MET - главные новости

16.03 / 00:34
спорт google MET Брюгге Яремчука официально возглавил де Миль
Брюгге официально назначил нового главного тренера.
13.03 / 15:02
MET Cooper Provident Belarus seeks to deepen bilateral ties with Sudan
Belarus seeks to deepen bilateral ties with Sudan, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Zayats said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Sudan to the Republic of Belarus Mohammed Omer Musa Ali, BelTA has learned. Sudan and Belarus have warm relations, the deputy prime minister noted. «Belarus is ready to continue cooperation with Sudan in all promising areas of activity: industry, agriculture, energy, medicine, education,» Leonid Zayats said.
13.03 / 14:32
ups MET Cooper Belarus, Hungary seek closer cooperation in tourism
Belarusian Sport and Tourism Minister Sergei Kovalchuk has met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Belarus Zsolt Csutora, BelTA learned from the website of the ministry. The parties have exchanged views on enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation, including the resumption of work of the working group on tourism set up as part of the Belarusian-Hungarian intergovernmental commission.
13.03 / 14:26
MET Cooper Foreign ministers of Belarus, Iran meet in Tehran
The Foreign Ministers of Belarus and Iran, Sergei Aleinik and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, met in Tehran on the eve of the official visit of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko to Iran, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The top diplomats of Belarus and Iran discussed the state and dynamics of the development of bilateral relations, paying special attention to the practical implementation of Belarusian-Iranian projects. The plan of events to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations was also touched upon.
11.03 / 12:37
происшествия MET Впервые с 1961 года на «Оскаре» не будет красной дорожки
В этом году на церемонии награждения «Оскар» не будет красной дорожки. Её цвет впервые с 1961 года изменили, — звёзды будут блистать на ковровой дорожке светло-бежевого цвета.
09.03 / 17:38
приглашение MET Семейство Кардашьян-Дженнер могут не пригласить Met Gala-2023
По словам источников, основатель Met Gala Анна Винтур уже составила список приглашенных на главное модное мероприятие года. Бал Института костюма музея Метрополитен, больше известный обывателям как Met Gala, в этом году состоится 1 мая, а его тема звучит: "Карл Лагерфельд: линия красоты". Одно из самых престижных мероприятий в 2023 году в мире моды может пройти без присутствия в числе гостей представителей самого известного семейства в мировом шоу-бизнесе Кардашьян-Дженнер, сообщает Page Six.
02.03 / 21:00
MET Mercury В Исландию прибыл американский самолет "судного дня"
США. Из-за того, что самолет предназначен также для работы в случае ядерной войны, его также называют "самолетом судного дня".В случае ядерной войны "самолет судного дня" служит стратегическим центром управления и может связываться с ракетными крейсерами, несущими межконтинентальные ядерные ракеты.A @USNavy E-6B Mercury assigned to @US_STRATCOM Wing One arrived in #Iceland recently, while conducting operations in the USEUCOM area of responsibility.
01.03 / 16:25
связь вооружение пресс-служба MET Mercury США перебросили в Исландию "самолет Судного дня"
США в Европе", говорится в сообщении, обнародованном в Twitter во вторник, 28 февраля.A @USNavy E-6B Mercury assigned to @US_STRATCOM Wing One arrived in #Iceland recently, while conducting operations in the USEUCOM area of responsibility. The crew met w/U.S.
27.02 / 13:53
арест криптовалюта преступления MET Полиция Во Франции арестовали подозреваемых в атаке на Platypus
Французская полиция арестовала двоих подозреваемых в атаке на DeFi-протокол Platypus, в результате которой проект потерял активы более чем на $9 млн.
20.02 / 14:45
MET Cooper Putin on Lukashenko's press conference: ‘I share your positions and approaches'
Russian President Vladimir Putin shared his impressions of the press conference of the head of state for Belarusian and foreign media as he met with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Moscow on 17 February, BelTA has learned. «By the way, I watched your press conference yesterday.
