city Minsk city Minsk

Ex-Berkut fighter visits Lukashenka's residence with Minsk riot police

Ex-Berkut fighter Sergei Kiminchyzhi was among the Minsk riot policemen, who visited Lukashenka's residence. Ex-Berkut fighter Sergei Kiminchizhi was among the Minsk riot policemen, who visited Lukashenka's residence — the Palace of Independence.

Now Sergei is one of the commanders of Minsk riot police. In August he took part in dispersal of protesters, and earlier he detained political activists and testified against them in court.

Sergei Kiminchizhi is 37 years old. He was born in the village of Vasilievka, Odessa region. He served in the army, and then went to serve in the Odessa-based special police force «Berkut».

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