USA Belarus Eu USA Belarus Eu

EU And U.S. Support Opposition’s Initiative To Hold Election In Belarus In 2021

The EU and the U.S. supported the initiative of the Belarusian opposition to hold a presidential election in Belarus in 2021, reports. “Last week, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya’s office invited people to vote for the opposition’s negotiations with the Lukashenko regime through the international mediation and the search for a platform for holding elections this year, not in 2022.

The United States supports this initiative,” said US Ambassador to Belarus Julie Fisher at the Kastus Kalinouski Сonference in Vilnius on Monday.

In turn, EU Ambassador to Belarus Dirk Schuebel also expressed support for the opposition’s initiative. The negotiations, he said, “should lead to free, democratic elections this year, as Julie [Fisher – Ed.] said,.

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