Dmytro Spivak - главные новости

07.12 / 20:17
Bakhmatyuk Offered to Inject 200 m Dollars into VAB Bank Only to See Its Assets Sell for 8m
Oleg Bakhmatyuk talks about that in an interview to the TV journalist Dmytro Spivak of Channel 112, as reported by Ukrainian News.  
07.12 / 15:58
We’ve Built a Bridge That Everything Moves Across: Bakhmatyuk Recounts How He Opened Up Chinese Market for Ukraine
The businessman told his story in an interview to the TV journalist Dmytro Spivak of Channel 112. Oleg Bakhmatyuk remembers being told by immigration authorities in Shanghai when returning from mainland China that he had continuously stayed in China for 244 days. He recalls that before that time the PRC’s business and political circles weren’t exactly sure where Ukraine was even situated. One year later, China’s leadership stated at a Communist Party congress that Ukraine was the PRC’s strategic partner, as reported by Ukrainian News.
08.10 / 20:57
набу Конституционный суд Court Compels SBI to Investigate Sytnyk for Contempt of Constitutional Court Decree (DOCUMENT)
A court has granted a complaint by the TV presenter Dmytro Spivak accusing NABU Director Artem Sytnyk of usurping power and compelled the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) to register the relevant data in the Uniform Register of Pretrial Investigations. If convicted, Sytnyk potentially faces a long time behind bars