13.02 / 14:31
ups MET Cooper Lukashenko calls for greater unity in CSTO
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko called for greater unity in the Collective Security Treaty Organization as he met with Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Imangali Tasmagambetov on 13 February, BelTA has learned. “Challenges are many. We took the risk to compile the program of our presidency in the organization so that we could try to solve the problems that we have, especially on the borders of CSTO member states. I do not speak of your experience in vain. You have a great memory. You know well both the Caucasus and Central Asia. We have problems there. Let us try to resolve them and, as much as possible, bring the Collective Security Treaty Organization together in these difficult times. You see what is happening on the perimeter,” the Belarusian leader said. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that all members of the CSTO should unite and act together, because it is always easier and simpler to act this way. “If someone thinks that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not our conflict, that we will sit quietly somewhere – nothing of the kind, it will not be like that. The time will come (it is not far away, literally tomorrow) and it will require us to define ourselves, to take a certain position. I am not saying that this should be done to the detriment of national interests. Despite all the shortcomings in the union we will have to clearly define our policy, our line in order to act together. It is always simpler and easier to act together,” the president said.
07.02 / 21:50
спорт теннис чемпионат MET Marvell «Работаю над форхендом». Маттео Берреттини опубликовал фото с молотом Тора
Финалист Уимблдона-2021, 14-я ракетка мира итальянский теннисист Маттео Берреттини опубликовал в социальных сетях забавное фото. В кадре Маттео берёт в руки мьёльнир (молот бога Тора, который, в частности, фигурирует в фильмах киновселенной Marvel. Там Тора играет Крис Хемсворт).
06.02 / 14:52
ups COMPOSITE MET Citizens Lukashenko signs decree on commission for people wishing to return home
I have signed a decree to set up a commission to work with citizens who wish to return to their homeland, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Belarus' Prosecutor General Andrei Shved to receive his report on 6 February, BelTA has learned. “Today I have signed a decree, prepared by a group of specialists headed by you, on the consideration of the applications from Belarusian citizens abroad regarding their possible violation of the law. This is exactly the issue we discussed the other day. I also looked at the composition [of the commission] and other things.
25.01 / 13:34
ups MET Enterprise Provident Belarusian export to Russia up 1.4 times
The export of Belarusian products to Russia has increased by 1.4 times, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik said in an interview to the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. “Export to the Russian Federation went up by 1.4 times, which is a very good result for the Belarusian industry in general. For the first time in history, we have got a positive economic balance in relations with Russia,” said Piotr Parkhomchik.
20.01 / 19:55
MET Пенелопа Крус и Дуа Липа стали сопредседателями бала Met Gala
Пенелопа Крус, Дуа Липа, Микаэла Коэль и Роджер Федерер будут соведущими гала-концерта. 1 мая 2023 года состоится одно из самых известных модных событий в мире с участием мировых звезд — бал Института костюма Met Gala. Но уже стали известны имена первых ведущих.
18.01 / 23:07
спорт Здоровье и красота MET Роджер Федерер вместе с Дуа Липой и Пенелопой Крус станет ведущим Met Gala — 2023
20-кратный чемпион турниров «Большого шлема», бывшая первая ракетка мира швейцарский теннисист Роджер Федерер выбран в качестве ведущих одного из ярких светских событий мира Met Gala – бала нью-йоркского Института костюма. Вместе с Федерером обязанности распорядителей будут выполнять актрисы Михаэла Коэл и Пенелопа Крус, певица Дуа Липа, а также главный редактор американского Vogue и давняя подруга швейцарца Анна Винтур.
16.01 / 15:34
ups MET Cooper Lukashenko on Union State programs: Russia, Belarus are not ceding their sovereignty
There has not been and cannot be any talk of Russia or Belarus giving up their sovereignty, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the meeting to discuss Belarus-Russia Union State integration programs on 12 January, BelTA has learned. “I warn you that there has been no talk of Russia or Belarus giving up their sovereignty, and there can't be such talk. There is simply no need [for that]. The existing format of cooperation with Russia has not been exhausted yet,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
16.01 / 15:08
MET Mezentsev: Belarus, Russia are laying foundation for technological independence
Belarus and Russia are laying a common foundation for technological independence, State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Dmitry Mezentsev told the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “The presidents have set the task to substitute imports in order to create a common foundation for technological independence. This is a good start, and we see that we are making good progress,” Dmitry Mezentsev said. He listed the main areas of cooperation within the framework of the Union State.
15.01 / 09:19
ГАЗ общество MET Германия запустила в эксплуатацию второй LNG-терминал – фото
В Германии в субботу, 14 января, запустили в эксплуатацию второй LNG-терминал. Он расположен в городе Любмине на востоке страны, его поставщиками станут французская TotalEnergies SE и швейцарская MET Group.Подписывайтесь на LIGA.Бизнес в Telegram: коротко о важномКак сообщает Tagesschau, в церемонии открытия терминала принял участие канцлер Германии Олаф Шольц.
