Aleksandr Lukashenko New York Belarus Ukraine Russia city Minsk city Moscow Aleksandr Lukashenko New York Belarus Ukraine Russia city Minsk city Moscow

As Putin Pushes a Merger, Belarus Resists With Language, Culture and History

The figurine, unearthed by archaeologists in the ruins of an ancient city on the outskirts of Minsk, the Belarus capital, is a chess piece, probably a knight.

It’s proof, in the poet’s view, that his country has existed for a millennium as a culture and polity separate from Russia. “This means that 1,000 years ago people on this spot were sitting playing chess,” said Gleb Labadzenka, the poet. “Our neighbors’ capitals — Moscow, Warsaw, Vilnius — did not even exist at this time, but here we were playing chess.” In Belarus, Ukraine and other parts of the defunct Soviet Union, an endless tug-of-war between Moscow and its former dominions has often been defined by quarrels over oil and gas pipelines, military alignments, and geopolitics.

At bedrock, however, are sharp differences over history, culture and language. And it is on this front, Mr. Labadzenka and like-minded Belarusians believe, that their country can best resist pressure from President Vladimir V.

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