Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай Belarus Indonesia Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай Belarus Indonesia

Ambassador: Belarus supports Serbia in most important matters for the country

Sergei Malinovsky Belarus supports Serbia in issues of fundamental importance for the country, newly-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Serbia with concurrent accreditation to Northern Macedonia Sergei Malinovsky told the media on 20 November, BelTA has learned. “Serbia is a historically close partner for Belarus.

Our interaction is traditionally based on the spiritual and cultural closeness of the peoples. But, as the head of state noted, not everything in our relations is developing as we would like them to be.

Therefore, one of my main tasks is an intensive dialogue on the political landscape, clarification of positions. Of course, Belarus has always supported and continues to support Serbia in issues of fundamental importance for the country.

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