09.01 / 14:37
MET Realization of Belarus-Russia Union State programs hailed as new stage of economic integration
The realization of Union State programs of Belarus and Russia determines a brand new stage of economic integration of the two countries. State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Dmitry Mezentsev made the statement as he met with Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA has learned. At the start of the conversation Dmitry Mezentsev thanked Aleksandr Lukashenko for the attention and support and he and the Russian leader give to the relevant Union State agenda.
09.01 / 14:37
ups MET Lukashenko suggests spending more on Union State programs
Programs of the Union State of Belarus and Russia must not be curtailed, it is necessary to increase their funding. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Dmitry Mezentsev, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “It is good that this year is beginning with this event. Sincerely speaking, we have to update the agenda of the Union State and begin by summarizing the accomplishments and sketching out future steps.
27.12 / 12:19
MET Cooper Ambassadors of Belarus, Mexico discuss political contacts, economic ties
Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi has met with recently appointed Ambassador of Mexico to the Russian Federation with concurrent accreditation to Belarus Eduardo Villegas Megias, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission. “The Belarusian ambassador congratulated the Mexican counterpart on his appointment and stated Belarus' intention to strengthen relations with his country in all areas,” the press service said. The parties discussed the ways to intensify political contacts and praised the constructive development of the dialogue through the relevant friendship groups in the parliaments of Belarus and Mexico.
27.12 / 12:19
MET Belarusian-Russian ties, integration processes in Union State discussed
Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi met with Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, head of the CPRF faction in the State Duma Gennady Zyuganov, BelTA learned from the press service of the diplomatic mission. “The parties exchanged opinions on the prospects of Russian-Belarusian relations and integration processes within the Union State, discussed current issues of internal political and foreign policy agenda of the two countries. Special attention was paid to the role of the parliaments in the legislative support of the implementation of 28 Union State programs.
21.12 / 14:46
Беларусь MET Lights were turned on the Christmas tree and meeting was held with the fabulous residents of the estate. The season at the estate of Santa Claus was reopened in Grodno
The festive ceremony of the opening of the Ded Moroz Manor took place on 15th December in Grodno. Children from 8 family-type orphanages in Grodno became the first guests of the fairy estate.
12.12 / 12:36
Digital MET Cooper Belarus, Russia to unify civil legislation
The Justice Ministries of Belarus and Russia have outlined activities in lawmaking and IT-based management for the upcoming two years, Belarusian Justice Minister Sergei Khomenko said as he met with his Russian counterpart Konstantin Chuichenko, BelTA has learned. “I would like to mention the work done to implement the decision of the heads of state, our presidents, aimed at the unification of the civil legislation of Belarus and Russia. For the next two years we have
05.12 / 14:33
Covid-19 MET Lukashenko: Belarus coped with COVID-19 pandemic better than anyone
The Belarusian healthcare system performed well amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich to receive his report on 5 December, BelTA has learned. “Thank you for your work during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have re
05.12 / 17:25
связь общество MET Латвийский технический текстиль был представлен на крупнейшей международной выставке в Амстердаме
METS 2022. На выставке представляют свою продукцию более 1300 компаний из разных стран мира.Уже более 10 лет в данной выставке участвует латвийская компания SIA Magistr — производитель высококачественной канатной продукции.
05.12 / 14:33
Booking MET Cooper Lavrov: We will double down on cooperation in Union State, CSTO, EAEU, CIS in memory of Makei
In memory of untimely deceased Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei, we will double down on strengthening the Union State, the CSTO, the EAEU and the CIS, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said at the Belarusian embassy in Russia, where he left a note in the book of condolences opened in connection with the death of Vladimir Makei on 30 November, BelTA has learned. “The tragic occasion of the visit to the embassy of Belarus is the untimely and completely unexpected death of Vladimir Makei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, an outstanding diplomat, a statesman, a true patriot of his homeland and a great sincere friend of our country,” said Sergey Lavrov. “We met with him a week ago at the CSTO events in Yerevan. Recalling those meet
21.11 / 15:51
Manufacturing MET Cooper Belarus, Association of Chinese Companies discuss cooperation
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko met with Deputy Chairperson of the Association of Chinese Companies in Belarus, Chairperson of the China Peaceful Consolidation Association Zhao Qingqiu, BelTA learned from the Belarusian embassy in Beijing. The parties discussed the current state and prospects of bilateral cooperation in manufacturing, trade, tourism, and other sectors and agreed to maintain interaction between the embassy and the association on the issues of mutual interest for Belarus and China.
