Eu - главные новости

01.09 / 11:57
Unemployment Rate. EU, 11:00 (GMT+2)
At 11:00 (GMT+2), the July data on the unemployment rate in the EU countries will be published. This indicator captures the percentage of the number of unemployed over 18 years of age to the total working-age population.
31.08 / 12:17
Consumer Price Index. EU, 11:00 (GMT+2)
At 11:00 (GMT+2), the August data on the consumer price index in the EU countries will be released. The indicator is the main indicator of inflation in the region.
31.08 / 12:17
Consumer Confidence. EU, 16:00 (GMT+2)
At 16:00 (GMT+2), the August data on the consumer confidence index in the EU countries will be published. The indicator is calculated based on a survey of 2.3K households that assess the prospects for the economy.
04.08 / 17:13
Ozon August: a bad month for Russian assets (Russian DRs conversion in focus)
We forecast that sales of Russian depositary receipts during August's conversion could range between $5 bln and $18 bln, including sales by foreign-controlled companies (CFC).
01.08 / 13:44
airlines Aviat Provident Belarus resolutely disagrees with findings of ICAO report on Ryanair incident
Belarus resolutely disagrees with the findings of the ICAO final report and the resolution of the ICAO Council of 18 July. The report is based on incomplete information, Denis Dovgalev, counselor of the Delegation of Belarus to the OSCE, said in response to the statement of the EU delegation at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diplomat noted that Belarus did not plan to separately raise the issue of blatant injustice and bias related to the consideration of the report on the incident with flight Ryanair FR4978 in ICAO. The position of Belarus, its arguments are set out in detail in the document, which was distributed under SEC. DEL/331/22 on 27 July. «Since the European Union has decided to draw attention to this topic, we will also take this opportunity to comment on a number of key aspects of this case,» Denis Dovgalev said.
01.08 / 13:44
Aviat Ryanair ADR Belarus' diplomat comments on OSCE's discussion of Ryanair incident
Belarus has every right to show the truth to the world, and it once again declares the inadmissibility of the findings of the ICAO report on the incident involving the Ryanair flight FR4978 and will consistently and persistently prove its innocence, Head of the Central Office of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Irina Velichko told BelTA. At the OSCE Permanent Council meeting on 28 July the Delegation of Belarus to the OSCE responded to the statement of the delegations of the EU and the USA.
04.07 / 15:50
санкции политика Беларусь Стало известно, когда может быть согласован седьмой пакет санкций против РФ и Беларуси
Рикард Йозвяк.There is a push in the EU to agree on a 7th sanctions package on #Russia before the summer holidays start at the end of July. Might not include gas & nuclear but rather more listings, closing loopholes in previous packages & gold.
04.07 / 13:42
Block ups FIVE Lukashenko: United States, EU failed to rally the world against Russia, Belarus
The United States and the EU failed to rally the world against Russia and Belarus. So new provocations will follow, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting in the run-up to Independence Day in Minsk on 2 July, BelTA has learned. «The United States and the West failed to unite the world against Russia and Belarus. So new provocations will follow,» Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.
15.06 / 13:24
target Russian corporate Eurobonds: getting closer to a single payment scheme
We expect Russia’s Finance Ministry to roll out a single scheme for foreign corporate Eurobond payments that would involve rouble settlements through the National Settlement Depositary (NSD). As soon as it is launched, the spread gap between offshore Russian Eurobonds via Euroclear and those via NSD will narrow significantly (most bonds at NSD are traded at par now).
13.06 / 14:01
ups Lukashenko updates tasks concerning work on Russian market
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has updated the tasks concerning work on the Russian market. The relevant statements were made as he hosted a government conference to discuss the operation of the Belarusian pavilion at the VDNH expo in Moscow, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “The current situation around Belarus, particularly in economy, determines special topicality and certain unconventional actions are required because of it. It is clear that in the current situation the Russian Federation has become our main partner as it was before and even more so [now].
07.06 / 19:19
Block Sixth round of EU sanctions against Russia: NSD in focus
On 25 February, when settlements were shut down, Euroclear blocked ₽1.8 trln, or about $27 bln, in international assets held by Russian residents (mostly shares).
06.06 / 13:31
target Block Belarus calls on UN to combat and prevent disinformation
Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Switzerland Larisa Belskaya took part in an online seminar «Towards a common approach to countering disinformation online» on 2 June, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event was organized by the EU and a number of countries, including Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and Japan, on the sidelines of the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2022 in Geneva. According to the Belarusian permanent representative, many countries face the problem of disinformation, including Belarus, which has become a target of disinformation organized by state and non-state structures from abroad.
