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The power of innovation. Oleksandr Kardakov’s miltech designs strengthen Ukrainian defence sector. How they work

Oleksandr Kardakov is an IT businessman, author of the cutting-edge miltech designs, founder of Octava Defence, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Octava Capital. For more than 20 years, he has been developing and manufacturing specialised equipment and has founded a number of successful iconic IT companies, such as Datagroup, Incom, and Megatrade.

Oleksandr Kardakov’s projects have withstood numerous challenges and crises and continue to expand today. Over the last two decades, the entrepreneur has been accumulating the vast experience and expertise of professional engineers in his businesses, building a strong, energetic team. Therefore, when miltech innovations became much sought after following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Kardakov was able to launch the development and mass production of such products on a short notice.

Many of them have proven their efficiency both at and behind the front lines, including the protection of critical infrastructure facilities. Forbes BrandVoice talks about those designs that can be discussed publicly

founder of Octava Defence, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Octava Capital, author of miltech designs:

Globally, Ukraine is very competitive in the field of military technology. In recent years, our market has seen the emergence of numerous start-ups with strong R&D potential.

However, many of their designs end up as experimental prototypes only, without ever going into mass production, largely due to a lack of funding and professional engineers. Professionals with the right set of skills are actually very scarce. To address this problem, we redeploy our engineers from our other projects. We also invest our own funds in product development and scaling, as this allows us to

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