14.11 / 14:33
MET Provident Extreme Israel invited to join memorial project in Bronnaya Gora forest in Belarus
Brest Oblast Governor Yuri Shuleiko invited the Jewish community to join the project to create a memorial complex at the site of mass executions during the Great Patriotic War in the Bronnaya Gora forest in Bereza District as he met with chargé d'affaires of Israel Tzevy Mirkin, BelTA has learned. «Several architectural projects of the future memorial are ready. We want it to be a worthy monument. More than 50,000 people were buried there.
14.11 / 14:26
MET Lukashenko briefed on operational situation in Belarus
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with the Internal Affairs Ministry officials to receive a report on the operational situation in the country and the development of the agency, BelTA has learned. The keynote speaker was Internal Affairs Minister Ivan Kubrakov. Attending the meeting were also State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich and Deputy Internal Affairs Ministers Nikolai Karpenkov and Dmitry Korzyuk.
31.10 / 14:16
MET Cooper Enterprise Lukashenko: Belarus' economy recovering, but not yet out of the woods
The economy of Belarus is showing signs of recovery, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko to receive his report on 31 October, BelTA has learned. Attending the meeting were also First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Snopkov, Chairman of the State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov and Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee Inna Medvedeva. “Let us consider a number of issues.
31.10 / 14:16
ups MET Lukashenko announces upcoming meeting with President Putin
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko announced a new meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the near future as he met with Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko to receive his report, BelTA has learned. «In the near future, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and I will meet once again to sum up the results of the year and plan, at least at the level of presidents, our tasks for the coming year,» the Belarusian leader said.
25.10 / 18:57
ups MET Enterprise Belarus' gold, forex reserves changing due to growing transactions in Russian rubles, yuans
The structure of Belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves is changing to accommodate the growing volume of transactions in Russian rubles and Chinese yuans, BelTA learned from Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) Pavel Kallaur. Pavel Kallaur said: “Our gold and foreign exchange reserves hover at $7.5 billion. We've repaid the external state debt by spending $900 million from the gold and foreign exchange reserves just like we planned. We don't expect the gold and foreign exchange reserves to drop below $7 billion till the end of the year. It is under
18.10 / 20:46
MET Lukashenko: Putin has repeatedly suggested solutions to end Ukraine conflict
It is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table to settle the military conflict in Ukraine; the USA should get involved in this negotiating process instead of supplying weapons to Ukraine, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview with the U.S. broadcaster NBC in Astana on 14 October, BelTA has learned. The head of state was asked how Russian President Vladimir Putin reacts to the developments in Ukraine. “Doesn't he seem
03.10 / 13:56
MET Cooper Belarus seeks to expand trade, economic cooperation with Azerbaijan
Belarus is interested in expanding trade and economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Belarus Ulvi Bakhshaliyev, BelTA has learned. “Despite new geopolitical challenges, many partners may envy the dynamics of our interaction. Contacts continue at high and highest levels, including within international organizations and integration formats. This year the Belarusian prime minister paid a visit to Azerbaijan.
23.09 / 13:20
общество MET Голова МЗС Китаю підтримав суверенітет і територіальну цілісність України, - Кулеба
Міністр закордонних справ Китаю Ван Ї запевнив у підтримці його країни суверенітету і територіальної цілісності України.
19.09 / 13:14
MET Cooper Lukashenko: Time for Belarus to become a full member of ‘the Shanghai family'
It is time for Belarus to become a full member of “the Shanghai family”. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Zhang Ming in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on 15 September, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that Belarus has been cooperating with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for 12 years already.
19.09 / 10:17
происшествия президент MET Найбільша поліцейська операція триває у Великій Британії через похорон Єлизавети II
Wired.Раніше найскладніший план безпеки був під час проведення Олімпійських ігор у Лондоні 2012 року, але тепер його посилено. У столиці Сполученого Королівства перебувають представники поліції, екстрених служб, розвідувальних служб, таких як GCHQ і MI5, а також місцеві органи влади.За словами колишнього національного координатора Великої Британії з боротьби з тероризмом Ніка Олдворта, команди будуть працювати у різних “блоках”. Інформацію передаватимуть до старшого офіцера поліції, який прийматиме остаточні рішення.
