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Belarus resolutely disagrees with findings of ICAO report on Ryanair incident

Belarus resolutely disagrees with the findings of the ICAO final report and the resolution of the ICAO Council of 18 July.

The report is based on incomplete information, Denis Dovgalev, counselor of the Delegation of Belarus to the OSCE, said in response to the statement of the EU delegation at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diplomat noted that Belarus did not plan to separately raise the issue of blatant injustice and bias related to the consideration of the report on the incident with flight Ryanair FR4978 in ICAO.

The position of Belarus, its arguments are set out in detail in the document, which was distributed under SEC. DEL/331/22 on 27 July. «Since the European Union has decided to draw attention to this topic, we will also take this opportunity to comment on a number of key aspects of this case,» Denis Dovgalev said.

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