but who was prevented from running in the presidential election and jailed on corruption charges, say his case will be heard directly by the country's Supreme Court, a move that takes away any chance of appeal. «Viktar Babaryka's right to appeal his verdict has been rejected,» lawyer Dzmitry Layeuski, a member of Babaryka's legal team, wrote on Facebook on January 28.
04.02 / 15:54
крипто EU Prepares Fourth Package Of Sanctions Against Belarus, Considers 165 Names
The European Union is preparing to adopt the fourth package of sanctions against Belarusian officials and those who take part in arrests, tortures, beatings of peaceful demonstrators, and human rights violations in Belarus. The new package may be adopted in late February or early March, Franak Vyachorko, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya’s advisor on international affairs, told TUT.BY.
04.02 / 15:54
Biden And Belarus: Atlantic Council Presents Strategy For New Administration
The Atlantic Council made recommendations for the 46th U.S. President in its report “Biden and Belarus: A Strategy for the New Administration.” According to the authors of the report, Biden has as “a historic opportunity to bring Europe together and reverse the tide of dictatorship by building an international coalition to support democracy in Belarus.” The authors of the report are journalist and diplomat Andres Aslund, deputy director of the Atlantic Council Eurasian Center Melinda Haring, former US Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Ukraine John Herbst and former US Ambassador to Russia, former Deputy Secretary-General of NATO Alexander Vershbow.
04.02 / 15:47
Bankers And Businessmen Detained. Whereabouts Of Former Prime-Minister Unknown
The Belarusian security forces detained a group of former and current bankers, as well as representatives of commercial structures. Three independent sources confirmed this information to TUT.BY. “Gennady Sysoev, top managers o
04.02 / 15:47
Detained Belarusian Protesters Describe August Stay In Internment Camp
MINSK — Prisoners packed into barracks deep in the forest, ringed by meters-high fencing, topped with barbed wire, and complete with guard dogs and watch towers. What sounds like something from the pages of World War II appears to have been the actual fate of more than 100 Belarusians in August 2020, when protests erupted across the country after a presidential election that tens of thousands believe was rigged to extend the decades-long rule of Alyaksandr Lukashenka.
04.02 / 15:32
Belarus Police Detain More Than 160 As Protests Against Lukashenka's Rule Continue
Police in Belarus detained more than 160 people during demonstrations on January 31 calling for longtime strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka to step down. Video showed police dressed in black grabbing protesters from the sidewalk and putting them in minibuses. Another video s