09.09 / 08:13
спорт Шоу бизнес MET Мария Шарапова рассказала, о чём общалась с Сереной Уильямс в последний раз
Пятикратная чемпионка турниров «Большого шлема», бывшая первая ракетка мира россиянка Мария Шарапова рассказала, о чём общалась в последний раз с 23-кратной победительницей ТБШ Сереной Уильямс. Шарапова и Уильямс встретились на шоу Met Gala в 2021 году.
09.08 / 20:56
Facebook общество засуха MET Великобритания готовится к новой волне аномальной жары
Жители острова в ближайшие дни столкнутся с новой волной аномальной жары, на юго-западе страны температура воздуха может достичь 35 градусов Цельсия. На этой неделе по всей стране нарастает аномальная жара, пиковые значения ожидаются в пятницу и субботу, – заявил метеоролог Met Office Том Морган.
05.08 / 22:03
погода MET Waters Из-за жары впервые пересох исток Темзы
Исток реки Темзы высох из-за длительной жары в стране. Исток реки сместился от официальной точки начала за пределами города Сайренсестер (Глостершир) во время продолжающейся засушливой погоды и теперь находится более чем в 5 милях (8 км) ниже по течению. Доктор Роб Коллинз, директор по политике и науке Rivers Trust, сказал, что «из-за затянувшейся засушливой погоды исток Темзы в Глостершире высох, а слабый поток сейчас едва заметен более чем в 5 милях вниз по течению».
20.07 / 18:02
спорт общество MET Кухаревич проведет еще один сезон в аренде в Левене
Украинский нападающий Николай Кухаревич следующий сезон проведет в аренде в бельгийском Левене.
18.07 / 23:10
люди школы MET Найспекотніший день: вперше в історії королівства в Британії оголошено червоний рівень небезпеки
У понеділок, 18 липня, у низці міст Великобританії, зокрема в Лондоні, температура повітря вдень склала 38 градусів Цельсія. На 19 липня британське метеорологічне агентство Met Office прогнозує 43 градуси. Така спека для британців є аномальною. Це найвища температура за усю історію спостережень.
15.07 / 22:25
Facebook общество сад и огород MET Метеорологическая служба впервые объявила максимальный уровень опасности из-за жары
Метеорологическая служба (Met Office) объявила максимальный уровень опасности из-за жары. Отмечается, что на следующей неделе жара накроет большую часть острова, температура воздуха превысит 30 градусов по Цельсию, а в некоторых местах достигнет 40 градусов по Цельсию.
27.06 / 13:36
MET Russia to hand over Iskander-M missile systems to Belarus within months
Russia will hand over a number of tactical missile systems Iskander-M to Belarus within the next few months. President of Russia Vladimir Putin made the statement as he met with Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko in St Petersburg on 25 June, BelTA has learned. Speaking about security matters, Vladimir Putin pointed out that Americans keep 200 units of tactical nuclear ammunition in Europe.
27.06 / 13:40
MET FIVE Presidents of Belarus, Russia agree to keep import substitution process under tight control
We have agreed with President Putin to keep the process of import substitution under tight control, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Russia's Samara Oblast Dmitry Azarov in Minsk on 27 June, BelTA has learned. «We are pleased that our products and services are fully in demand in the Russian market. Today, the question is no longer how to sell, as it was before.
27.06 / 13:40
MET Aviat Lukashenko suggests tit-for-tat military steps to Putin in response to West actions
It is necessary to take retaliatory steps in the military sphere in response to actions of the West. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement as he met with President of Russia Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg on 25 June, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We are very concerned about training flights of USA and NATO aircraft, which are training to carry nuclear warheads. It is very stress-inducing for us. This is why I ask you to consider a tit-for-tat response to these things. Without overdoing it. They are training to carry nuclear warheads. Please, help us at least adjust the aircraft we have for carrying nuclear payloads. I am not saying that we or you will transport nuclear ammunition over there tomorrow. But we cannot joke about it. We remember 1941 when they were lulling us into a false sense of security. And then we turned out to be unprepared for it. This is why it is a very serious situation for us. It is not the first time I've raised this issue with you. I know you've considered it in the Defense Ministry. I would like to hear how events are going to unfold here.” The Belarus president went on saying: “I am not trying to hide things, we have to be ready for everything even for the employment of the most serious weapons in order to protect our Fatherland from Brest to Vladivostok. It is our direct duty.” As for training flights of aviation of the USA and partners in NATO, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked: “If they are training, they must be thinking about something. Otherwise, why would they train?”