06.06 / 13:25
Lukashenko on EU sanctions: They are shooting themselves in the foot
By imposing sanctions the EU countries are shooting themselves in the foot, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at an opening ceremony of city children's polyclinic No. 9 in Minsk, BelTA has learned «No one cares about economy. They do not think about it.
06.06 / 13:25
Lukashenko: Unity with Russia is best option for EU
Unity with Russia is the best option for the EU, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at an opening ceremony of city children's polyclinic No. 9 in Minsk, BelTA has learned. «The best option for Europe (I am an experienced politician) is unity with Russia and the creation of a huge center of power. Technological West, resource-rich Russia (post-Soviet space).
28.03 / 13:17
visa Provident Citizens 2,734 Ukrainians enter Belarus since 25 March
Since Friday, 25 March, 2,734 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus. 646 of them came to Belarus through the EU, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. From 6.00 on 25 March to 6.00 on 28 March, 2,088 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus across the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.
27.02 / 21:08
общество ЕС профинансирует поставку летального оружия в Украину
For the first time, the EU will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and equipment to a country under attack. We are also strengthening our sanctions against the Kremlin.
21.02 / 14:00
Belarus MFA invites about 30 observers from EU countries
Belarus' Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited about 30 international observers from the EU countries to monitor the referendum on the constitutional amendments in Belarus, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said on the air of the Belarus 1TV channel, BelTA has learned. «The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited about 30 individuals representing the countries of the European Union. Those are the people who have expressed a desire to participate in the observation of the referendum. We are open
21.02 / 13:56
Enterprise PM: If necessary, Belarus will stop timber supplies to Lithuania
Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko spoke about the possible termination of timber exports to Lithuania in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. “If we look at the goods Belarus exports to Lithuania, these are wood products.
28.01 / 22:46
Lukashenko slams sanctions ‘as modern-day inquisition”
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the sanctions pressure against Belarus and other states as he delivered his Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly in Minsk on 28 January, BelTA has learned. «Another front of the attack on Belarus is sanctions. This is not just our challenge.
24.01 / 14:18
Cooper Aviat Lukashenko calls situation on Belarus' southern border increasingly complicated
The situation on Belarus' southern border is getting more and more complicated, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said while approving the decision on the state border protection for 2022 on 24 January, BelTA has learned. “Naturally, the security of our state begins with the border, because our sovereignty is safe within our border. The border troops make a considerable contribution to ensuring sovereignty and our effective work in a peaceful period,” the head of state said. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that in 2021, due to the influx of refugees and the deployment of troops from neighboring countries along the Belarusian border, the border guards had to be more vigilant and participate in reconnaissance activities together with the Armed Forces and the State Security Committee. “There is a lot of talk now about our sout
24.01 / 14:18
Cooper Lukashenko hits back at threats of U.S. Department of State
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko hit back at the threats and patronizing tone of the U.S. Department of State representatives against Belarus as he approved the decision on the state border protection for 2022 on 24 January, BelTA has learned. «Just a day ago I was told about the threats from the U.S. Department of State.
29.12 / 12:40
man Citizens 140 people recognized as victims of crimes of Polish border guards on Belarus-EU border
All in all, 140 people were recognized as victims of the atrocities committed by the Polish security forces at the Belarus-Poland border. Materials of the criminal investigation will be forwarded to all international organizations, including the UN and the Council of Europe.
25.12 / 10:41
Specially for "GP" Alexey Avdonin: "The situation on the border of Belarus and Poland with migrant refugees is actually a new form of international terrorism"
Alexey Avdonin, analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies: - The situation on the border of Belarus and Poland with refugee migrants is actually a new form of international terrorism, which is used both against the Republic of Belarus and the European Union, and is focused primarily on deflecting the attention of the EU public from the problems associated with COVID-19 and deterioration of the socio-economic situation and the well-being of citizens.
15.12 / 20:30
MET Waters FIVE Helping refugees starving in Poland’s icy border forests is illegal – but it’s not the real crime
Anna Alboth with refugees in Narewka, Poland, near the Belarus border. ‘We cannot take people with us or drive them to a safe place.
14.12 / 16:55
ups FIVE Lukashenko vows union of Belarus and Russia will be better than EU
The union of Belarus and Russia will be a more powerful, mature and advanced integration association than the European Union, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview to the Turkish broadcaster TRT on 9 December, BelTA has learned. During the interview, the journalist asked about the prospects for the development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia and asked whether this association will be similar to the European Union. «This union [of Belarus and Russia] will be more advanced and more stable,» the head of state replied.
29.11 / 13:32
target Provident Lukashenko: USA wants to use Poland, Baltic states, Ukraine to start war
The United States of America wants to unleash a war using Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine and the migrant crisis on the border of Belarus, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he spoke at a joint meeting of the Constitutional Commission and the working group on finalizing the new Constitution draft on 25 November, BelTA informs. “They seek to get closer to Moscow. And this ‘balcony' here obstructs them, they need to cut it off.
