Олег Бахматюк Ирина Венедиктова Ukraine Народные депутаты Олег Бахматюк Ирина Венедиктова Ukraine
/ dsnews.ua

Over 150 MPs Sign Petition to Venediktova to Defend Ukrlandfarming from Persecution against Bakhmatyuk

This is according to a report by Interfax Ukraine, as published by DS. We are seriously concerned about the five-year-long persecution by NABU of the company without a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing by either the company or its founder, reads a copy of the petition shared with the news agency Interfax Ukraine and signed by both opposition MPs and members of the ruling party, Servant of the People.

It mentions two cases; one is against the agricultural holding company Avangard, a subsidiary of Ukrlandfarming, alleging fraud in obtaining VAT refunds when building the egg farms Avis and Chornobayivska, and the other case concerns refinancing by the NBU of VAB Bank that Bakhmatyuk once owned.

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