Артем Сытник Украина набу Конституционный суд Артем Сытник Украина
/ dsnews.ua

Court Compels SBI to Investigate Sytnyk for Contempt of Constitutional Court Decree (DOCUMENT)

A court has granted a complaint by the TV presenter Dmytro Spivak accusing NABU Director Artem Sytnyk of usurping power and compelled the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) to register the relevant data in the Uniform Register of Pretrial Investigations.

If convicted, Sytnyk potentially faces a long time behind bars Yesterday, 7 October 2020, the Shevchenkivskiy District Court of Kiev reviewed a complaint by a lawyer representing the TV presenter Dmytro Spivak against a failure by the SBI to register within 24 hours the relevant data in the Uniform Register of Pretrial Investigations (URPI) and open a case based on Spivak’s report of wrongdoing by NABU Director Sytnyk.

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