29.11 / 13:28
MET Lukashenko meets with refugees on Belarus-Poland border
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with refugees stranded on the Belarus-Poland border on 26 November, BelTA has learned. The head of state had a conversation with refugees who still hope to get to the European Union at the logistics hub near the Bruzgi checkpoint.
22.11 / 20:26
Telegram ups Lukashenko says Belarusian troops may have helped refugees reach Europe
The Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has acknowledged that his troops probably helped Middle Eastern asylum seekers cross into Europe, in the clearest admission yet that he engineered the new migrant crisis on the border with the EU. In an interview with the BBC at his presidential palace in Minsk, he said it was “absolutely possible” that his troops helped migrants across the frontier into Poland. “Maybe someone helped them. I won’t even look into this,” he said.
22.11 / 13:11
man Waters One-year-old Syrian child dies in forest on Poland-Belarus border
A one-year-old child from Syria has died in a forest in Poland near the border with Belarus, according to Polish medical workers, becoming the youngest known victim of the crisis on the eastern edge of the European Union. Thousands of people attempting to reach the EU are still stranded in freezing conditions, amid a standoff between the bloc and Belarus, which has been accused of deliberately creating the crisis by flying in people from the Middle East and facilitating their travel to the border. The Polish Emergency Medical Team PCPM, an NGO, said the child was the son of a Syrian couple who it had assisted in the early hours of Thursday.
22.11 / 12:54
Lukashenko blames West for financing, controlling last year's mutiny
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko pursues an independent policy and acts primarily in the interests of the Belarusian nation. He made the relevant statement in an interview with the BBC, BelTA has learned.
22.11 / 12:53
UN representatives in Belarus visit temporary refugee accommodation point on Belarus-Poland border
UN representatives in Belarus visited the temporary refugee accommodation point in the transport and logistics center on the Belarusian-Polish border on 20 November, BelTA has learned. They inspected the accommodation conditions in the transport and logistics center. When talking to the media, Head of the UNCHR Office in Belarus Mulusew Mamo called on the European Union to jointly resolve the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border.
22.11 / 12:47
ups Cooper Lukashenko: The EU shies away from contacts on migrant crisis
Contact persons from the European Union who were supposed to cooperate with Belarus on the refugee crisis do not get in touch, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received Grodno Oblast Governor Vladimir Karanik and President's Aide – Inspector for Grodno Oblast Yuri Karayev on 22 November, BelTA has learned. “I am waiting for the EU's decision on 2,000 refugees.
15.11 / 13:55
Cooper Lukashenko sketches out Belarus-Russia tight cooperation in security, defense
Belarus-Russia cooperation in defense and security is particularly tight and involves no issues at all. Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement in an interview with Igor Korotchenko, a military expert and Editor-in-Chief of the Russian magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona [national defense] on 9 November, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We have absolutely no issues in defense and security.
15.11 / 13:35
Provident Makei, Borrell discuss situation on Belarus-Poland border over phone
Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei and Vice President of the European Commission, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell held a telephone conversation, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Belarus confirmed its readiness for an equal and mutually respectful dialogue with the European Union. The futility of sanctions and counterproductivity of such approaches to the development of relations between Belarus and the EU was emphasized,” the statement reads.
15.11 / 13:27
Provident Belarus ready to fly refugees home, but they do not want to
Belarus is ready to fly refugees back to their homeland, but they do not want to return, Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting with the working group to finalize the draft Constitution, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus has been doing its best to prevent refugees from gathering on the state border. Moreover, the president said, Belarus is ready to fly the refugees, who have changed their mind to make it to the European Union, back to their homeland.
15.11 / 13:23
ups MET Citizens Lukashenko promises tough response to EU's new sanctions
The European Union's new sanctions against Belarus will be met with tough response, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the meeting with the working group on finalizing the new Constitution draft on 15 November, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarus was accused of creating a migrant crisis and therefore the European Union is threatening to adopt another package of sanctions against the country. “Facilitating a migration flow through Belarus is more trouble than it is worth.
08.11 / 18:01
Block Cooper Provident 35 OSCE Countries Demand Answers From Belarus On 'Serious' Rights Violations
Dozens of member states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have invoked the so-called Vienna Mechanism to request answers from Belarus on “serious human rights violations and abuses” taking place in the country following a disputed presidential election in August 2020. In a letter dated November 4 and sent to the Belarusian permanent representative to the OSCE in Vienna, the United States, Canada, all EU member states except Poland, and seven other European countries said the situation in Belarus has “deteriorated” over the past year.
