Julie Fisher - главные новости

19.08 / 13:03
Cooper FIVE Belarus withdraws its agrement for U.S. Ambassador to Belarus Julie Fisher
Belarus has withdrawn its agrément for U.S. Ambassador to Belarus Julie Fisher. The United States was also asked to reduce its embassy staff in Minsk to five people by 1 September, BelTA learned from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. Journalists asked whether any action has been taken in response to another round of restrictions imposed by the United States against Belarus.
23.03 / 20:49
EU And U.S. Support Opposition’s Initiative To Hold Election In Belarus In 2021
The EU and the U.S. supported the initiative of the Belarusian opposition to hold a presidential election in Belarus in 2021, Interfax.by reports.
25.12 / 00:04
U.S. Senate Unanimously Approves New Ambassador To Belarus
The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved the appointment of Julie Fisher, deputy assistant secretary for Western Europe and the European Union, as the new ambassador to Belarus.