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В сеть попали изображения Galaxy Z Fold 6 и Flip 6.

Information about new foldable phones Samsung – Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 – has been leaked. Evan Blass общие high quality images of these phones. These images give us the best idea of these new models, despite the fact that there have been many leaks in recent weeks.

Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 color options revealed

Leaks show that Galaxy Z Fold 6 will be available in two colors: Navy and Silver. The navy color is dark and looks very elegant. It’s a nice change from the usual black and silver phones we often see. The silver color is also available for those who prefer a classic look.

Galaxy Z Flip 6 will also be available in two colors: Blue and Silver. The blue color of the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is very light, almost like a sky blue or periwinkle blue. It’s different from the deep blue color that some might expect. The silver color for the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is the same as the Galaxy Z Fold 6, offering a sleek and stylish option.

From the leaked images, we can see that both phones have a sleek design. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 has a large foldable screen that opens like a book, providing a large display for multitasking and entertainment. Galaxy Z Flip 6 has a clamshell design, making it compact and easy to carry. Both phones are expected to have high-quality displays and advanced camera systems, but the exact details are not yet known.

Samsung is expected to announce the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 at the Galaxy Unpacked event on July 10. Although Samsung has not officially confirmed it, it has already teased these new models. The event is just around the corner, so we’ll know more details soon.

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