25.10 / 13:56
target airlines EU Ministers Meet Amid Talk Of New Measures Against Belarus Over Migrants
The European Union's foreign ministers have expressed support for new measures to halt the flow of illegal migrants that the bloc accuses Belarus of sending in retaliation for sanctions against authoritarian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his regime over its crackdown on the opposition. As the ministers gathered for a meeting in Brussels on October 18, several called for fresh sanctions against Minsk, as well as measures targeting Belarus's state airline, Belavia, as migrants from the Middle East and Africa continue to pour over the border on the EU's eastern flank.
25.10 / 13:03
FIVE Extreme Ursula von der Leyen says EU will not fund ‘barbed wire and walls’
The EU will not fund “barbed wire or walls”, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has said, in defiance of calls from some governments to build protective defences against migrants seeking to enter the bloc. A number of EU leaders have voiced concerns in recent weeks over a rise in numbers of people seeking to cross the bloc’s borders, with eight having died at the Polish border with Belarus in recent months.
15.10 / 18:45
Belarus Border Crisis Intensifies As Germany Reports Huge Jump In Migrants, Poland Plans 'Barrier'
The arrivals in Germany mark an expansion of similar problems this year as swelling numbers of migrants from increased flights to Belarus have crossed porous borders into EU member states Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland.
15.10 / 18:36
visa man Poland criticised over stranded migrants after seventh death at border
Identity documents suggest latest person to die was 24-year-old Syrian who arrived in Belarus last month Polish police have found another body near the border with Belarus amid fresh allegations that Warsaw is breaking international law in its treatment of migrants stranded in harrowing conditions on the EU’s eastern frontier. The man’s body was spotted in a field by a helicopter crew, police said, bringing to seven the number of people rep
11.10 / 13:21
target Warsaw Says Shots, Likely Blanks, Fired From Belarus At Polish Troops
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has voiced support for the troops guarding the Belarusian frontier from illegal migration after reports that Belarusian forces allegedly fired shots — possibly blank ammunition — at Polish servicemen. Morawiecki tweeted that «all state powers» were behind the border guards and the military. Earlier on October 8, Polish Border Guards spokeswoman Anna Michalska said Belarusian forces fired shots a
11.10 / 12:51
Belarus' border service: Lithuania transfers refugees to other EU countries
Lithuania transfers refugees from its camps to other EU countries, the State Border Committee of Belarus told BelTA. According to the State Border Committee, it has reliable information suggesting that Lithuania is purposefully and consistently transferring refugees from its territory to other EU countries. On 29 September, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania officially announced that more than 700 illegal migrants fled from accommodation centers in Lithuania since the beginning of this year.
07.10 / 16:27
MET Provident FIVE Concerns grow over Poland’s treatment of migrants stuck at Belarus border
Concerns over Poland’s treatment of migrants stranded on its border with Belarus are mounting after Warsaw this week ignored domestic and international criticism to extend a state of emergency and sought to portray them as dangerous deviants. The European commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, met the Polish interior mini
04.10 / 12:30
ups ITI Capital global commodities review: The revenge of the old economy — what to buy?
Source: BP statistical review, ITI CapitalSource: BP, ITI Capital* The amounts are rounded and given in million tonnes of oil equivalent per year (1 Mtoe = 11.63 TWh, 1 TWh = 109 kWh)Source: Bloomberg, ITI CapitalCountries and regions with the highest reliance on energy imports such as the EU, China and US are driving up the prices.
30.09 / 21:25
visa FIVE EU seeks to tighten Belarus visa rules amid growing migrant crisis
The European Commission has said it wants to suspend easy access to visas for Belarusian officials in an attempt to deter it from pushing migrants from the Middle East and Africa across its border with the bloc. Neighbouring Poland, Lithuania and Latvia have declared states of emergency after a sharp increase in arrivals at their borders with Belarus, accusing the country’s dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, of an act of “hybrid warfare” in seeking to orchestrate a EU migrant crisis.
30.09 / 21:19
man ups Waters Four migrants stuck on Poland-Belarus border die of hypothermia and exhaustion
Four people stranded on the border between Poland and Belarus have died in recent days, officials have said, amid continuing allegations that Minsk is abandoning migrants at its frontier in an attempt to put pressure on the EU. Polish authorities said three people, including an Iraqi man, were found dead, from hypothermia and exhaustion, on the Polish side of the border on Saturday, and the body of a woman was seen on the Belarus side on Sunday.
10.09 / 18:57
Bill to suspend Belarus-EU readmission agreement in parliament soon
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has decided in favor of bringing a bill on suspending the agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the European Union on the readmission of individuals, who stay without permission, into the House of Representatives of the National Assembly. The document was prepared by the government in response to unfriendly actions of the European Union and its member states towards Belarus, the press service of the head of state told BelTA.